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SimpleEnigma 1.0 Category: Utilities Price: Free (iTunes) Description: SimpleEngima is a simulator for the Enigma encryption machines used during World War II (for more information see Wikipedia). SimpleEnigma is fixed to certain parameters (the rotors are set to type I, II and III and the reflector is set to type B) so as to simplify it and make it available for free. Also, rather than the typical Enigma output of a set of lamps, one for each character, we chose to use a text view that you can see your message appear in. Also, we included a fun "send" button so that you can email your encrypted message to a friend. SimpleEnigma is donation-ware, we ask that if you find it fun or at least mildly amusing, that you consider donating to the Bletchley Park National Museum of Computing. SimpleEnigma 更多...

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