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藍莓果醬食譜 Blueberry Jam Recipe。前陣子在Costco買了一大盒藍莓,吃的當下靈機一動,不如就來做個藍莓果醬。推薦大家可以試試自製果醬,簡單且不會添加太多奇怪的內容物。 I bought some blueberry from Costco. Then, I thought that if I could make blueberry jam, it would be good. So, I did. Follow my Blueberry Jam Recipe and try it out. 藍莓果醬食譜 Blueberry Jam Recipe,自己做果醬簡單又衛生 之前逛Costco的時候看到一大盒藍莓才美金5塊多,不買實在太對不起自己了,藍莓真的好好吃呀。 買回家之後要先把撞到的、發霉的先挑起來,其他的冰起來要吃再洗,數量多但保存不易,除了把藍莓冰凍起來以外,我想了想,不如來做個藍莓果醬好了。 剛好最近也迷上了免揉麵包的口感,感覺抹上藍莓果醬也很適合;同時也可以跟cream cheese混在一起,做成藍莓乳酪塞入麵團裡一起烤。 但我做的果醬量不算多,所以我沒有額外準備瓶子來保存。如果果醬量大且想要保存久一點,記得先把保存的玻璃瓶高溫煮過晾乾,確認完全乾燥再使用呦! I bought a box of blueberry from Costco, it was only $5. I like blueberry, but not easy to save it, so I decided to make some blueberry jam. I also like to make bread recently, it could also add some blueberry jam with cream cheese into dough before baking, or spread some blueberry jam after baking. If you want to prepare a lot of jam, you could prepare bottles that with sterilized through high temperature. 你也可以在Cookpad找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 通常影片都會先發,後來才會寫網誌,大家可以訂閱我的Youtube(傳送門)呦! I usually update my YouTube first. Subscribe to my YouTube channel (LINK).  一起附上藍莓果醬做法的完整影片。 如果喜歡,請幫我訂閱一下YouTube頻道(點我即可連到YouTube),感謝。 藍莓果醬做法 Blueberry Jam Recipe 材料: 藍莓…300g 糖…130g 檸檬…半顆 Ingredients of Blueberry Jam 300g Blueberry 130g Sugar 1/2ea Lemon 準備的材料非常簡單,藍莓洗淨擦乾,檸檬榨汁備用。 Washed the blueberry and dried, then, juiced the lemon, before we started. 拿一個小鍋子把藍莓倒入裡面,用湯匙把藍莓壓碎。 Put the blueberry into a pot, and crushed the blueberry. 壓碎到差不多的時候,倒入檸檬汁及糖並且攪拌均勻。 After that, poured the lemon juice and sugar into the pot. 開小火邊煮邊攪拌直到糖完全融化。 糖融化之後就可以開大火煮滾,等到收汁之後再轉小火。 轉小火之後持續煮到濃稠狀,需要一直攪拌以免鍋底燒焦,濃稠度依照個人喜好調整。 Cooked on low heat, stirred the mixture, and waited the sugar melted. After that, cooked on high heat and boiling, then all liquid started to reduce and absorb. Then, cooked on low heat, stirred and cooked until thick, dense and creamy. 大概像這樣就可以關火了,接著就可以放涼。 Like the picture shows. Then, put it into a bowl, and waited until cold. 剛好我的麵包也快烤好了,可以準備享用了。 I also baked bread. 自己做的果醬搭配自己做的麵包,味道特別的好。 我還嘗試過用藍莓果醬與cream cheese拌在一起,最後發酵前塞入麵包麵團裏,烤完味道也很棒! It’s really good to have a bread spread blueberry jam. I had also tried to add some blueberry jam with cream cheese into dough before baking (also goooood).

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