3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

   內容目錄 CH1 1-2打招呼 1-3自我介紹 1-4 be動詞+名字 1-5 be動詞+from 1-6請對方再說一次 1-7自己找台階下:沒有啦~開玩笑的! 1-8名詞單數 1-9名詞複數 1-10介紹職業 1-11 be動詞+形容詞 1-12表達驚訝 1-13再見的說法 CH2 2-2拿東西給別人:這個送給你 2-3 This/That的用法:這個那個 2-4所有格 2-5 be動詞疑問句:你瘋了嗎? 2-6 謝謝、不客氣的說法 2-7 be動詞問答句 2-8 What+beV疑問句:你的星座是什麼? 2-9不知道的說法:問倒我了 2-10 提出建議:那火鍋好不好? 2-11 That’s+Adj 接受禮物回應 2-12 受詞:你懂我,我喜歡貓咪 CH3 3-2 打招呼的說法(2) 閒聊開頭:嘿~你在幹嘛? 3-3 休假的說法:我今天不上班 3-4動詞現在簡單式(上):我同事每天喝珍奶 3-4動詞現在簡單式(下):我同事每天喝珍奶 3-5 時間(1) 一天之內:我半夜都吃鹹酥雞 3-6 like / love to V.:我老闆喜歡下午翹班 3-7 表達喜歡 (上):我們都是果粉 3-7 表達喜歡 (下):我們都是果粉 3-8 be 動詞問答句 (No):你不是我的菜 3-9 聊天轉折語 (上):我跟你說喔 3-9 聊天轉折語 (下):我跟你說喔 3-10 數字:1-99 3-11 How old 表達年齡:安安你幾歲? 3-12 want / need + N. / to V.:我要賺大錢! 3-13 還沒下決定的回答:再看看吧! CH4 4-2 Let’s / Let 用法:我們結婚吧! 4-3 動詞現在簡單式否定句:我不喜歡洗頭 4-4 動詞現在簡單式疑問句:我認識你嗎? 4-5 see / watch / look at 看的說法 4-6 come / go 搭配用法:我們一起去吧! 4-7 提出請求(1) Can I / Could I / May I:我可以借點錢嗎? 4-8 wear / put on / try on 穿的說法 4-9 答應請求:當然沒問題! 4-10 I think… 表達想法:我覺得超狂! 4-11 so / very / too / really 程度:你人真好 4-12 表達不滿:你很機車欸! CH5 5-2 表達認同:沒錯,真的! 5-3 一般動詞 have / has:我有一個夢 5-4 the 指定(1):就是這一件! 5-5 the 指定(2):天空很藍,湖水很綠 5-6 Which one:你要哪一個? 5-7 挑選衣服尺寸:我穿 S 號 5-8 These / Those 用法:這條褲子好緊 5-9 數字:100-9999 5-10 How much 問價格:這個多少錢? 5-11 優惠的說法:好划算喔! 5-12 請對方稍等:等等喔! 5-13 道歉 / 沒關係的說法:歹勢! CH6 6-2 動詞現在進行式:我們正在吃大餐 6-3 詢問意願和邀約:要不要一起吃晚餐? 6-4 答應邀約:好啊!加一! 6-5 所有格(2):湯瑪士的機車壞了 6-6 can / can’t 表達會不會:你會騎機車嗎? 6-7 Be / Do / Don’t 命令句:跟我來! 6-8 表達程度(2):他其實人滿好的 6-9 表達頻率(1):我常來這裡呀! CH7 7-2 疑問詞 Where:你在哪裡? 7-3 介系詞 in + 地點:我弟弟常在游泳池裡尿尿 7-4 介系詞 on + 地點:貓咪在鋼琴上睡覺 7-5 介系詞 at + 地點:在火車站等我喔! 7-6 There + beV:這附近有很多不錯的餐廳! 7-7 疑問詞 How:這吃起來怎麼樣? 7-8 How far 表達距離:開車過去要多久? 7-9 問路、指路:直直走就好 CH8 8-2 表達五感體驗:彷彿置身天堂啊! 8-3 表達好吃 / 難吃:吃起來酸酸甜甜 8-4 數量詞:我可以喝 10 罐台啤 8-5 How many / much 詢問數量:請問幾位? 8-6 餐廳用語 (1):我們可以點餐了 8-7 現在進行式疑問:你有在聽我說話嗎? 8-8 現在進行式否定:我沒有交往對象 8-9 have to V.:我一定要停紅燈嗎? CH9 9-2 描述天氣 (1):又熱又悶,真煩! 9-3 表達頻率 (2):我週末都在家追美劇 9-4 描述天氣 (2):春天暖和怡人,但很常下雨 9-5 介系詞 with:我身上沒帶錢 9-6 What kind 哪一種:你想要哪種派對風格? 9-7 怕的各種說法:我怕胖! 9-8 表達位置的介系詞 (1):他的雙手環繞著我 9-9 請客的說法:今天這餐我請 CH10 10-2 急 / 不急的說法:慢慢來沒關係 10-3 someone / something / somewhere:我在等人 10-4 What time 問幾點:媽,晚上幾點吃飯? 10-5 介系詞 in + 時間:Catherine 的生日在十月 10-6 疑問詞 When:什麼時候截止? 10-7 介系詞 on + 時間:我星期五晚上喜歡宅在家 10-8 take 搭配用法:我們休息十分鐘 10-9 到 / 沒到的說法:我再十分鐘就到! CH1 初次見面打招呼、be 動詞的用法 1-2打招呼 I'm fine, thank you. And you? How are you? 不用認真回答 問候 Hi, How are you? 連音 Hey, how's it going? How are you doing? 回答 Good. Pretty good. I'm good. I'm great. I'm fine. I'm OK. + Thank you. Not bad. Thanks. 反問對方 Good. And you? Pretty good. You? I'm good. Thanks. You? I'm OK. How about you? Not bad. Yourself? 例子 Hi, How are you? Good. How are you? I'm fine. Thanks. 更道地 How's it going? Going well. How are you doing? Doing great. 例子 Hey, how are you doing? Doing great. How about you? Pretty good. Thanks! 初次見面問候 Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 例子 Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you. Hello, nice to meet you, too. Hi, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. 打招呼:已經認識的朋友 Nice to see you. Good to see you. 有時間性的打招呼 Good morning. Morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 掰掰的晚安 Goodnight. 