3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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胡椒蝦食譜 Pepper Shrimp Recipe。之前比較常用Costco的冷凍蝦做菜,例如之前寫過的:乾燒蝦仁、蒜香胡椒蝦仁及韭菜蝦仁炒蛋。蝦子比較少買,這次趁著蝦子特價買了一些,順手來做一道簡單又下酒的胡椒蝦。 Shrimp was on sale, so I bought it to cook. I miss the pepper shrimp so much, and I decided to prepare by myself. It’s awesome to have pepper shrimp and drink beer, if you want to try it, follow my Pepper Shrimp Recipe. 胡椒蝦食譜 Pepper Shrimp Recipe,下酒菜食譜推薦 以前去吃活蝦料理的時候都會點胡椒蝦,我想念那種辣嘴巴狂喝水(啤酒,未滿18歲請勿飲酒)的感覺,剛好家裡有現成的材料,下酒菜就決定是胡椒蝦了! 我這次做出來的應該算是中辣程度,大家可以自己斟酌辣度。 When I was in Taiwan, I liked to have pepper shrimp when I went to a shrimp themed restaurant. I’ll recommend you to have pepper shrimp with beer. Now, make sure you have beer in your fridge, and follow my recipe. 你也可以在Cookpad找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 你也可以在愛料理找到我的食譜分享:職業觀光客 Lisa(點下去就對了) 通常影片都會先發,後來才會寫網誌,大家可以訂閱我的Youtube(傳送門)呦! I usually update my YouTube first. Subscribe Me (Youtube LINK).  一起附上胡椒蝦做法的完整影片。 如果喜歡,請幫我訂閱一下YouTube頻道(點我即可連到YouTube),感謝。 胡椒蝦做法 Pepper Shrimp Recipe 材料: 蝦子…500克 辣椒…1條 蒜頭…3瓣 蔥…適量 黑胡椒粉…2匙 白胡椒粉…2匙 醃料: 鹽…1匙 香油…1.5匙 白胡椒粉…1匙 Ingredients of Pepper Shrimp 500g Shrimp 1ea Chili 3 cloves of Garlic A little scallion 2 tbsp Black pepper powder 2 tbsp White pepper powder Marinade 1 tbsp Salt 1.5 tbsp Sesame oil 1 tbsp White pepper powder 蒜頭切成蒜末、蔥切成蔥花及辣椒切小段(怕太辣可以去籽)。 第一步驟:蝦子開背剪鬚去腸泥。 第二步驟:準備白胡椒粉、鹽及香油醃蝦子,醃10分鐘。 Minced the garlic, scallion, and chili. First, devein the shrimp.  Second, marinade the shrimp with the white pepper powder, salt, and sesame oil for 10 mins. 起鍋熱油,油可以稍微多一些,接著把醃漬好的蝦子倒入鍋中。開大火稍微炒一下,再轉中火蓋上蓋子,悶個三分鐘。 Poured cooking oil into a pan, waited it was hot enough. Then, added the shrimp into the pan, stir-fried on high heat for a while. After that, covered it, and cooked on middle heat for 3 mins. 開蓋後炒至蝦子開始變紅,加入蒜頭及辣椒繼續翻炒,等蝦子熟了之後,倒入黑胡椒粉及白胡椒粉翻炒,確保蝦子都有沾到胡椒粉,撒上蔥花就可以上桌了。 Then, stir-fried for a while, you can see the shrimp change the color, and added minced garlic and chili. Before finished, added the blacked pepper powder and white pepper powder, then, sprinkled the minced scallion. 胡椒蝦就完成了!準備開冰箱拿啤酒囉~ Finish. Try it out. [延伸閱讀] 輕鬆做好菜: 味噌烤鮭魚食譜 ,Miso Glazed Salmon Recipe,Costco冷凍鮭魚,新手料理推薦 藍莓果醬食譜 Blueberry Jam Recipe,自己做果醬簡單又衛生 可樂滷肉食譜 Braised Pork with Pepsi Recipe (instant pot recipe) 蔥花捲食譜 Steamed Scallion Buns Recipe,回味小時候 打拋豬肉食譜 /九層塔炒肉,Thai Basil Minced Pork Recipe 焦糖布丁食譜 Creme Caramel Recipe,輕鬆學會易成功 泡菜煎餅食譜 Kimchi Pancakes Recipe,新手料理推薦 番茄煨豆腐食譜 Tomato and Tofu stew Recipe,便當菜推薦 茶葉蛋食譜 Tea Eggs Recipe 電鍋料理 炸雞排食譜 Fried Chicken Cutlet Recipe 南瓜濃湯 食譜 – 每次煮義大利麵都要來碗南瓜濃湯 春川辣炒雞 食譜,韓式辣炒雞做法簡單,一鍋到底 蜜汁排骨 食譜 ,免油炸超方便,鹹甜鹹甜好下飯 椒鹽雞翅 食譜,免油炸超簡單(也適合當下酒菜呦) 螞蟻上樹,15分鐘輕鬆完成的零失敗料理 蒜香胡椒蝦仁 ,costco冷凍蝦仁料理 蝦仁韭菜炒蛋 便當菜推薦,營養好吃超方便 日清炸雞粉 食譜 -小套房料理 在家輕鬆做炸雞 蒜香烤鮭魚 食譜 -小套房料理 簡單無油煙料理 蜜汁雞翅 食譜 -小套房料理 週末電影下酒菜 韓式辣烤雞翅 食譜-小套房料理 超簡單下酒菜 蒜蓉豆腐蒸蝦 食譜 -小套房料理 新手也能輕鬆上菜

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