3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

iBBQ 1.0 Category: Games Price: $1.99 (iTunes) Description: iBBQ offers iPhone and iTouch users realistic Japanese style BBQ (Yakiniku). The game features: 1. Realistic pictures of Beef, Vegetable and Seafood with sizzling sound effects 2. Using the iPhone sensor the player can flip the food through a flicking action 3. The game allows player to increase fire by blowing into the iPhone microphone 4. There are two mode, the challenge and time trial mode 5. The realism will leave you craving for more Explore and experience now the realistic sight and sound of authentic Japanese grilling. WARNING: This game will make you extremely hungry! 想要稱霸燒烤界嗎?!日式燒烤王等你來挑戰!!! 遊戲特色: 1. 超真實食材及燒烤音效,讓人食指大動,口水直流!! 2. 獨創整盤翻面功能,只需前後翻動您的iphone即可整盤翻面,省時省力又有趣! 3. 對準麥克風位置用力吹氣即可將火力吹強,別具創意的特殊玩法與真實的烤肉情境無異,火力控制隨心所欲! 4. 情境式流暢真人動畫及真人語音發聲,彷若身歷實境,東洋味十足! 5. 挑戰賽及練習賽雙模式,想體驗緊張感或輕鬆玩,隨您高興! 6. 超貼心燒烤小訣竅,助您闖關成功! 7. 百玩不膩,讓您盡情享受無煙無臭的燒烤樂趣! 貼心提醒: 請勿在過度飢餓的情形下開啟本遊戲,以免畫面太過精采逼真,造成您更加飢餓而後暴飲暴食!! Multi-Language: English 繁體中文 日本語 iBBQ 更多...

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