1-3自我介紹 What's your name? My name is David. I'm David. Hi, my name is David. Hi, I'm David. Jennifer 她的小名就是 很常出現就是 Jen You can call me Jen. Please call me Billy. 例子 Hi, Mr. Smith. I'm Sam. Nice to meet you. Hello, Sam. Nice to meet you, too. You can call me Billy. 例子 Hi, my name is Jennifer. You can call me Jen. Nice to meet you. Hello, Jen. I'm Jasmine. Nice to meet you, too. Catherine Katherine Carl Karl Abby Abbie What's your name? Your name, please. Catherine Catherine? Hi, my name is Catherine. Catherine with a C . You can call me Cat. Hi, my name is Abby. Abby with a y. What's your name? 1-4 be動詞+名字 You are Cherry. 名字不要亂取 You're Cherry. She is Candy. He is Dick. They are Richard and Sophia. We are Richard and Sophia. https://www.twgreatdaily.com/cat54/node634889 不雅的英文名字 這通常發生在女孩子身上,在台灣很多女孩子以Candy、 Cherry、 Brandy等來命名,而這些名字在英語系國家裡,多半是妓女或鋼管女郎的名字。 男生偶爾也會有,例如Dick,就是指男性的生殖器官。 Cherry 是處女的意思 外國老師說過女生不要取名叫Baby 男子不叫Lucifer (路西法)-地獄的代表,紐西蘭到目前甚至是禁止的名字。 取名字 Google 2021 boy's name 電影角色名字 護照上的名字 1-5 be動詞+from Where are you from? I am from Taiwan. I am from Taipei. I am from Taipei, Taiwan. I am from Mars. I'm Catherine from Taiwan. She is from Japan. They are from Korea. 1-6請對方再說一次 非正式 Sorry? I'm sorry? Excuse me? 搭配用法 Can you say that again? Can you speak slower? Can you speak up? 可以大聲一點嗎? What did you say? 你說什麼? Excuse me, Can you speak slower? Sorry, Can you say that again? 正式 Pardon? Pardon me? Pardon me? Can you speak up? 1-7自己找台階下:沒有啦~開玩笑的! 找台階下 Just kidding. I'm kidding. Just joking. I'm joking. I'm just joking around. 冷場 Never mind. Go ahead. Never mind. I'm joking. 嚇到對方 Relax! Relax! I'm just joking around. Sorry! I'm just kidding. 1-8名詞單數 a nice person 一個好人 Thomas is a nice person. a+子音開頭單字 an+母音開頭單字 a,e,i,o,u an apple an egg an intern an orange an umerella 例外 an hour a university 不可數名詞 water hate hair ice bread an iphone an owl 貓頭鷹 a cat Jack is a cat person You are a gentleman. 1-9名詞複數 three pretty girls She's a pretty girl. They're pretty girls. Cats are animals. some+可數名詞 some apples some toys some+不可數名詞 some water some rice some money some bread many+可數名詞 many people They are nice people. Many people are engineers. Some interns are from Taipei. 字尾是s/ss/x/ch/sh: 加es bus buses class classes box boxes 教堂 church churches 睫毛 eyelash eyelashes 字尾是y:去y加ies city cities puppy puppies baby babies lady ladies 字尾是母音+y:直接加s day days monkey monkeys boy boys 字尾是f/fe:去f/fe加ves wife wives life lives leaf leaves 例外 字尾f/字尾o roof roofs tomato tomatoes 單複數是同個單字 fish sheep deer 單複數是不同個單字 person people foot feet child children woman women man men Hey, pretty girls! Hey, beauties! Hey, ladies! Candies are snacks. 1-10介紹職業 What do you do? What do you do for a living? I am an English teacher. 業務 sales rep(representative) He is a sales rep. salesperson 銷售員 She is a doctor. I work in (產業類別) I work in finance. They work in IT. I work in marketing. I work at a (工作地點) I work at a bank. We work at a restaurant. Emma and Ryan work at a café. She is a dancer. Jack is an actor. They work at a post office. We work in advertising. 