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What's That Element? (A Periodic Table - Just Faster!) 1.0 Category: Reference Price: $0.99 (iTunes) Description: Ever used a traditional chemistry periodic table application for the iPhone or iPod Touch? The buttons are small, and are difficult to quickly get to the most important information. What's That Element? is better than traditional periodic table apps. If you know the atomic number of an element, but don't know the symbol, how do you find the correct element? If you know the name, but not the symbol, how will a traditional table help out? What's That Element skips the slow searching. Just type in the atomic number, symbol, or name of an element, hit Go, and relevant information about the element pops up immediately. This information includes: the atomic number, name, symbol, atomic mass, electronegativity, oxidation numbers, phase, density, melting point, and boiling point. Even more information is to come. * Does NOT require an Internet connection * Loads quickly * Available for iPhone and iPod Touch It's the faster, better, and easier way to find an element. If you deal with chemistry in your work or if you are a student and ever ask yourself, What's This Element? this app will definitely answer that question. What's That Element? (A Periodic Table - Just Faster!) 更多...

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