3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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   圖:翻攝自Inven Global twitter 上周末的《爐石戰記》大師職業賽第二季例行賽中,香港選手「聰哥」blitzchung直落二打敗Cloud 9 DawN後,戴面罩接受台灣主播賽評易先生及偷米的訪問,他更高喊「光復香港,時代革命」,而後訪問環節隨即結束。 由於該場賽事適逢香港政府訂立《禁止蒙面規例》生效的隔日,此舉引發社群熱烈討論,比賽的VOD以及諸多來自網友剪輯的Twitch備份內容都已經被刪除,但各大國際電競媒體已經展開相關報導,今(8)日暴雪發布聲明表示Blitzchung和兩位主播賽評於進行選手賽後訪問時出現違反賽事規章情形,Blitzchung 將即刻起自大師職業賽除名,並取消其於第二賽季所獲之獎金,此外更將禁賽一年,另外更將中止與兩位賽評的合作。 該篇聲明一出便引發台灣玩家社群譁然,紛紛為選手與兩位主播賽評抱不平,也使得整起風波越演越烈。 【暴雪官方聲明全文】 uring the Asia-Pacific Grandmasters broadcast over the weekend there was a competition rule violation during a post-match interview, involving Blitzchung and two casters, which resulted in the removal of the matches VOD replay. 上週末《爐石戰記》亞太區大師職業賽賽事期間,大師職業賽選手Blitzchung和兩位主播賽評於進行選手賽後訪問時出現違反賽事規章情形,導致團隊移除該賽事重播影片。 Upon further review we have found the action has violated the 2019 Hearthstone Grandmasters Official Competition Rules section 6.1 (o) and is individual behavior which does not represent Blizzard or Hearthstone Esports. 6.1 (o) is found below. 經電競團隊進一步審視,此行為已違反2019《爐石戰記》大師職業賽官方賽事規章 (2019 HEARTHSTONE® GRANDMASTERS OFFICIAL COMPETITION RULES v1.4) 第6.1 (o) 條,且為屬個人之行為,並不代表暴雪娛樂或《爐石戰記》電競團隊立場。詳細6.1 (o) 條內容如以下: 2019 HEARTHSTONE® GRANDMASTERS OFFICIAL COMPETITION RULES v1.4   p.12, Section 6.1 (o) Engaging in any act that, in Blizzard’s sole discretion, brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damages Blizzard image will result in removal from Grandmasters and reduction of the player’s prize total to $0 USD, in addition to other remedies which may be provided for under the Handbook and Blizzard’s Website Terms.  2019《爐石戰記》大師職業賽官方賽事規章第1.4版  第12頁,第6.1 (o) 條 依暴雪裁定,任何涉入破壞自己聲譽、冒犯部分或社會群體、或造成任何傷害暴雪形象之行為,將導致自己從大師職業賽除名且其於賽季中所獲之獎金將全數歸零,以及其他於本選手手冊或Blizzard網站使用條款所列舉之賠償。 Grandmasters is the highest tier of Hearthstone Esports and we take tournament rule violations very seriously. After an investigation, we are taking the necessary actions to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future: 大師職業賽是《爐石戰記》電競賽事的最高殿堂,我們慎重且嚴正地審視所有賽事違規事宜。經調查後,我們將做出相對應裁決,以避免類似情形於日後再次發生: Effective immediately, Blitzchung is removed from Grandmasters and will receive no prizing for Grandmasters Season 2. Additionally, Blitzchung is ineligible to participate in Hearthstone esports for 12 months beginning from Oct 5th, 2019 and extending to Oct 5th, 2020. We will also immediately cease working with both casters. Blitzchung 將即刻起自大師職業賽除名,並取消其於第二賽季所獲之獎金。此外,自2019年10月5日至2020年10月5日止,此12個月期間內,Blitzchung將不具參與《爐石戰記》相關電競賽事之資格。即刻起,我們也將中止與兩位賽評的合作。 We’d like to reemphasize tournament and player conduct within the Hearthstone esports community from both players and talent. While we stand by one’s right to express individual thoughts and opinions, players and other participants that elect to participate in our esports competitions must abide by the official competition rules. 我們想針對包含職業選手與主播賽評在內之《爐石戰記》電競社群成員,再次強調賽事規章與選手準則的重要性。我們尊重且理解每個人有表達個人想法與意見的權利,但所有經挑選後得以參與《爐石戰記》電競賽事的選手或賽事人員都必須遵守官方賽事規章。

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