1-11 be動詞+形容詞 I am good. Taiwanese people are friendly. 台灣人很熱情 Americans are tall. Asians are petite. 亞洲人都滿嬌小的 He's a bad guy. He is a bad person, don't make friends with him. Emma 是一個自私的人 Emma is a selfish person. They are stupid people. 他們是一群笨蛋 單獨使用 Cool! Nice! beautiful! You are beautiful. Good! It's good. He's funny 他很搞笑 Balls are round. 球是圓的 They're happy students. I’m a shy person. 我是個害羞的人 1-12表達驚訝 Wow! Oh my God! Oh my gosh! Oh my goodness! 不可置信、再確認 Really? No way! Get out! 或是 Get out of here! (語氣要對、對象要熟) Are you serious? You're kidding me! I can't believe it! Oh my God! Really? Can you show me? Can you show me how? Are you serious? my gosh!I can't believe it! 1-13再見的說法 各種場合適用的再見說法 Goodbye Bye See you! 更有禮貌的再見說法 Take care. Have a nice day. Goodnight. Nice talking to you. 混搭使用 Goodbye. Take care. Nice talking to you. See you later. 不拘禮節的再見說法 See you later. Catch you later. Talk to you later.(TTYL) I gotta go. I'm outta here. I'm off. 例子 Nice talking to you. Goodnight! CH2 這個那個、be 動詞疑問句 / 否定句 2-2拿東西給別人:這個送給你 1.不帶感情,隨手給 Here. 來,給你 Here it is. Here you are. Here you go. There you go. Give you.(X) Give you a candy.(X) 2.有送、給予的意味 This candy is for you. This song is for my fans. Hey babe, this flower is for you. Your wallet. Here you go. 2-3 This/That的用法:這個那個 This is Emma. That is Ryan. That代稱想法、事情 That's great! That's a good idea. That's a bad habit. This/That當受詞 I love this! I love that idea. I love that concept. 我喜歡這個概念 This/That當形容詞 That pig is cute That's hard! 好難喔 This math question is hard! That's stinky! 好臭喔 That tall guy is handsome! 2-4所有格 My cat is fat. Lin Chi-Ling is my woman. Eddie Peng is our Price Charming. You are my chocolate. You are my sweetheart. It is your fault. Your money is my money. My money is my money. My money is still my money. This is her husband. 莎拉 Sarah 是我們的閨蜜 Sarah is our bestie. Sarah is our bff. (best friend(s) forever) They are my buddies. That is their idea! That little girl is his fan. 2-5 be動詞疑問句:你瘋了嗎? Am I from Taiwan? Am I a nice person? 你瘋了嗎? Are you crazy? Are you nuts? 你是我的靈魂伴侶嗎? Are you my soulmate? 他們還好嗎? Are they okay? 我們是怪咖嗎? Are we weird people? 他是認真的嗎? Is he serious? 那是你的錢包嗎? Is that your wallet? Are Ryan and Emma a couple? John and Mary是菜市場名嗎? Are John and Mary common names? Is this pretty woman my wife? 2-6 謝謝、不客氣的說法 Thank you Thanks Thank you very much. Thank you so much. 更具體的表達 That's very kind of you. I don't know what to say! I owe you one! owe 欠 It means a lot to me. Oh, thanks. I don't know what to say. 英國、澳洲不同文化謝謝的口語說法 Cheers! 回應方式 You're welcome. My pleasure. No problem. Not at all. Anytime. Sure. Yep. Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. Yes, I am. Am I OK? Yes, you are. You're OK. Are you OK? Yes, I am. I'm OK. Is he OK? Yes, he is. He's OK. Is she OK? Yes, she is. She's OK. Is it OK? Yes, it is. It's OK. Are you OK? Yes, you are. You're OK. Are we OK? Yes, we are. We're OK. Are they OK? Yes, they are. They're OK. Are you ready? Yes, I am. I'm ready. Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah! Let's go. Is it true? Yes, it is. It' true. Yeah, it's true. Is everything alright? Yes, it is. It's alright. Of course! Everything is alright. Is that woman Lady Gaga? Yes, she is. She is Lady Gaga. Yes, that woman is Lady Gaga. Are Taiwanese people friendly? Yes, we are. We are friendly. Yes, they are. They're friendly. Yeah, Taiwanese people are friendly. 2-7 be動詞問答句 Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. Yes, I am. Am I OK? Yes, you are. You're OK. Are you OK? Yes, I am. I'm OK. Is he OK? Yes, he is. He's OK. Is she OK? Yes, she is. She's OK. Is it OK? Yes, it is. It's OK. Are you OK? Yes, you are. You're OK. Are we OK? Yes, we are. We're OK. Are they OK? Yes, they are. They're OK. Are you ready? Yes, I am. I'm ready. Yeah, I'm ready. Yeah! Let's go. Is it true? Yes, it is. It' true. Yeah, it's true. Is everything alright? Yes, it is. It's alright. Of course! Everything is alright. Is that woman Lady Gaga? Yes, she is. She is Lady Gaga. Yes, that woman is Lady Gaga. Are Taiwanese people friendly? Yes, we are. We are friendly. Yes, they are. They're friendly. Yeah, Taiwanese people are friendly. 2-8 What+beV疑問句:你的星座是什麼? What is CHANEL? What's love? What are your names? What is your name? My name is Kitty. star sign 星座 What's your star sign? My star sign is Leo. I am a Leo. What are your star signs? Our star signs are Leo and Virgo. What's your LINE ID? My LINE ID is jella. It's jella. What's his number? What's his phone number? 0800 092 000 It's o eight double o o nine two triple o. 2-9不知道的說法:問倒我了 I don't know. I'm not sure. I have no idea I have no clue. clue線索 Beats me. beat打敗 Who knows? 沒回答問題的我不知道 Hmm... Good question. Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe. Good question. I have no idea. I really don't know. 有點不耐煩的我不知道 How should I know? Don't ask me. 2-10 提出建議:那火鍋好不好? Ah, it's raining. Let's just stay at the coffee shop and wait until the rain stops. How about that? Hey, Catherine. I'm going out for a walk and get an iced coffee. How about you? 那你呢? 項鍊 necklace How about a necklace? 項鍊好嗎? coupon 劵 腳底按摩券 foot massage coupon How about a foot massage coupon? 機票 plane ticket How about a plane ticket to Tokyo? 送東京機票好不好? how about Mexican food? 去吃那個墨西哥餐好不好 表達同意的說法 Sounds good! Sounds great! Good idea. Why not? 為什麼不? I'm in! 火鍋 hot pot How about hot pot? Okay. Sounds good! dessert 甜點 How about some dessert? Sure. Why not? How about Japan? Good idea. I'm in! 2-11 That's+Adj 接受禮物回應 表達驚訝(1-12) Wow! Really? I can't believe it! 表達感謝(2-6) Thank you. Thanks so much. You shouldn't have. 稱讚禮物 It's beautiful! They're very nice. I like it. I love it. I really like it! I really love it! 稱讚對方(2-6) You're the best! You're so nice! 你人好好 Aw, you're so sweet! 你好貼心 That's very kind of you! 你人真好 That's+Adj That's cool! 太酷了 That's weird! 太奇怪了 That's funny! 太好笑了 混搭 WOW! Really? Thanks! That's so sweet. I love it! No way! That's great! 不可能吧?!太棒了 No way! That's awesome! awesome Adj.酷斃了、超讚的 好好喔!幹嘛那麼客氣呢! That's very kind! You shouldn't have. 2-12 受詞:你懂我,我喜歡貓咪 你懂我,我喜歡貓咪 You know me. I like cats. I like them, too. 我也喜歡牠們 My mom and dad like Ryan I like him, too! This song is for his fans. It is for them. Her friends like her smile. They like it. I won't give up on us. 