3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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今天 Shawn Mendes 在 Apple Music 的音樂晚會 Only One Night 演出自己的新歌 Where Were You In The Morning ! 版主不得不說, Shawn 真的長大好多>< 音樂上也改變很多,目前釋出的每一首歌都超有特色又溫暖,比起上一張專輯,更加令人期待! 在進入歌曲故事前,讓我們先來聽聽這首超好聽的 Where Were You In The Morning 吧! Where Were You In The Morning 歌曲故事: Shawn Mendes 在 2016 年發表個人第二張專輯 Illuminate 之後,就消失了一段時間,也沒有帶給大家新作品,直到今年,Shawn 突然在自己的 FB 上換了很美的新頭貼,並跟大家道歉,只要一開始創作就會消失XD 並為大家帶來兩首新歌 In My Blood 和 Lost In Japan 預告著新專輯的發行! 兩首新歌 In My Blood 和 Lost In Japan 都讓大家看到 Shawn Mendes 在短短一年中,音樂程度的突飛猛進,特別是一個男孩搖滾的小鮮肉,一瞬間就變成了一個 R&B, Rock, Soul, Blues 的新星,雖然音樂不像以往激烈、撕心裂肺,但卻告訴大家,不需要唱的痛苦,也能讓你聽的難過,新專輯中每首歌都很有目的性的訴說在感情中遇到的問題,可能是友情、可能是親情、可能是愛情、也可能是和自己之間的故事! 而這首 Where Were You In The Morning 就是一首唱給那一個一起過了一夜的女孩,原本說好要一起吃早餐,一起出門玩,但卻在一夜醒來後,女孩早已離去,不在身邊QQ 讓版主最開心的是看到他和 John Mayer 一起合作,整首歌瞬間多了一種藍調味,在影片中 John Mayer Solo 那段真的是很能感受到他對於這首歌的認同,畢竟他上禮拜也該出了一首很類似版主超愛的 New Light,只能說 Shawn 在音樂上的突破真的讓人感到驚艷!非常期待下週的專輯發行! How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? You said, “I wanna get to know ya” 妳說,我想認識你 Why you gotta get my hopes up? 為什麼妳總是讓我燃起希望呢? You said that you were staying over 妳說今晚會留下來過夜 But then I woke up to the cold air 但我卻總在冷風中清醒 How could you make me believe? 妳又要怎麼讓我相信 That there was something in between you and me, yeah 在我們之間真的有些什麼呢? I look around and I don’t see you 我環顧四周,卻不見妳的身影 Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? You didn’t leave your number for me 妳沒有留下妳的手機給我 Left me without a warning, baby 沒有給我一絲警訊 Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以,怎麼可以就這樣一走了之 How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以,怎麼可以就這樣一走了之 And I thought you really felt this 我還以為妳真的和我有一樣的感覺 When we were talking about breakfast 當我們在談論早上要吃什麼時 You made it seem like we connected 妳讓我覺得我們是在一起的 I guess I just didn’t expect this 我想,我不該期待這一切的 How could you make me believe? 妳又要怎麼讓我相信 That there was something in between you and me, yeah 在我們之間真的有些什麼呢? I look around and I don’t see you 我環顧四周,卻不見妳的身影 Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? You didn’t leave your number for me 妳沒有留下妳的手機給我 Left me without a warning, baby 沒有給我一絲警訊 Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? And I hope you had a good visit 我希望妳能有一個好的印象 ‘Cause I know you had a good time 因為我知道妳享受這一切 And I’m looking up at the ceiling 而我現在正望著天花板 And I keep wondering why 只想知道 Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? Where were you in the morning, baby? 寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? You didn’t leave your number for me 妳沒有留下妳的手機給我 Left me without a warning, baby 沒有給我一絲警訊 Left me without a warning 沒有給我一絲警訊 I said, where were you in the morning baby? 我說,寶貝,早晨妳在哪呢? Where were you in the morning? 早晨妳在哪呢? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? How do you, how do you just walk away? 妳怎麼可以這樣一走了之 Where were, where were you? 妳在哪?在哪? 延伸閱讀: Shawn Mendes 第三張同名專輯歌曲故事介紹+音樂分析! Shawn Mendes – Youth 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 Shawn Mendes – Lost In Japan 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 Shawn Mendes – In My Blood 中文歌詞翻譯介紹 請按讚: 喜歡 載入中...

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