3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

這禮拜我過得很平靜,就如同海平線一般的平淡。我感受到了濃濃秋意的到來,看著河邊的樹木一棵一棵地披起黃橘色的外衣,還有外頭冷冽的風從不停歇,真的是超級冷的啊。這禮拜為了不讓自己的肥肉變得更多,我開始了吃完午餐後散步計劃,因為我的課通常都是14點開始,在吃完午餐後,我有充裕的時間去學校外頭亂晃,比起學校灰色、死氣沉沉的建築物,外頭河畔的野花野草可真是美麗動人,我愛上了那片美景。 I had a simple week this week, just like the sea level, so simple, so easy. I felt the autumn came by the trees started to wear some yellow and orange clothes, and the winds outside never stop. It’s really cold. And in order not to be fatter, I started to take a walk after the lunch. Because usually my class starts at 14:00, I have plenty of time to go outside the school after the lunch. Compare of the gray, lifeless buildings in the school, the plants on the bank are so beautiful that I fall in love with them. 雖然現在只是秋天,但溫度已經比台灣的冬天還低了,再加上常常在下雨,根本台北天氣啊囧。附近的山頭也很多都已經被一層薄薄的白雪覆蓋,對於從來沒有體驗過這種天氣的我來說,一開始除了驚訝以外,就是每天都冷到受不了了哈哈,但我現在已經習慣許多了。 Although it’s just autumn, the temperature is already lower than the winter in Taiwan. And it also rains often. It’s totally the weather in Taipei…. Most of the mountains’ top are covered by little snow. For me, who never experienced this kind of weather, the first impression was surprised and cold haha. But now I’m getting used of that. 禮拜三我收到了遠從台灣寄來的包裹,感謝我偉大的老媽(雖然她有點落漆哈哈xD)。收到包裹真令我興奮,當初我以為會需要一個月的時間才會寄到,沒想到用快捷寄不到一個禮拜就收到了! On Wednesday, I got the package from Taiwan, thanks for my good mother(though she did something silly. xD). I was really excited about getting the package. Cause in the beginning, I thought it would take maybe one month from sending to receiving. But it only took less than one week and I got it! 我主要是請我媽寄衣服過來,因為原本的衣服根本無法抵禦這裡的冷啊,她順便寄了些零食嘿嘿,有人問我為什麼寄營養口糧,沒辦法我對它情有獨鍾,它可是我在北一必吃的零食呢。 I asked my mom to send me some warm clothes because the clothes I had were not able to fight the cold here. She also sent some taiwanese snacks. Someone asked me why sending the cookies on the left. I don’t know why I just love it so much. It was the snack I must eat when I was in my school in Taipei. 剛剛說到我這禮拜開始在外面亂走亂逛,我主要是走鎮上的河畔走到底,再從鎮中心走回學校,走在河畔沿路上都是可愛的花花草草,雖然冷,但也冷的值得啦。 I just said that I started to take a walk this week. The way I walked is along the river to the end of the town, and then walked back to school through the center of the town. I could see many adorable flowers and grass. Well it’s cold really, but it worths it. 週六是連假的第一天,我跟其他台灣的交換學生相約去Annecy逛街順便培養感情哈哈。這是我第一次搭火車去Annecy,沿途的風景很美麗,可以看到遠遠的山頭已經被白雪覆蓋了。 Saturday was the first day of holidays, I went to Annecy with other taiwanese exchange students to go shopping and have fun. This was the first time I took train to Annecy, the scenery on the way was really beautiful. The top of the mountain over there was already covered by snow. Gare d’Annecy,由於我當天沒有什麼火車可以搭,我比約定時間早到了大概兩小時,既然多出了兩小時的時間,當然要先在附近走走啦。 Gare d’Annecy. Because I didn’t have may choices to go to Annecy, I arrived two hours earlier than the time we meet. Since I had two hours of free time, I walked around Annecy. 我想可能是因為我去的時間還很早吧,連天鵝都還在睡覺,他們睡覺的時候翅膀會呈現一種奇怪的模樣,從側面看還滿正常,從後面看會讓人小小驚訝一下:原來天鵝睡覺的姿勢是這樣! I think I went very early, cause the swans were still sleeping. When they sleep, the shape of their wings become a little strange. It’s normal to see from side, but when I saw from back, I was surprised: that’s how swans sleep! 