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Zi 字媒體

iGameClock HD Premium 1.0 Category: Utilities Price: $1.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes) Description: This time to turn your iPad to a digital game clock. The price of this app is much cheaper than physical game/chess clock you buy at store. This app keeps accurate time and supports 7 time controls so it can be used for most two player board games including Chess, Go (aka 囲碁 Igo, 围棋 Weiqi or 바둑 Baduk), Checkers, 将棋 Shogi, Backgammon, Othello, and many others 1- Sudden Death 2- Hourglass 3- Japanese Byoyomi 4- Canadian Overtime 5- Bronstein Delay 6- Fischer Delay 7- Penalty More features: * Clear display and easy to use * Set each clock independently * Highlights the currently running clock * Count total moves of each player * Pause and Resume * Option turn On/Off sound effect * After time runs out, app will show the winner * App will prevent your iPad from going to sleep. iGameClock HD Premium 更多...

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