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Reiner Knizia's Modern Art: The Card Game 1.02 Device: iOS Universal Category: Games Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.02 (iTunes) Description: Modern Art: The Card Game is Reiner Knizia's classic game of card management and valuation. Given a hand of works from five different artists, you must drive up the prices of your favorites while simultaneously holding back those artists' works to assure yourself of better prices in later rounds. Can you predict the buzz?Six different opponents, each with their own personality, will challenge you at a variety of levels, from EASY to HARD. Figuring out how to work with each will increase your odds of winning the game.Modern Art: The Card Game is built on the same MobileEuroCard platform that RPGnet has used to release four other games by Reiner Knizia and Michael Schacht. Simple gestures, colorful animations, and evocative sounds all combine to make a great gaming experience.This game has been published for the tabletop as Masters Gallery and Modern Art: The Card Game. Though it shares a setting and general ideas with the ******* tabletop release Modern Art, it is a different game. What's New iOS5 update. Also improves look and feel of initial deal and allows iPad users to move among our games with menu icons. Reiner Knizia's Modern Art: The Card Game 更多...

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