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Zi 字媒體

Chinese Learner 1.0.1 Device: iOS iPhone Category: Education Price: $2.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0.1 (iTunes) Description: If you want to start learning Chinese, Chinese learner is the way to go. We choose the easy and commonly use characters in the application. Chinese learner is a Chinese learning application on iPhone / iPod. Chinese learner let you learn from separate Chinese characters to vocabularies. Each Chinese character is featuring the traditional Chinese stroke orders, PinYin (pronunciation), simplified Chinese and English meaning. With key stokes and the iPhone / iPod 's built-in handwriting feature, you ever can try to write the Chinese characters.In the first release, we support 150+ characters and 70+ vocabularies. What's New iOS 4.0 SupportedUpdated New High Resolution Icon Chinese Learner 更多...

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