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iHottie 1.0 Category: Games Price: $1.99 (iTunes) Description: Test your IQ while pleasing your eyes on beautiful Asian models. Try to move the tiles around until you complete the picture. There are many unique stages that will challenge your brain to the limits. Upon the completion of each stage, blow into the microphone for a special surprise. 擁有天使臉孔魔鬼身材的無名美女睜著水汪汪大眼睛注視著你,你能抗拒的了她們的致命誘惑嗎? iHottie為你收集了多位超性感超火辣的無名正妹,你想要擄獲她們,甚至更進一步的認識她們嗎?那你得先通過拼圖的考驗!完成拼圖後,對著iphone輕輕吹口氣,正妹馬上會有讓你又驚又喜的反應噢! 太心急無法鎮定的拼好拼圖也沒關係,猜猜正妹的性感帶在哪裡,猜對了正妹就會給你特別通行證囉! 關於EzMoBo: http://www.ezmobo.com Language English 繁體中文 iHottie 更多...

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