3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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今天有一位小粉絲問版主能不能翻譯Calvin Harris的Faking it 版主馬上就答應了,因為自己超愛這張專輯啊啊啊 每次去運動都會聽XDD跟著節拍走 最近也特別愛有著強烈Bass跟鼓的音樂哈哈哈 這首Faking It請來了超大牌的Kehlani跟Lil Yatchy,其實這張專輯每首歌都超大牌XD 歌曲走一個比較寒的syth-pop混搭舞曲風格,是比較少聽到的音樂類型 但是音效設計跟歌詞都很有趣 Faking It 在說的是關於一段分分合合的感情 女生覺得她付出了自己的全部,但仍得不到男孩的真愛 男孩想繼續玩,但花了大把的錢之後,才發現真正愛的人在身旁 而這樣的戲碼不斷重複、不斷上演 所以女孩一直問,我們只不過在比誰比較假 你為什麼要這樣對我呢? 為什麼說要放手又不放手,讓故事一直演下去? – Pray to God, but I’m feeling like he’s going deaf 總是向神祈求,但卻覺得他假裝沒聽見 Now when I lean on you and I got nothing left 現在,當我倚靠在你身上時,我已經一無所有了 Hey, I’ve been wanting to call ya, tell you that I’m sorry 嘿,我一直在等一個時機打給你,告訴你,我很抱歉 Same old fucking story everybody sing 一樣的爛故事,一直被大家傳頌著   And I say I’m okay, but I guess I’m a liar 我說,我很好,才怪,我想我常口是心非 You say you’re okay, but I saw that you liked it 你說,你很好,但我卻發現,你也常口是心非 2 AM and faded, I know that’s when you like it 早晨兩點,消逝在我的世界,我知道當你說謊時 Know that’s when you miss me, know that’s when you crying 我知道,那是你想我了,是你哭了   Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝 Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝   Nowadays, I’m just a bitch to everybody else 現在,我只是一個別人的小婊子 (Fuck you and you) I don’t need no shoulders, I’m good crying by myself 我不需要更多的肩膀,我很擅長自己在暗處哭泣 (Fuck you, too) Moving on’s a chore, ’cause you know I still adore ya 說什麼向前走根本沒用,因為你知道,我依然很愛你 An unrequited love is just a lover’s hell 無償的愛,根本是戀人的地獄   And I say I’m okay, but I guess I’m a liar 我說,我很好,才怪,我想我常口是心非 You say you’re okay, but I saw that you liked it 你說,你很好,但我卻發現,你也常口是心非 2 AM and faded, I know that’s when you like it 早晨兩點,消逝在我的世界,我知道當你說謊時 Know that’s when you miss me, know that’s when you crying 我知道,那是你想我了,是你哭了   Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝   Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝   (Lil Boat, Lil Boat, Lil Boat, Lil Boat, Lil Boat) I’m not gonna act like I don’t love ya baby 我要開始演的我不愛你了,寶貝 ‘Cause deep in my mind, girl, I know I do (true) 因為在我內心深處,女孩,我知道我會這麼做 Tried to search all through the world and not well 嘗試在世界各地尋找答案 But I can’t find a girl that looks close like you (no!) 但卻找不到一個女孩跟你如此相似 I done made millions of dollars 我花了數百萬 But I’m still alone until I come home back to you (yah!) 但在我回家擁抱你前,我仍感到空虛 I remember all of the times we were parked by your house 我仍記得每一個我們停在妳家前說話嬉戲的時光 And laughed out on your avenue 然後在妳家門前大笑 Whoa, you can’t front 喔~妳不會掩飾自己 You’re a stone cold diva (yaah!) 妳就是個冰山美人 I had to get counseling from my moms 我需要跟我媽好好談談 She’s a heartbreak teacher (oh, yah!) 她總能安慰破碎的心靈 Remember that time I put those pepperonis on your face 還記得有次我把義大利香腸鋪在妳臉上 Made you a creature 把妳裝成另一種生物 Now I think about you every single time I eat pizza, ohh 現在,當我吃pizza時,我總會想到妳   Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝   Why you, why you, why you checking if you’re over it? 為什麼,為什麼,為什麼當你已經放棄了一切,卻還要再三確認? Why you, why you say “Let go” if you’re still holding it? 為什麼,為什麼,你明明就還緊緊握在手中,卻說讓他去吧? Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 寶貝,你只比我會假裝一點點 Just a little bit better at faking it than me, baby 只比我會假裝一點,寶貝 – 粉絲團開幕摟=)喜歡我翻譯的朋友歡迎幫我按個讚或是留言給我你喜歡的歌     請按讚: 喜歡 載入中...

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