3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【KaoHsiung Delicious #1】魚鑫漁夫料理(Yu-Xin Fisherman cuisine) Today we visited the Yu-Xin fisherman cuisine located in Yan-chang district. A distinguishing feature is private home cuisine from ocean to land by captain Saburo who fishing many years.Especially because this position he can take many unusual ingredient, this is rarely tasting with the great cooking skill by the captain.今天介紹的是位於鹽埕區的魚鑫漁夫料理。這裡的特色是由行船多年的「三郎船長」,從海上帶到陸地的私房菜。更特別的是因為船長的身份,可以拿到各種難得一見的食材,再搭上船長研發交流的好手藝,這是一般店家所吃不到的哦! Picking and dealing with catch are all by the captain Saburo, fresh is the most important thing.With well-experienced, he pick the best goods, and the price of every dish are between NT.100~150. Today we four people order five dishes seafood plus one soup it just cost NT.800, it’s very worth!魚貨的挑選與處理,都是用「三郎船長」一手包辦,「新鮮」是最基本的,而多年行船的經驗,讓他所挑選的漁貨都是上品,而且每盤的價格都大約在100~150元,今天一行四人點了五菜一湯也才800元,真是划算呀~~ Shao-Yu-Fan(BBQ Fish Rice) NT$30。specially made and preserve with salt + charbroil + gherkin and dry fish floss, with NT.30’s fish head bitter gourd soup. Even eat alone are appropriate.燒魚飯30元。特製醃料+炭火燒焙,佐以醃製小黃瓜與魚鬆,再配上一碗30元的「苦瓜魚頭湯」,這是一個人來也可以吃的熱炒餐廳 To Be Continue….  

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