3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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去年才推出專輯 《Lover》 的 Taylor Swift,竟在昨晚宣布隔天即將發布新專輯 《Folklore》,讓許多歌迷在今天臺灣時間中午 12 點就等在各大音樂平台搶先聽 Taylor Swift 的新專輯。回顧 Taylor 往年的專輯,基本上隔個兩三年就會出一張,而今年的專輯更是離去年僅僅只有一年。更驚人的是,從宣布消息到釋出新專輯間隔還不到一天,讓不少粉絲實在又驚又喜。 跳到段落 第八張專輯 《Folklore》 所有歌曲一次釋出,讓粉絲大呼過癮! 專輯是如何產生的?想像、思緒和愛交織而成的結晶 合作人 Dessner 大讚 Taylor 是最有才華的藝術家! MV 拍攝仍不忘防疫,Taylor Swift 為全國人民做出最好示範 新專輯 《Folklore》 也暗藏彩蛋?網友眾說紛紜 更多音樂新聞: 第八張專輯 《Folklore》 所有歌曲一次釋出,讓粉絲大呼過癮! 由於 《Folklore》 是泰勒絲的第八張專輯,預計會出 8 個精裝 CD 版本與 8 個黑膠版本作為紀念,專輯共有 16 首歌曲。特別的是,Taylor 不賣關子地將所有歌曲一次完整釋出,讓歌迷大飽耳福。 專輯是如何產生的?想像、思緒和愛交織而成的結晶 Taylor 今在推特貼文提到:「在隔離期間,我的想像力飛奔而來,就誕生出了這張專輯,一系列的歌曲和故事如意識流般流淌,於是我拿起筆逃進幻想、歷史和記憶中,竭盡我所能用愛、驚奇及異想天開去講述這些故事。」 In isolation my imagination has run wild and this album is the result. I’ve told these stories to the best of my ability with all the love, wonder, and whimsy they deserve. Now it’s up to you to pass them down. folklore is out now: https://t.co/xdcEDfithq 📷: Beth Garrabrant pic.twitter.com/vSDo9Se0fp— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 24, 2020 昨天她在推特上另一則的貼文也說道:「這是我傾盡一切異想天開、夢想、恐懼和沉思的專輯,所有歌曲都是在家中隔離期間所寫,並與 Aaron Dessner、Bon Iver、William Bowery、Jack Antonoff 等音樂人一同合作而成」並說:「在今年以前, 我對於釋出這些音樂的最佳時機點或許想得太多,但我們身處的時代不斷提醒著我,沒有什麼是確定、不會變的,我的直覺告訴我,如果妳做著自己喜愛的事情,就應該與全世界分享,這是我能接受不確定性的一面。」 Surprise 🤗 Tonight at midnight I’ll be releasing my 8th studio album, folklore; an entire brand new album of songs I’ve poured all of my whims, dreams, fears, and musings into. Pre-order at https://t.co/zSHpnhUlLb pic.twitter.com/4ZVGy4l23b— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 23, 2020 合作人 Dessner 大讚 Taylor 是最有才華的藝術家! Dessner 說道:「當 Taylor 在四月下旬聯絡我關於或許會於遠端一起創作一些歌曲時,我感到非常興奮和榮幸。我認為要花點時間在思考歌曲的靈感上,所以對於我們能在遠距完成些什麼不抱什麼期待。但就在我們互相分享音樂的幾小時後,我的手機就響起一首 Taylor 寫好的聲音備忘錄。」他補充:「我為這些歌曲感到相當自豪,並深深感謝 Taylor Swift 邀請我,且在創作過程中信任我。她是我遇過最有才華、最努力、最有愛心的藝術家之一。這些歌曲中有能明顯感受到的人性、溫暖、真切情感,希望你們能跟我一樣愛它並在之中得到安慰。」更說:「我很少被某人啟發打動,現在仍難以相信一切的發生-這些歌曲在如此艱難的時代中一同被產生出來。」 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 I was excited and honored when Taylor approached me in late April about maybe writing some songs remotely together. I had been isolating with my family but writing a ton of music in the first months of quarantine which I shared. I thought it would take a while for song ideas to come and I had no expectations as far as what we could accomplish remotely. But a few hours after sharing music, my phone lit up with a voice memo from Taylor of a fully written version of a song — the momentum never really stopped. Over the next few months, we remotely finished 11 songs (She also recorded several others with the amazing @jackantonoff) of her magical new album “folklore”. I’ve rarely been so inspired by someone and it’s still hard to believe this even happened — these songs came together in such a challenging time. It wouldn’t haven’t been possible without so much help from first and foremost my engineer Jon Low (@heyjonlow). And my brother @brycedessner’s beautiful orchestration on several songs from across the ocean. Justin (@blobtower) helped to write and sing a beautiful song and so many other friends from our community contributed brilliantly from their respective isolation — Ben Lanz (@lanzprojects), Bryan Devendorf (@postmoderndrummer), Bryce Dessner, @claricejensen, Dave Nelson (@dnelnelson), James McAlister (@900x), @jasontreuting, Josh Kaufman (@kaufyismynamo), JT Bates (@floortomjtbates), Kyle Resnick (@kresnick), Rob Moose (@mooserob), Thomas Bartlett (@tingalayo), and Yuki Numata Resnick (@kiyukiyukiyuki) — More on them later! I’m very proud of all these songs and profoundly grateful to @taylorswift for inviting me into and trusting me in her process. She is one of the most talented, hardworking and deeply caring artists I’ve ever encountered. There’s a palpable humanity and warmth and raw emotion in these songs that I hope you’ll love and take comfort in as much as I do. Album art by @bethgarrabrant. Aaron Dessner(@aarondessner)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 7月 月 23 日 上午 5:10 張貼 MV 拍攝仍不忘防疫,Taylor Swift 為全國人民做出最好示範 為了怕只有專輯歌曲滿足不了粉絲,Taylor 還釋出了 〈cardigan〉 的 MV 版,為泰勒絲自導自演的影片,拍攝過程由一位醫檢人員全程監控,每個人都戴上口罩並保持社交距離,甚至連 Taylor 的頭髮、妝容、造型都是自己來,能避免不必要的接觸就盡量避免,只能說泰勒絲真是為美國人民在防疫上做了最好的示範! The music video for “cardigan” will premiere tonight, which I wrote/directed. A million thank you’s to my brilliant, bad ass video team – Cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto, producer Jil Hardin, executive producer Rebecca Skinner, AD Joe ‘Oz’ Osbourne pic.twitter.com/2hNXnzFbwY— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) July 23, 2020 新專輯 《Folklore》 也暗藏彩蛋?網友眾說紛紜 整張專輯筆者聽下來整體偏向民謠、抒情風格,目前會推薦 〈cardigan〉、〈exile〉、〈august〉、〈betty〉、〈hoax〉 給大家。而一向喜歡暗藏彩蛋在專輯及 MV 中的彩蛋女王泰勒絲,似乎在這張專輯 《Folklore》 中也不例外,據 Taylor Swift Taiwan 臉書粉絲團指出專輯合作者之一 William Bowery 很可能是 Taylor 現任男友 Joe Alwyn 的化名。另外,專輯中也可以清楚看到歌曲順序安排藏有數字玄機,如 〈The 1〉 為第一首歌、〈Seven〉 為第七首、〈august〉(八月)則為第八首,這張專輯肯定還暗藏了不少彩蛋,這部份我們就敲碗待 Mr. 之後為大家帶來彩蛋分析影片吧XD Mr.生活扉頁 更多音樂新聞:

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