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一手催生OWL聯賽系統的Nate Nanzer(中)將在下周離開暴雪,前往Epic Games任職。   圖:暴雪娛樂/提供 《鬥陣特攻》OWL 2019賽季全明星賽風光落幕,未來更將迎接2020全主客場制,但一手催生OWL聯賽系統的執行長Nate Nanzer卻在此刻宣布離職,外媒《ESPN》已向Epic Games確認,Nate Nanzer將加入這間暴雪競爭對手旗下熱門遊戲《要塞英雄》電競部門。 Nate Nanzer(右)將無法親眼見證OWL 2020主客場制的到來。 就在台灣時間5月25日,原OWL執行長Nate Nanzer突然在個人推特宣布,他將自暴雪娛樂離職,文中多次強調他多麼自豪能與OWL同仁共事、一同打造OWL聯賽系統,同時也表示他本人在OWL聯賽得以成功的重要性是被高估的,這應該是屬於所有人的功勞,更指出他已經等不及看到聯賽在2020主客場制的到來。 Hey Overwatch League family. I wanted to share that soon I will be leaving Blizzard for a new opportunity. This has been the toughest decision of my life, because it means I won’t get to work with the best staff, players, teams, owners, partners, and fans in esports anymore. 1/4 — Nate Nanzer (@natenanzer) 2019年5月25日 I can’t emphasize enough how proud I am of what we’ve all accomplished together. It has been the honor of my life to have been part of the team that helped build the league of #breakthrough, #BurnBlue, #pdomjnate, #CaptureHistory, #OWL2019, and many more. 2/4 — Nate Nanzer (@natenanzer) 2019年5月25日 I get way too much credit for the success of the Overwatch League. It’s been awesome to be our public face, but too many overestimate my role in making the league great. It isn’t about me; it’s never been. It’s about all of you. 3/4 — Nate Nanzer (@natenanzer) 2019年5月25日 That’s why I’m confident the league is in great hands. I can’t wait to see where the team takes the Overwatch League in 2020 - and beyond. And I’ll be cheering right there alongside you, every step of the way. 4/4 — Nate Nanzer (@natenanzer) 2019年5月25日 據《ESPN》報導,Nate Nanzer離職後,OWL執行長一職將會由現任動視暴雪電競聯盟執行長Pete Vlastelica接手。Pete Vlastelica發布聲明表示,OWL聯賽擁有最好的團隊,非常努力地實踐多年前提出的願景,他將與這些員工、團隊和合作夥伴密切合作,以實踐此一目標。 至於Nate Nanzer的未來動向,據傳的新東家Epic Games也很快地在其發布聲明後,表示歡迎Nate Nanzer來到他們公司任職,其將在《要塞英雄》電競部門發揮長才。 原文請見此:"Overwatch League commissioner Nanzer to join Epic Games"

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