我不會對我倆失去信心 CH3 表達習慣和興趣、動詞現在式 3-2 打招呼的說法(2) 閒聊開頭:嘿~你在幹嘛? What are you up to? 最近在忙什麼? 回應 Not much. 老樣子 Nothing. 沒什麼啦 Nothing much. What are you up to right now? 你在幹嘛 回應 Just hanging out. 就是跟朋友出來啦 I'm just hanging out. Just chilling. chill (v)放鬆 回問對方 How about you? You? 例子 Hey, What are you up to? Not much. Just hanging out with friends. Hey, What are you up to right now? I'm reading a book. You? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing now? Hey, what are you doing here? 回應 Nothing, just hanging out. How about you? I'm waiting for my friend. Hi, Bill! What are you doing here? Hi, Jessie! How are you? I'm waiting for my wife. How about you? Just hanging out with my family. Hey hon. honey 親愛的 What are you doing? I'm missing you, of course! Aw, That's so sweet. 3-3 休假的說法:我今天不上班 I'm off today. I'm off work today. I have the day off. I have the day off today. I have two days off. 我休兩天假 I have the week off. 我休一星期 I have tkaing the day off. 今天請假 I have tkaing the day off today. 休長假 I'm on leave. I'm on leave right now. Hello, may i speak to Mr. Lin? Sorry, he is on leave right now. 連假 We have a long weekend. (長的週末=連假) Yeah! We have a four-day weekend! 耶!我們有四天連假! four-day (Adj.四天的) Yeah! We have four days off! 度假 We are on vacation. summer vacation 暑假 winter vacation 寒假 Are you here on business or on vacation. We are here on vacation. 3-4動詞現在簡單式(上):我同事每天喝珍奶 be動詞 Lin Chi-Ling is my woman. be動詞/動詞 基本上八九成 二擇一 I am from Taiwan. I come from Taiwan. 單字具象化 有助記憶 I run. I run fast. I read. I read a book. I read a book every day. I study. I study English. I study English at home. I like it. I like it so much. 動詞現在簡單式:習慣和興趣 習慣、常態、重複的行為 I read a book every day. 興趣 I like dogs. 動詞現在簡單式:事實、自然現象 事實 I run fast. I have two sisters. 自然現象 The sun rises every morning. 3-4動詞現在簡單式(下):我同事每天喝珍奶 第三人稱單數:動詞變化方式 第三人稱單數:he/she/it/名詞單數 He runs fast. She loves it. Emma reads a book every day. It takes time. 它會花很多時間 I take a shower every night. He takes a shower every night, too Monkeys like bananas. That monkey likes apples. I drink bubble tea every day. My colleague drinks bubble tea every day.我同事每天喝珍奶 Emma studies English every morning. Ryan goes to work on time. 3-5 時間(1) 一天之內:我半夜都吃鹹酥雞 morning 6:00~11:59 noon 12:00 noonish 中午時間 afternoon 午後 night 18:00~06:00 evening 18:00~睡前 midnight 24:00 late night 大半夜 in the morning at noon at (around) noonish at (around) 4-ish in the afternoon at night in the evening at midnight late at night I eat fried chicken late at night. 我半夜都吃鹹酥雞 I meet him at around noonish. He goes to the gym in the evening. 他都晚上去健身房 I wash my hair in the morning. In the evening, people get off work. Every day I walk to work. 3-6 like / love to V.:我老闆喜歡下午翹班 I love this song. I like cats. 不定詞 I love to sing this song. I love to sleep in. 我愛睡到自然醒 sleep in睡懶覺;睡到自然醒 Jen loves to sing this song. My dad likes to pet cats. My brother likes to pick his nose.我哥哥喜歡挖鼻孔 My boss likes to blow off work in the afternoon. 我老闆喜歡下午翹班 3-7 表達喜歡 (上):我們都是果粉 What do you like to do? What do you like to do in your free time? 