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PyCharm 安裝教程(Windows)[Learn PyCharm] ~ 好用的PYTHON IDE 介紹 資料來源: https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/pycharm-windows-install.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPC-bGdBSM8&list=PLQ176FUIyIUZ1mwB-uImQE-gmkwzjNLjP 套件下載URL http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows https://www.python.org/ GITHUB: https://github.com/jash-git/Learn-PyCharm 安裝教學PDF 影片教學 HTML5 Video Playlist Player var player = document.getElementById('player') var string1="https://github.com/jash-git/Learn-PyCharm/blob/master/movie/" var string2="?raw=true" var playlist = [ "00_Getting Started with PyCharm Quick Tour.mp4", "01_Getting Started with PyCharm 18 Setup.mp4", "02_Getting Started with PyCharm 28 PyCharm UI and Projects.mp4", "03_Getting Started with PyCharm 38 Running Python Code.mp4", "04_Getting Started with PyCharm 48 Productive Coding.mp4", "05_Getting Started with PyCharm 58 Code Navigation.mp4", "06_Getting Started with PyCharm 68 Debugging.mp4", "07_Getting Started with PyCharm 78 Testing.mp4", "08_Getting Started with PyCharm 88 Customizing PyCharm.mp4", "09_PyCharm In-Depth Testing.mp4", "10_PyCharm In-Depth VCS 1 Getting Started.mp4", "11_PyCharm In-Depth VCS 2 Core VCS.mp4", "12_PyCharm In-Depth VCS 3 Branching and Merging.mp4", ] var activeVideo = 0 var fileurl = string1 + playlist[activeVideo]+ string2 player.src = fileurl player.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { // update the new active video index activeVideo = (++activeVideo) % playlist.length var string1="https://github.com/jash-git/Learn-PyCharm/blob/master/movie/" var string2="?raw=true" var fileurl = string1 + playlist[activeVideo]+ string2 player.src = fileurl player.play() })

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