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Zi 字媒體

謝孟媛初級文法Unit2 be動詞 一般動詞的現在式    Unit2 be動詞 一般動詞的現在式 be動詞 表示狀態/存在 一般動詞 表示動作 1.be動詞的現在式 am, are, is 是 例:We are happy. 在 例:She is in America. 主詞 + be動詞 主詞 be動詞 例句 第一人稱 am I am a boy. 第二人稱/複數名詞 are You are my sons. 第三人稱單數/單數名詞 is He is my student. be動時的否定 => am/are/is + not 肯定句: 主詞 + am/are/is He is a good baseball player. 否定句: 主詞 + am/are/is + not He is not a good baseball player. He isn’t a good baseball player. be動詞的疑問句 =>將be動詞放主詞前,句尾加問號。 肯定句: 主詞 + am/are/is ~ That is his camera. The girls is a junior high school student. 疑問句: am/are/is + 主詞 ~? Is that his camera? Is the girls a junior high school student? be動詞開頭的疑問句,可用yes/no來回答,答句中的主詞須用代名詞。 問句: Am/Are/Is + 主詞~? Is that man your math teacher? 答句: Yes, 主詞 + am/are/is. ​ No, 主詞 + am/are/is + not Yes, he is. / No, he is not. Are you eating your lunch? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 2.一般動詞的現在式 主詞 + 一般動詞 => 現在式。主詞為第三人稱單數,一般動詞加s或es 第一人稱: I like dogs. / We like dogs. 第二人稱: You like dogs. / You like dogs. 第三人稱: He likes dogs. / They like dogs. 一般動詞加s或es的方法 大部分動詞s. (例) works、plays. 一般動詞字尾為a, s, sh, ch時加es. (例)goes、washes 一般動詞字尾為子音+y時去y加ies. (例)cry -> cries、study -> studies. have/has have(有;吃) 的單數動詞為 has。 They have a lot of money. He has a lot of money. 一般動詞的否定句 不可以在一般動詞後面加not,須用助動詞do/does. do 用於主詞為I、you 、複數。 dose 用於主詞為第三人稱單數。 肯定句: 主詞 + 一般動詞~. The twin brothers go to school by bus. Sam has dinner at the restaurant. 否定句: 主詞 +do/dose + not + 原形動詞~. The twin brothers do not (don’t) go to school by bus. Sam dose not (doesn’t) have dinner at the restaurant. 比較->否定句 be動詞 -> He is my boyfriend. He is not my boyfriend. 一般動詞 -> He likes dogs. He doesn’t like dogs. 一般動詞疑問句 不可將一般動詞放主詞前用須用助動詞do/does (例)You visit your grandmother on Sundays. 疑問句: Do you visit your grandmother on Sundays? (例) He comes from England. 疑問句: Does he come from England? 助動詞do/does開頭的問句,yes/no之後用do/does回答。 (例) Does the little boy go to school? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t 比較->疑問句 be動詞 -> She is beautiful Is she beautiful? Yes, she is. 一般動詞 -> She loves tennis Does she love tennis? Yes, she does. be動詞問用be動詞回答,助動詞問用助動詞回答。    分享此文: Twitter Facebook 相關 初級文法英語語言謝孟媛

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