問對方的興趣 What's your passion? I'm a dog lover. I'm a cheese lover. I'm a dog person. I'm a morning person. I'm a night person. I'm an early bird I'm a night owl. owl 是貓頭鷹 What do you like to do in your free time? I like to read. I'm a book lover Are you a dog person or a cat person? Ryan likes to paint in his free time. Europeans are cheese lovers. She likes to drink coffee. She's a coffee lover. She's a coffee drinker. I'm a Marvel fan. I'm a fan of Iron Man. Not a fan of it. 不喜歡 Emma loves K-POP. Emma loves to listen to K-POP music. Emma is a K-POP fan. Emma is a K-POP lover. Emma is a fan of K-POP. We are Apple fans. We are fans of Apple. 3-7 表達喜歡 (下):我們都是果粉 I'm into swing music. I'm interested in swing music. I'm interested in singing. What's your passion? I love musicals. I'm into musicals I'm interested in musicals. What do you like to do? I like to cook. I'm into cooking. I'm interested in cooking. My sister likes that boy. My sister is into that boy My sister is interested in that boy. We like to surf.我們很喜歡衝浪 We are into surfing. We're interested in surfing. My boyfriend likes to play video games. My boyfriend is into video games. My boyfriend is interested in video games. 3-8 be 動詞問答句 (No):你不是我的菜 Are you OK? Yes, I am. I'm OK No, I'm not. I'm not OK. I'm not going. This is for you. This isn't for you. Cats are adorable. 貓咪好惹人愛 Cats are not adorable. You are my type. You are not my type.你不是我的菜 3-9 聊天轉折語 (上):我跟你說喔 開啟話題時說的話 Hey! Guess what? Hey! Guess what? Ling Chi-Ling is engaged! engaged(Adj.有婚約的) 接續題時說的話 Well, ... you know You know what? Well, I'll think about that. Guess what? Ryan and Emma are together. together(adj.在一起,交往中) Well, I'm not surprised. You know Ryan likes smart girls. You know what? Maybe he is not that into me. 我跟你說喔,或許他沒那麼喜歡我 Well, you know, maybe he's just shy. 接續題時說的話 So, ... Then, ... I'm taking the day off. Yeah! 我今天休假。耶! So, what are you doing today? 所以你今天要做什麼? Well, probably just chilling at home. 這個嘛... 可能就在家休息 Okay then. See you later. How about sushi? No. Not a fan of fish. Then, how about steak? OK, I like meat. 3-9 聊天轉折語 (下):我跟你說喔 Actually, … 實際上 That guy is cute! I want to ask for his number. Actually, he's my husband I love cats! You're a cat person, right? Actually, I'm a dog person. 轉換話題時說的話 Anyway, … By the way, … 順道一提 Huh? What did you say? 蛤?你剛剛說啥? Haha, I'm just kidding. Anyway, have a nice day. Happy birthday Linda! Thank you! By the way, I need that report today. Hey! Good to see you. What are you doing here? Not much, you know just chilling out. Cool! Hey, you know what? We should hang out sometime. 3-10 數字:1-99 1~10 11~20 30~90 常見的數字念法 55688 It's 4:05 four o five It's 8:30 eight thirty Room 1006 ten o six Room 235 tw thirty-five 1028 Street ten twenty-eight Taipei 101 Taipei one o one in 2019 twenty nineteen in 2009 two thousand and nine 24/7 全年無休 wenty-four seven 3-11 How old 表達年齡:安安你幾歲? How old are you? How old is he/she? I'm 34 years old. I'm in my 40s. He's in his 40s That man is in his 50s. You're a 30-year-old (man). Are you a 3-year-old? 3-12 want / need + N. / to V.:我要賺大錢! Bucket list 人生待做清單 The things you want to do before you die. travel the world I want to travel the world lose weight I want to lose weight. go on a diet I want to go on a diet. I want to speak English. I need to make money. I needa make big money. My cat needs to lose weight. She wants to use the restroom. use the restroom 用廁所;上廁所 She needs to use the restroom. go to the toilet I want it! 