3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

來到這裡輕輕的翻閱生活,享受日常的一切,在扉頁留下你的足跡 – – Passenger在這張專輯裡面寫了很多關於人生思考的過程及經歷 這首歌也是 或許剛開始看的時候 以為像 Young as the morning, Old as the sea 一樣 是一首在寫自我成長跟旅途的故事 但看到最後才發現 原來,是在寫失戀 而這個失戀,不單單只是男女之間的失戀 更是家國之間的失戀 以及世界因為失戀 而開始追求金錢,進入資本世界 因為金錢不敗,且沒有人在意已過的時間 如詩人所寫:“ But the penny never dropped,  And no man has ever stopped time flying by. ” 我想這首歌所想說的是 雖然長路漫漫 但不要忘記過去的美好時光 即使傷痕累累,但依舊要相信那份美好 – We’ve walked the long road and you’ve worn it well. 我們已經走了很長的路,你也精疲力盡了 You stitched yourself up when you fell. 當你跌倒時,你舔舐著自己的傷口 Keep your memories in jars, 將你的回憶收起 Carry secrets in scars 將秘密留在傷疤中 Beneath your shell. 留在你的保護之下 You’ve seen some good days, and some bad ones too.  你經歷了一些開心的,也經歷了一些不愉快的 You weave through fashion and trend.  你不在乎流行和時尚 You’ve seen a sun rise on an ocean blue,  你親眼看過太陽在蔚藍大海上升起 You’ve seen it set for the dearest of friends  與最親愛的幾個朋友一起 You found faith but you, chose to doubt it.  你找到信心,卻選擇懷疑它 You found love but you, left without it.  你找到了愛,卻選擇離開它 And now you don’t want, to talk about it.  而你現在不願在談論它 You travelled down through foreign lands, 你走過無數國家 Touched mountain tops and golden sand,  撫摸著山巔和細沙 Seen pyramids and temples made of stone.  看著石頭搭建的金字塔和神廟 Keep seashells in a cashmere scarf, 將海螺收在羊毛圍巾中 A treasured book of photographs  一本珍貴的相簿集 In every single one you stand alone.  收藏著每一個你獨自站立的地方 You’ve seen Vienna and the Berlin wall, 你看過越南跟柏林高牆 As you watched the decades fall 當你看到數十年前倒塌時 The letters that you wrote never made it home.  你親手寫的信卻未曾到過家中 Your birthdays flew past like June,  你的生日飛過 With Christmas days in hotel rooms 就像聖誕假期般的在房裡度過夏日 And new years eve with people you don’t know.  就像除夕夜與一群不認識的人度過 You built friendships but they, sailed without you. 你建立了友誼,但他們卻遠離了你 You never meant it and that’s why, they doubt you.  你不曾希望如此,但這也是為什麼他們懷疑你 They don’t ever talk about you.  他們不再與你說話 You’re older than you used to be, 你變得蒼老 The mirror weaves a tapestry  鏡子在掛毯上 Of lines that dance and shimmer ’round your eyes. 搖擺閃亮著 You stare back at a man, forever holding out his hand 你盯著背後永遠伸出他的手的哪個人 As if the answer’s going to fall out of the sky.  除非有一天答案令你墜落 But the penny never dropped,  但,錢永遠不落 And no man has ever stopped time flying by. 且沒有一個人為逝去的時間停留過 延伸閱讀:《Young as the morning, old as the sea 》歌曲翻譯介紹連結  Passenger全新專輯《Young as the morning, old as the sea》介紹 Passenger | When We Were Young (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | The Long Road (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | If You Go (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | Everything (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | Somebody’s Love (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | Fools Gold (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | Young As The Morning, Old As The Sea (Lyric 中文翻譯) Passenger | Home (Lyrics 中文翻譯) Passenger | Beautiful Birds (Lyrics 中文翻譯) WILD – All My Life中文歌詞翻譯介紹 請按讚: 喜歡 載入中...

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