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Mana 1.0 Category: Books Price: $9.99 (iTunes) Description: Mana by John A. Broussard The setting is the Big Island of Hawaii. With its active volcano and its frequent earthquakes, it has long been the subject of Polynesian legends. And, at the core of the legends, are the tales told of the alii, the Polynesian nobility, who possessed a strange power making them invulnerable to attack. Lehua Watanabe, investigative reporter for the Kona News, suddenly acquires this mysterious force, which serves her well in her encounter with organized crime, but which also has strange and unwanted side effects. For other mysteries by John Broussard and an author image, bio, and sample read visit bosonbooks.com. For addition information on publishing your books on iPhone please visit www.AppsPublisher.com Mana 更多...

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