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Enum3ro — Enumero 1.0 Category: Games Price: $1.99 (iTunes) Description: Enum3ro is not another Sudoku, however it is equally easy to learn, as challenging and even more addictive. It merges basic calculating and strategic planning. An intelligent AI, customizable in its strength, combined with randomly generated levels guarantee a long lasting playfulness.
 Features Besides its addictive gameplay Enum3ro features: • Beautifully designed 2D graphics and animations • Play against the AI or a human player on the same device • Adjust the intelligence of the AI to your skills • An in-game tutorial to get you started • Unlimited number of challenges due to randomly generated levels • Language support for: english, german and french Rules Enum3ro's rules are easy to understand. At the beginning of each game a grid of random numbers prefixed by an operator is generated.
The goal of the game is to collect as many points as possible. In alternating turns you and your opponent choose a tile. The score of the current player is modified by the operator and number indicated on the chosen tile.
Now here is the catch: You can not choose from all the tiles, but only among those from the row/column highlighted in your color. Furthermore, your choice will determine the column/row from which your opponent has to choose his next tile. For example: assuming you have to choose a tile from a column and you pick the third tile from the top, then, in his next turn your opponent will have to choose his next tile from those of the third row from the top.
The game will end, when all the tiles are removed from the game-play or no more moves are possible. 
 Strategy Guide In the following you will find some hints you might consider: • Don't be to greedy! The highest number might not be the best choice. • Don't give up too early! A multiplication by zero can be a tremendous turnaround • Mathematics 101: If your score is negative, a division can be really beneficial, on the other hand if your opponent leads the multiplication by zero can cause real wonders. • Try to think ahead Demonstration movie: http://tinyurl.com/enumero Enum3ro — Enumero 更多...

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