3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

預告了一個月XD Selena Gomez跟Mashmello的新歌Wolves終於發行拉!! 說真的,聽到Wolves的前奏,突然讓我覺得跟Junge Junge的I don’t love you超像 但是其實還是有一點點落差,進主歌後就開始慢慢有區別了 Selena在接受採訪時說,Wolves是她在日本工作的時候聽到的 當時,她覺得這首很好聽,就問又沒有毛帶,結果聽完毛帶之後,就決定交給Marshmello來製作了 這首歌在講的是一段感情的結束,雖然不知道是什麼原因分開了 但是應該不是太好的理由,所以有一方決定要一輩子在陰影中尋找著對方 當一披孤獨的狼,在黑夜中穿梭 但是,有粉絲提出了一個很有趣的觀點,在拉丁語中wolves = lupus 所以暗指Selena Gomez的自體免疫疾病紅斑性狼蒼(SLE) 這也是Selena之前接受腎臟移植的原因,因為SLE會去攻擊健康完整的器官 就像是藏在身體中的一顆未爆彈 我想這跟歌詞裡所想表達的非常相像 自己跟自己是最甜蜜的關係,但這樣的病卻是最沈重的負擔 – In your eyes, there’s a heavy blue 在你眼中充滿深不見底的憂慮 One to love, and one to lose 渴望愛,卻又害怕失去 Sweet divide, a heavy truth 甜蜜的爭吵成為沉重的事實 Water or wine, don’t make me choose 喝酒還是水?你幫我選吧   I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 我想再次體驗那個仲夏之夜我們之間的歡愉 Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 灌醉自己,與天空的星星相伴   I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been running with the wolves 與狼群一起奔跑 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve been down the darkest alleys 我曾走在漆黑的小徑 Saw the dark side of the moon 看著世間的陰暗善變 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve looked for love in every stranger 我在感情間流連,尋找著愛 Took too much to ease the anger 已經失去太多,忘了如何控制脾氣 All for you, yeah, all for you 全部都是為了你,為了你 I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been crying with the wolves 與狼兒們長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞   To get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 To get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞   Your fingertips trace my skin 你的指尖輕輕地滑過我的身體 To places I have never been 帶我去我不曾到過的地方 Blindly, I am following 我盲目地跟著你 Break down these walls and come on in 打破了一切限制,進到了新天地 I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night 我想再次體驗那個仲夏之夜我們之間的歡愉 Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky 灌醉自己,與天空的星星相伴   I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been running with the wolves 與狼群一起奔跑 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve been down the darkest alleys 我曾走在漆黑的小徑 Saw the dark side of the moon 看著月亮的另一面 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve looked for love in every stranger 我在感情間流連,尋找著愛 Took too much to ease the anger 已經失去太多,忘了如何控制脾氣 All for you, yeah, all for you 全部都是為了你,為了你 I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been crying with the wolves 與狼兒們長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞   To get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 To get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been running with the wolves 與狼群一起奔跑 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve been down the darkest alleys 我曾走在漆黑的小徑 Saw the dark side of the moon 看著月亮的另一面 To get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 I’ve looked for love in every stranger 我在感情間流連,尋找著愛 Took too much to ease the anger 已經失去太多,忘了如何控制脾氣 All for you, yeah, all for you 全部都是為了你,為了你 I’ve been running through the jungle 我曾跑過叢林 I’ve been crying with the wolves 與狼兒們長嚎 To get to you, to get to you, to get to you 只為了接近你,在你身旁圍繞 – 粉絲團開幕摟=)喜歡我的翻譯的朋友歡迎幫我按讚或是留言給我 請按讚: 喜歡 載入中...

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