3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

CoinToy (USD Edition) 1.0 Category: Finance Price: $0.99 (iTunes) Description: CoinToy is a fun and entertaining app that shows money being earned in "real-time". Every time you earn a cent, a coin falls down the screen, colliding with other coins you've earned with realistic physics effects and sound. The coins are fully interactive, clinking and bouncing in a realistic way. You can push the coins around, and you can tilt the phone so they roll off the screen. You can also change coin sizes from small to life-size. The app includes some pre-created "visualizations" of money flows. These include: - The National Debt of the USA - Chuck Prince $38m salary (Citigroup CEO) - President Obama's salary - ...and many more. You can create your own visualizations too! Put in your mortgage to be notified with a "clink" whenever a penny disappears from your bank account. Show your friends how much YOU make (or not) each second. Find out exactly how long you need to work before you can buy that coffee. The USD Edition features pennies, nickels, dimes and silver dollars. Also features s$100 dollar platinum eagles to show the National Debt of the USA. Collect the other versions: Euros, Pounds, Canadian and Australian currency editions are available. NZD and JPY versions coming soon! CoinToy (USD Edition) 更多...

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