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免揉手撕餐包食譜 ,我最喜歡做的麵包之一,因為免揉最方便,只需要設定好時間,等待就對了!之前做過免揉麵包(免鑄鐵鍋) 是屬於歐式麵包的口感,免揉蒜香麵包是台式麵包的口感,這次做的手撕餐包的口感更加柔軟。免揉麵包真的很方便,推薦給想省時間沒有攪拌機及麵包機的你。 內容目錄 免揉手撕餐包食譜 ,柔軟好吃小餐包,免揉最方便 免揉手撕餐包做法 影片 Video Recipe of No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls 免揉手撕餐包材料 Ingredients of No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls 免揉手撕餐包做法 No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls Recipe 免揉手撕餐包食譜 ,柔軟好吃小餐包,免揉最方便 你也可以在Cookpad找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 免揉手撕餐包做法 影片 Video Recipe of No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls 通常影片都會先發,後來才會寫網誌,大家可以訂閱我的YouTube(傳送門)呦! I usually update my YouTube at first. Subscribe Me (YouTube LINK).  一起附上免揉手撕餐包食譜的完整影片。 如果喜歡,請幫我訂閱一下YouTube頻道(點我即可連到YouTube),感謝。 免揉手撕餐包材料 Ingredients of No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls 材料: 高筋麵粉…300g 牛奶…240ml 酵母…3g 鹽…2g 糖…20g 雞蛋…1個 無鹽奶油…25g Ingredients of No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls 300g Bread Flour 240ml Milk 3g Yeast 2g Salt 20g Sugar 1 Egg 25g Unsalted Butter 免揉手撕餐包做法 No Knead Butter Dinner Rolls Recipe 把高筋麵粉、鹽巴、糖及酵母放入盆中,接著加入溫牛奶(牛奶微波30秒),攪拌均勻。 無鹽奶油微波40秒(每個微波爐不同,請依實際情況操作)後加入盆中,攪拌至奶油及麵團完全混合均勻。 接著蓋上蓋子,等5分鐘,開蓋手沾溼拉折麵團。 再蓋上蓋子,等10分鐘,開蓋手沾溼拉折麵團。 再蓋上蓋子,等15分鐘,開蓋手沾溼拉折麵團。 蓋上蓋子,放入冰箱冰兩小時。 Put bread flour, salt, sugar, and yeast into a bowl, then add warm milk, mix well. Microwave unsalted butter 40 secs and add into the bowl, mix well. Cover it, wait 5 minutes, make sure your hands are wet, then fold the dough. Cover it, wait 10 minutes, then fold the dough. Cover it, wait 15 minutes, then fold the dough. After that, cover it and refrigerate for 2 hours. 2小時之後麵團薄膜已形成,墊子上撒些手粉,手粉不要灑太多,麵團有點黏手是正常的,這時候可以做最後一次拉折,再蓋上蓋子,室溫(22C)發酵一小時。 After 2 hours, sprinkle some flour on a mat (not too much), put the dough on the mat, then fold the dough. Then, cover it and rise for 1 hour. 一小時後,灑點手粉並把麵糰放在墊子上,輕壓麵糰排氣。再分割成每個50克的小麵團。 把每個小麵團壓平且滾圓,放到烤盤上並且縮口朝下擺放,準備第二次發酵,45分鐘。 After an hour, slightly press onto the dough to deflate air. Dividing the dough that 50g for each. Rounding the small dough and put on a tray. Rise for 45 minutes. 接著麵團表面刷上蛋液,放入已預熱烤箱,180C (355F)烤20分鐘,再提高溫度至190C(375F)烤5分鐘。 Brush egg liquid on the dough after 45 minutes. Baking in a preheat oven, 180C (355F), 20 minutes, then 190C (375F), 5 minutes. 出爐後趁熱刷上融化後的無鹽奶油(無鹽奶油微波40秒)。 手撕奶油麵包就完成囉~ After that, brush melted unsalted butter on the top. Enjoy.

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