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After London, by John Richard Jefferies 1.0 Category: Books Price: $1.99 (iTunes) Description: After London by John Richard Jefferies After some sudden and unspecified catastrophe has depopulated England, the countryside reverts to nature, and the few survivors to a quasi-medieval way of life. Beginning with a loving description of nature reclaiming England -- fields becoming overrun by forest, domesticated animals running wild, roads and towns becoming overgrown, the hated London reverting to lake and poisonous swampland -- the rest of the story is an adventure set many years later in the wild landscape. About Jefferies: John Richard Jefferies (November 6, 1848 - August 14, 1887 ) was an English nature writer, essayist and journalist. ---------------------------- Your Mobile Apps Inc. has developed the outstanding ebook reader for iPhone. It includes following features: * Reading Anywhere - No internet needed * Easy Navigation - Well organized chapters * Customizable Reading Experience - Adjustable fonts, size, text and background colors * Night Mode - For reading in dimly lit environments * Bookmarks - Bookmark your favorites chapters and reading progress * Restore Last View - When re-launched, you're returned to the exact location you were last at while reading More and more features will be added into future updates. After London, by John Richard Jefferies 更多...

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