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Jumpin' Joey Lite 1.1.0 Category: Games Price: Free (iTunes) Description: Welcome Mate! Jumpin’ Joey is a “peg jump” strategy game (also known as Peg Solitaire), that takes place in the kangaroo filled outback. Animated bouncing kangaroo pawns and advanced scoring features make Jumpin’ Joey a step above the classic peg jump game. Watch the animated kangaroos hop to life as you direct them around the outback, jumping over their friends, or hopping off as they exit the game. Simply drag a kangaroo, or tap the screen to let them know where you want them to go. Unlock statistically difficult challenges in each puzzle, then use the built-in email feature to brag to your friends when you have successfully solved one. Unable to solve a puzzle? *Shake* the iPhone or iPod Touch to reset the puzzle. The mob of kangaroos will bounce back to their starting positions, and your ready to give it another try! Goal of the Game: The goal of each puzzle is to end up with only 1 kangaroo remaining on the screen. Successfully complete a puzzle, and you may qualify to have your name on the “Top Ten” list where you can send an email to notify, or challenge your friends. Keep your brain alert and entertained with Jumpin Joey puzzles through all the day’s lulls. A great game to keep adults, and kids alike, busy during road trips / car rides, restaurant outings and more! Jumpin' Joey Lite 更多...

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