3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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沒想到吃過幾次的台南赤崁璽樓餐廳最近也推出自有品牌福祿壽鳳梨酥囉!保證100%土鳳梨餡,採用法國小麥麵粉製作,獨特的配方及技術開發出(鬆軟不乾硬-新口味) 鳳梨酥皮吃起來口感順口,鳳梨餡可品嘗到鳳梨絲及原味顆粒。現在就跟著我的攝影眼Let's go~   原文網址: http://keavyi7tao.pixnet.net/blog/post/403837646 隱藏在府城巷弄的這棟四樓半和洋共構洋樓,是當時二戰後初期改建於臺南僅次於林百貨的第二高樓-赤崁璽樓。 Chi Kan West House is a four and a half-storied blue building hidden in a narrow alleyway of the prefectural city of Tainan. It is a blend of Taiwanese and Western architecture. When stage one was constructed in 1924 it was one story tall but in 1953 stories were added to become the second tallest building in the city, Hayashi Department Store being the first. 赤崁璽樓的建造是出自於洪氏兄弟的孝親,為了讓年邁且纏足的母親,方便欣賞赤崁樓「大舞台」的歌仔戲而建。 The building’s renovation into a four-story buildingwas because of the filial piety of the Hong Family brothers for their mother. She was not only elderly, but also had bound feet, and the location and height of Chikan enabled her to watch the Taiwanese Operas performed on stage at Fort Provintia. 然而,年華老去、好景不常…,赤崁璽樓一度成為荒廢、風華已逝的洋樓…。 However, time goes by, and all good shows must end. Eventually, this old house became a long-neglected building with its elegance fading away. 直至2014年,一個奇遇的因緣際會下,一對夫妻買下赤崁璽樓、砸下大筆預算,秉持著以修復取代拆毀、以保存取代重建,請來技藝近乎失傳的老師傅們,依循古法技藝,以古蹟修復方式,重新整修並保留當初洋樓的樣貌,讓赤崁璽樓當時的絕代風華復刻再現。 It was not until 2014, under strange and unimaginable circumstances that a married couple bought the old house. With a large investment, exceeding their budget, they insisted on refurbishing instead of demolishing it. To preserve it, they had to recruit local elderly masters whose carpentry skills will soon to be lost. It was finally restored into a historical site, embellishing again the glory of its original appearance. Now Chi Kan West House is again unique among its contemporaries not only reborn, but also revitalizing its neighborhood. 福祿壽鳳梨酥,一個孝心的起源.一口嚐金的滋味。 Fu Lu Shou Pineapple Shortcake From the Heart of Filial Piety to the Taste of Gold. 璽樓阿嬤高齡八十好幾,一般的食物不只難咀嚼、消化,亦常沒有胃口。為了激發阿嬤的食慾,璽樓夫婦特別製作阿嬤愛吃、又易入口的「薄皮厚餡」福祿壽鳳梨酥。福祿壽鳳梨酥內餡以臺灣在地的土鳳梨為基底,外皮則使用法國麵粉、口感鬆軟,不僅入口即化、也更好消化,是老中少三代齊聚一堂都適合的飯後茶點。 The Grandma of Chi Kan West House is well over 80. To her, most food is difficult to chew, hard to digest, or she’s not hungry at all. To stimulate Grandma’sappetite, the couple came up with the Fu Lu Shou Pineapple Shortcake that Grandma loves to eat because it is "thin on crust and thick on filling" and easy for her to chew. The main ingredient of Fu Lu Shou Pineapple Shortcakes is local Taiwan pineapples. The crust is made of French flour, unique for its soft texture. It is not only delicious but also easy to digest. Pineapple Shortcake is the best after-dinner dessert that three generations of a family can enjoy. 福,祿,壽,就是美食最好的調味料。 Fu, Lu, and Shou, are the Best Seasonings for our Delightful Food. 福-幸福,是咬下福祿壽鳳梨酥的感覺。 Fu – means Fortunate, since that is how you will feel when biting into our Fu Lu Shou Pineapple Shortcake. 祿-祿命,是歷代子子孫孫傳承下來的孝心與天命。 Lu – means Filial Devotion, since that is what brought this about, and our wish for you to not only receive it, but also pass it down from generation to generation. 壽-長壽,是希望每個人都可以健健康康、長命百歲。 Shou – means Longevity, since our motivation is to let everyone enjoy wholesome eating, which brings health and long-life. 產品的特色 Product Characteristics 保証100%的 土鳳梨餡 Pineapple shortcake has 100% pineapple filling. 採用法國進口小麥麵粉製作 Use French imported wheat flour for our shortcake. 鳳梨酥外皮是薄皮 Shortcake crust is tender and a bit moist. 特別技術特色製作: 外皮是鬆軟不乾硬(就是外皮軟 吃了之後 口感不會乾燥而嚥不下,可連續吃三塊不用喝茶)。 Special production techniques make our pineapple shortcakes have an outer crust that is soft and moist, not hard and dry (the soft, moist outer crust does not dry out ones mouth, making it hard to swallow. You can eat three pieces in a row without needing to wash them down with liquid). 《赤崁璽樓福祿壽鳳梨酥》 地址:台南市中西區西門路二段372巷10號 電話:06-2245179 營業時間: 周一至周五11:30 - 14:30 、 17:30 - 21:00, 周六、周日11:30 - 21:00(全年無休) 官網:赤崁璽樓-原禪食餐廳 臉書:赤崁璽樓-原禪食餐廳 鳳梨酥訂購專線:06-2245179 網路訂購:https://goo.gl/Z8jLkb 每盒10塊售$450元,特別優待購買10盒再送1盒     →Keavy愛七淘←喜歡來加入粉絲團唷! ※《Keavy愛七淘》的其它台南食記:  ●★台南中西區★【赤崁璽樓】二訪原禪食蔬食料理餐廳/台南美食推薦/台南素食推薦。 ●★台南安平★【小旬湯 - 樂農·鑄鐵鍋 安平店】嘉義人氣火鍋店台南也開啦~ ●★台南安平★【涵花庭】如夢似幻的台南美食/早午晚餐廳/IG網美熱門店/城市花園。 ●★台南中西區★【In Stock 飲食客】工業風早午晚餐/台南餐酒館。 ●★台南麻豆★【19號倉庫鐵板牛排-麻豆店】平價慷慨好店/換飯加麵免費/珍珠奶茶、烤土司、飛機餅、玉米濃湯、沙拉吧吃到飽。 ●★台南東區★【西菲斯法式精品甜點】甜點界香奈兒型男主廚RICO強勢回歸。 ●★台南北區★【森林饗宴-主題餐廳】台南英式下午茶/早午餐/愛麗絲夢遊仙境主角換你當。

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