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© Chris Burkard. Overall Winner, Red Bull Illume 2010「Red Bull Illume Image Quest」是紅牛這個機能飲品品牌主辦的極限運動攝影大賽,從2007開始,每三年一屆至2013已經舉辦了三屆。每一屆的攝影作品都讓人嘆為觀止、瞠目結舌。高檔的攝影器材、高超的攝影技巧與絕妙的拍攝時機,加上極限運動那迷人又刺激的時刻,實在吸引人的目光。2013 的 Red Bull Illume Image Quest 紅牛極限運動攝影賽,最厲害的 250 強已經出爐。前20強的選拔正在燒著評審們的腦神經細胞當中,而這前20強將會在香港首次曝光展覽,展期是 8/19 ~ 9/15 為期三週 (詳情請看 Get ready to light up Hong Kong 內容為英文),之後將會全球巡迴展出,只是不知道會不會到台灣來就是了。這前 20 強確定每個人可以獲得價值近80,000元的最新 Leica S 相機和一組 broncolor Move Outdoor kit 超強戶外閃燈,這組合根本就可以用攝影技術和太陽打對臺了!當然,最後燒掉評審最多腦細胞和主辦單位最多罐紅牛的全球第1強的攝影作品,沒那麼快出來,但是呢!他可以獨得 Leica X2 還有 broncolor Para 88 P Kit 更強的閃燈組,這可是攝影比賽狀元的獨得殊榮啊!以下是 businessinsider 網站,從250個世界強手影像中選出來的20張,大家可以看看這些超厲害的影像到底長得怎麼樣!當然,想看更多的話,直接到 redbullillume 上面看個夠吧! Jorge Ferzuli flies like a bird in Athens, Greece (Photographed by: Samo Vidic). Samo Vidic/Red Bull Illume Hubert Schober and Kedley Oliveti take the plunge in Zakynthos, Greece (Photographed by Dimitrios Kontizas). Dimitrios Kontizas/Red Bull Illume Todor Spasov falls through the air at Vila Franca do Campo in Azores, Portugal (Photographed by Romina Amato). Romina Amato/Red Bull Illume Katerina Hamsikova makes her way through the Russian Federation's White Sea in the Arctic Circle (Photographed by George Karbus). George Karbus/Red Bull Illume Caleb Reid is silhouetted against the sky in the Mentawai Islands, Indonesia (Photographed by Eugene Tan). Courtesy of Redbull Casey Capper and Andy Orley skateboard through Monument Valley, Utah (Photographed by David Lehl). David Lehl/Red Bull Illume Jen Olson and Kyle Vassilopoulos look miniature at Ghost River in the Canadian Rockies (Photographed by Paul Bride). Paul Bride/Red Bull Illume Florian Ebner scales the sky at Lienzer Dolomiten, Austria (Photographed by Martin Lugger). Martin Lugger/Red Bull Illume Amir Kabbani creates a stunning silhouette in Malaga, Spain (Photographed by Daniel Roos). Daniel Roos/Red Bull Illume Sean Woolnough sits this one out on Namotu Island, Fiji (Photographed by Stuart Gibson). Stuart Gibson/Red Bull Illume Ben Cossey scales the Grampians in Victoria, Australia (Photographed by Krystle Wright). Krystle Wright/Red Bull Illume Olivier Favresse hovers high above the ground in Margalef, Spain (Photographed by Bernardo Gimenez). Bernardo Gimenez/Red Bull Illume Surf's up for Gabriel Medina in Oahu, Hawaii (Photographed by Zakary Noyle). Zakary Noyle/Red Bull Illume Wade Simmons catches a sunset in Alpine, California (Photographed by Ale Di Lullo). Ale Di Lullo/Red Bull Illume Armin Holzer of Italy prepares to walk the line in Sexten, South Tyrol (Photographed by Harald Wisthaler). Harald Wisthaler/Red Bull Illume Evan Garcia makes his way down Spirit Falls in Little White Salmon River, Washington in this sequence shot (Photographed by Mike Leeds). Mike Leeds/Red Bull Illume Michael Tomcheck plummets towards the ground at Castle Valley, Utah (Photographed by Krystle Wright). Krystle Wright/Red Bull Illume Fredrik Berggren holds on for dear life in Are, Sweden (Photographed by Elias Kunosson). Elias Kunosson/Red Bull Illume Jacob Wester makes fresh powder in Verbier, Switzerland (Photographed by Daniel Rönnbäck). Daniel Rönnbäck/Red Bull Illume John Jackson makes an impossible arc in Aniak, Alaska (Photographed by Scott Serfas). Scott Serfas/Red Bull Illume

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