3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Reflections of Miyako  Chun-Yi Wu Photo Exhibition京都映像 吳俊毅攝影展 展期:2011 / 9 / 9 (Fri.) - 9 / 21 (Wed.)開幕茶會:2011 / 9 / 11 (Sun.) 14:00地點:1839 Little Gallery  台北市大安區延吉街120號地下樓  京都映像 2010 年11月,我在京都。旅途結束的前一天,去了宮川町 (Miyagawacho)。穿梭在夜幕低垂的狹窄巷弄裡,看著從燈籠所散發出的微光,倒映在町家 (Machiya日本傳統城市民居) 的門板上,有股時光倒流的感覺。信步漫遊間,一連串木屐踏在石板路上的叩叩聲由前方街角處傳來。此時,一襲華麗和服的舞妓伴隨著腳步聲出現在眼前。 「Konbanwa~(晚安)」我出聲打招呼。儘管倉促的腳步透露出趕路的訊息,但舞妓還是面帶笑容,優雅的微微欠身回應:「Konbanwa。」 那是一次印象深刻的偶遇。雖然相機收在背包裡,沒來得及記錄,但回想起那片段,畫面依舊是如此清晰。在京都旅行的日子裡,常常會遇到無法用相機捕捉的時刻。沒有記錄到的畫面,存放心中;而用相機拍下的,稍加整理後,成為這次展覽中與大家分享的照片。 過 去幾年,在不同的季節裡拜訪京都和其周圍地區,以庭園、古寺、藝妓、花蕊為主題,拍下自己所體會到的,京都的美。京都的獨特,已有許多人用文字做精采描 述。但要將這些有形與無形的感覺用攝影表達,並融入自己的想法,比我想像的困難許多。為了在時間與空間上取得更大優勢,另一方面也做更深入的體會,我盡可 能將待在京都的天數延長,並以不趕路為原則,放慢腳步,在這個迷人的古都裡四處走訪。 拍 攝過程,除了透過預約的方式提早進入景點,也參考了當地前輩的經驗分享,拜訪一些較不為人知的地方。其中印象最深刻的,是那幾天早於其他遊客進入嵐山的天 龍寺後,所感受到的靜謐。那時天尚未破曉,萬籟俱寂,我在四下無人的和室裡,一邊恣意的享受這難得的美好,一邊小心翼翼的設定好相機,等待曙光的來臨。 隨著拜訪京都次數的增加,對京都的感覺從似曾相似轉變為現在的親切熟悉。雖然在每次旅途中的探索都讓我認識京都不同的面貌,但對京都的喜愛卻是始終如一。 面對這樣一座有著悠久文化與傳統的古都,還有太多題材可供挖掘,而我對京都的眷戀攝影也將持續進行。  Reflections of Miyako In November, 2010, I was in Kyoto. I paid a visit to Miyagawacho one day prior to the end of the trip. Strolling through narrow alleys when the curtain of night dropped down, I watched the lantern cast dim light on the door plank of Machiya (traditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan) as if I were returning back to good old days. While casually taking a walk, I heard a clacking sound of geta (Japanese wooden footwear) made by someone stepping on the pavement laid with flagstones around the street corner ahead of me. An elegant geisha dressed in elaborate kimono appeared. “Konbanwa (Good Evening)!” I greeted her. Although her hasty steps implied that she was hurriedly on her way, the geisha gracefully leaned to make a bow and smilingly replied, “Konbanwa.”          That was the most impressive serendipity to me. Even though I failed to catch such a beautiful moment with my camera which was placed in my backpack, the scene from my memory remained vivid. During the days when I traveled around Kyoto, some unexpected episodes occurred in such a flash that my camera could not catch in time. Those that I failed to photograph would be kept deep inside my heart. I would like to share with you those precious moments luckily photographed by me in this exhibition.          In the past few years, I visited Kyoto and its surrounding areas in different seasons, centering my photography on themes such as gardens, old shrines, geisha, and flowers. I tried to catch the beauty of Kyoto by photographing what I experienced and appreciated. The distinctiveness of Kyoto has been often put into words. Without words, I found it challenging to convey my feelings and emotions, either tangible or intangible, by means of photography integrated with my own views. To gain superiority in both time and space and to probe into the essence of this city, I did my best to prolong my visit in Kyoto and tried not to hurry on my way so that I could slow down my footsteps and enjoyed my stroll around this enchanting city.           In the process of photography, I not only made reservations and arrived at some scenic spots ahead of time, but also paid a visit to a couple of little known places by referring to information offered by local seniors. What impressed to me most was a sense of tranquility I felt during those days in Arashiyama when I entered Tenryu-ji earlier than other tourists. Daybreak had not yet come, and all sounds were hushed. I alone savored the scarce moment in the washitsu (a Japanese-style room) where no one else but me was there, cautiously got my camera ready, and waited for the sunrise to come.       In my early trips to Kyoto, this city was somewhat unfamiliar to me. But with the increase in my visits to Kyoto, my feelings for it has gradually become intimate and close. My affection for Kyoto never changes even if I always discovered in this ancient city brand new faces and colors different from what I have already known. There are far more themes for me to explore, and my life of photography sentimentally attached to and inspired by Kyoto carries on.

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