我想要! I want a raise. 我想要加薪 My friend wants a vacation. I need it! 我需要! She needs money right now. I need you. 我需要你 I need your company. 我需要你的陪伴 company (N.)同行;陪伴 I need to take a nap. 我需要小睡一下 I need a nap. He wants to go to the gym every morning. Jolin wants a new cellphone. She needs to save money. 3-13 還沒下決定的回答:再看看吧! 還沒下決定、保留空間 I don't know. I'm not sure. maybe I'll think about it. I'll let you know later. We'll see. Will you marry me? I'm not sure. I'll love you forever. We'll see. (試穿完衣服) What do you think? I'll think about it. Thank you. 委婉拒絕 Maybe next time. 也許下次 Maybe some other time. 也許改天 No…maybe next time. No, maybe some other time. Thanks for asking. Thanks for the invite. Do you want to come over for dinner? Well, maybe next time. But thanks for the invite. Well, thanks for the invite. But maybe next time. 喝一杯 get a drink Hey Emma, wanna get a drink tonight? Do you want to get a drink tonight? Well, I'm not sure. I need to finish my work. Come on! It'll be fun. Maybe. I'll let you know later. So, are you gonna come? No, maybe next time. Thanks for asking. CH4 徵求同意、動詞現在式否定 / 疑問句 4-2 Let's / Let 用法:我們結婚吧! Are you ready? Yeah! I'm ready. Let's go! What do you want to do? Let's go shopping! Let's get married! Let's grow old together. 我們一起變老吧! Let's order pizza. 來點披薩吧! Mommy, let me pour the milk. pour 倒 Maybe next time. Please, let me do it. OK, OK. Let her talk. Let's get out of here. 4-3 動詞現在簡單式否定句:我不喜歡洗頭 You're not my type. 你不是我的菜 Cats are not adorable. 貓咪不惹人愛 助動詞 do/does He knows. He doesn't know. I want to talk to you now. 我現在想跟你說話 I do not want to talk to you now. 我現在不想跟你說話 I like to wash my hair. I do not like to wash my hair. I don't like to wash my hair. She drinks black coffee. She does not drink black coffee. She doesn't drink black coffee. Ryan does not need your help. I do Know. 我真的知道 4-4 動詞現在簡單式疑問句:我認識你嗎? Do I know you? 我認識你嗎? Do you like coffee, tea, or me? Does Thomas like to drink beer? Do you like it? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I like it. No, I don't. No, I don't. I don't like it. Do you want to go home? No, I don't. No, I don't want to go home. 4-5 see / watch / look at 看的說法 I see trees. I see birds. And I see a fountain. I see lots of people. Hey, look! A squirrel! A squirrel! squirrel 松鼠 Look at this one. I like to watch the squirrels eat. ​ baseball games ​ TV ​ movies ​ YouTube videos Mommy! Look! Wow! Good job! Wow! I see lots of pretty clothes. Look at this one. Nice, right? Watch me walk the catwalk. 看我走台步 catwalk 伸展台 You watch too much TV. See! I told you. 看吧 我跟你講了 OK I see. see a doctor I'm seeing a nice girl. dating Look at the view! look for a good job look after a baby 照顧小孩 I'm just looking. 我只是看看 Look, I know you hate me. Look, you need to trust me. Watch out! 小心一點 I can watch your bag. 