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Zi 字媒體

說明如下: FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW! Happy jailbreaking/unlocking! REQUIREMENTS: Works on every iPhone and iPod Touch Apple has ever released! Connect your iPhone or iPod Touch to your computer Works on PC, Mac, or Linux! Instructions ================ 1. Turn on your iPhone or iPod Touch and open the Safari app. 2. Type in http://tinyurl.com/appuloha1l and click Go. 3. An Install Profile message will pop up (make sure the green check mark appears and it says verified) then click Install and then click Install Now to confirm. 4. After it says Profile Installed tap done. 5. Close Safari and find the appuloha1l icon on your iPhone/iPod Touch and open it. It might be on the last page. 6. Tap the Cydia icon to install Cydia! If you are using an iPhone install Cydia first and then click the ferociousbird icon to unlock! 然後做完之後,點Cydia只會出現一段蠢影片... 以下是實際操作... 看來我又要改字幕罵人了 http://img194.yfrog.com/i/l6c.mp4/

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