從後面看是長這樣的,沒有把翅膀全部收起來。 This is how it looks from back. They didn’t close all their wings. Annecy 是座很漂亮的大鎮,十分迷人,不過一個人走時很容易迷路,我就算跟朋友一起走還是迷路了哈哈。 Annecy is a very pretty town, it’s so charming. But it’s easily to get lost when you walk by yourself. Well I still got lost even with my friends haha. 一家餐廳外頭的擺飾,真是隻栩栩如生的牛啊。 A decoration of a restaurant. It looks like a real one. 因為覺得要運動一下,走得比較遠,這裡是某座博物館,是一座城堡改建的,我只在外面觀望,畢竟沒有太多時間跟金錢進去參觀。 Because I thought I need to exercise, I walked little far. This building is a museum, as well as a castle. I just looked from outside because I didn’t have time and money to visit. 我很喜歡穿梭在街道之間的小巷,比起大條馬路的寬廣與喧鬧,小巷有的是狹窄卻不擁擠、寧靜卻不孤獨的空間,包容著我的存在、令我沉醉(覺得我變文青了)。 I like to walk from small lane to another one. Compare of the wideness and noisy of big road, small lanes are always narrow but not crowded, quiet but not lonely. They inclusive my existence, make me fall into an amazing feeling. 被老媽說我的部落格都沒有我的照片…只好自拍了(笑) My mom asked why there wasn’t my photos at all…, so I took a selfie. (smile) 這次主要是來逛街的,所以逛街前的好料是不可少的啦,我才正準備要減肥的…看來如果人在法國,減肥是條走不了的路啊。這家披薩很好吃噢!!價錢…以法國物價來講應該是划算的吧,我現在已經習慣了這裡的東西都比台灣貴個幾百塊的生活了。 This time, the main purpose was shopping, so it was necessary to have a good meal before it. I was thinking about losing my weight…. It seems that if I’m in France, it will be impossible to lose weight. The pizzas were great!! And the price…, I think they weren’t very expensive for commodity price in France. Now I’m totally used of the price here which is always hundreds dollars higher than Taiwan. 這家餅乾店似乎很有名,從店外精緻的裝潢就可以看得出這是一家不得了的店啊,裡頭更是有數不清的高級餅乾糖果,有一區餅乾是用秤重的,100公克3點多歐來著,看到價錢讓我立馬放棄了想買的衝動哈哈。但我有試吃,吃下去的瞬間以為自己在吃鳳梨酥,酥脆外皮跟有嚼勁的內餡,超像的!等我要回國前來這裡好好採購一番吧 This cookie shop is very famous I think. Just look at the delicate decoration from outside and I realized it’s a incredible shop. And there are plenty of high quality cookies and candies. 100 g cost about 3 euros in one part of the shop whose price is decided by its weight. I gave up buying as soon as I saw the price haha. But I tried one cookie, when the moment I ate it, I thought I was eating a taiwanese snack — pineapple cake. Is was really similar! I think I will come back to there and buy something before I go back to Taiwan. 這裡有不少街頭藝人,通常都是這種偏靜態的,我還沒見過表演音樂的。記得第一次來的時候被一位打扮成雕像的街頭藝人嚇到,我真佩服他們能一動也不動。 There were many buskers, and usually they do performances like this. I haven’t seen buskers play music. I remembered first time I came here, I was shocked by a busker who performed as a statue. I really admire them that they can just keep the same action, without moving any part of their bodies. 這星期六一下子就結束了,我好像有很多必需品還沒買到,諸如capo、調音器等等,看來我有藉口再去逛街了哈哈。對了我們這次去有五個人,不過有兩位逛很高興所以沒有拍到照啦,期待下次的台灣人小聚會! This saturday pasted very fast, and it seemed that I still have many thing to buy, like capo, tuner, etc. I think I have an excuse for shopping next time haha. And there were 5 taiwaneses, but two were shopping happily so we didn’t take photo with them. I look forward next time we meet one another!

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