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近日黎巴嫩首都貝魯特遭逢一場大爆炸的災難,許多國家政府和民間團體都紛紛伸出援手,其中還包含許多西洋歌手如 Ariana Grande、Halsey、Harry Styles、Dua Lipa、Lana Del Rey、Gloria Estefan、Bette Midler、Sara Bareilles、LL Cool J 等人對此事件公開表達痛心與遺憾,同時也呼籲他們的粉絲們能一同給予立即協助。 I just wanna say my heart and my prayers are with everyone in Beirut— Lana Del Rey (@LanaDelRey) August 6, 2020 Praying for Lebanon and its wonderful people! 😢💔✌️— Gloria Estefan (@GloriaEstefan) August 4, 2020 Oh, dear God. https://t.co/rbF6dsKB7p— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) August 4, 2020 Oh my god Beirut. Thinking about all the people there. Heartbreaking. Just devastating. 😞— Sara Bareilles (@SaraBareilles) August 4, 2020 Sending love and prayers for all the people of Lebanon. May the Almighty embrace the souls of those you lost and lift up your families. 🙏🏾🇱🇧— LLCOOLJ (@llcoolj) August 5, 2020 眾多歌星於社群媒體發文表達心痛,分享捐贈連結讓粉絲一同救援! Halsey 在推特上的貼文寫道:「看著這些發生在貝魯特的照片,實在讓我痛徹心扉。我從許多人那裡得知請願沒有什麼效果,捐贈可能導致匯率大幅下降,有人能跟我分享我們能如何提供最有效且立即幫助的直接消息嗎?」 my heart is aching looking at these photos in Beirut. I have read from a lot of people that petitions aren’t effective and donations can result in a dramatic exchange decrease. Can someone share with me direct information about how we can help most effectively and immediately?— h (@halsey) August 4, 2020 粉絲們很快地指出 Help Lebanon landing page,此頁面與黎巴嫩紅十字會和貝魯特爆炸災難救助的群眾計劃有關,Halsey 隨後轉推了此連結。 Ariana Grande 也在推特貼文寫道:「我發自內心對黎巴嫩及受這場悲劇影響的每個人都深表敬意。如果可以的話,請支持/捐贈,我也會盡上一份心力。」 my heart, strength and condolences are with Lebanon and everyone affected by this tragedy. please support / donate if you’re able to, i will be doing so too. https://t.co/8ACJFzxl69— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) August 4, 2020 Harry Styles 亦發文表示:「星期二在黎巴嫩發生的悲劇讓我痛心欲絕,我對每位受到影響的人表達最深的關切,並把愛送給在貝魯特的所有人。我已透過以下連結完成捐贈。如果可以的話,請大家盡力給出愛心。」 I’m heartbroken by Tuesday’s tragedy in Lebanon. Thinking of all those affected and sending love to everyone in Beirut. I’ve donated to the link below. If you’re able to, please give what you can. https://t.co/0NWCEc3r5f— Harry Styles. (@Harry_Styles) August 6, 2020 Dua Lipa 則說:「黎巴嫩正屈著膝,比以往任何時候更需要我們。昨天在貝魯特發生的爆炸摧毀了這座城市,並為這個已陷入政治動盪、經濟危機和飢荒的國家帶來了衝擊,我們必須團結起來一同伸出援手。」 Lebanon is on its knees and needs us more than ever. Yesterday's explosion in Beirut devastated a city and sent shockwaves around a country that is already in the midst of political unrest, economic crisis and famine. We have to come together to help. pic.twitter.com/tFN6MhL4FB— DUA LIPA (@DUALIPA) August 5, 2020 實在非常感謝這些西洋歌手透過自己的影響力來傳遞援助訊息,期望看到這些捐贈消息的粉絲們能夠量力提供協助,也希望那些受到影響的貝魯特居民能盡速回復原本的生活,重建他們美好的家園,亦呼籲政府釐清爆炸原因,讓未來不要再發生相同憾事。 Mr.生活扉頁 更多音樂新聞:

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