我看一下你的包包 (讓她去洗手間) Look at me and say you're sorry Look, I know you're angry, but you're being crazy right now! I see. You don't love me anymore. Yes I do, okay? Can we watch the movie now? 4-6 come / go 搭配用法:我們一起去吧! Come here. Go there. come back go back come to Taiwan go to Taiwan Come to Taiwan! Taiwanese people are friendly. I want to go to Machu Picchu. 馬丘比丘 (人在健身房)I come to the gym every night. (人不在健身房)I go to the gym every night. It's late. I need to go home. Come home, we miss you! Do you want to come (with me)? Let's go together! Do you want to come here? Do you want to come join us? Let's go together! Come on! C'mon! Do you want to come? Make a decision now. Go away! 走開 Go ahead. 你繼續 I like to go jogging. go surfing 去衝浪 go to work go to school go to bed 4-7 提出請求(1) Can I / Could I / May I:我可以借點錢嗎? Can I watch TV? Can I have some candy? Can I buy this? 禮貌詢問允許 Can I watch TV, please? Can I have some candy, please? Can I buy this, please? Can I have some water? Can I have some water, please? Can I have a Big Mac and a coke? Can I try it on, please? 我可以試穿這件嗎? Could I speak to your manager? Could I speak to your manager, please? May I help you? Can I / Could I / May I 語感差別 CanI borrow some money? Could I borrow some money? May I borrow some money? Can I use your bathroom? Could May Can I talk to you later? 等下可以跟你聊一下嗎? Could May 4-8 wear / put on / try on 穿的說法 Put on your sweater. 穿上毛衣 Please put on slippers. 請穿上拖鞋 slippers 拖鞋 It’s cold! Put on your gloves. gloves 手套 Everybody needs to wear a tie. 大家都需要打領帶 I wear glasses every day. Can I try on this top? 我可以試穿這件上衣嗎? flowery shirt 花襯衫 Put on your shoes. 穿上鞋子 I want to try them on. 我想試穿這雙 Linda is wearing a red T-shirt and jeans. Wow! You are wearing a dress! flip-flop 夾腳拖 Thanks. And you are wearing flip-flops… 4-9 答應請求:當然沒問題! Could I speak to your manager? May I leave early today? Yes, you may. 答應請求 Yes, of course. Of course. certainly Excuse me, can I try this on? Certainly. Can I use your bathroom? Yes, of course. 答應請求 Sure. No problem. A salad, please. Sure. A salad. Anything else? 答應請求 Yeah. Okay. Alright. Could I talk to you for a second? Yeah, sure! Yeah, no problem. Could I borrow some money? Okay. Alright. Can you pick me up today? Okay. May I see your ID, please? Yeah, of course. Sure no problem. 4-10 I think... 表達想法:我覺得超狂! 詢問對方的想法 What do you think? Let's get married! What do you think? I think it's a bad idea. Let's watch a movie! What do you think? I think it's too late. She eats 10 hamburgers every day. Cool! I think that's dope! dope 狂 表達不確定的猜測 I think she's sick. Mommy doesn't want to talk to me. I think she's angry. 詢問對方的想法 Do you think she's angry? Yes, I think she's angry. I think so. I don't think she's angry. I don't think so. Do you think we're lost? Are we lost? Yes, I think think we're lost Yes, I think so. Do you think Rebecca is interested in Tai Chi? 太極 No, I don't think she is interested in Tai Chi. I think you are late. I think my job is boring. Rebecca thinks Thomas likes her. He thinks he's right. 4-11 so / very / too / really 程度:你人真好 Typhoons are scary. 颱風很可怕 Typhoons are very scary. Eddie is very handsome. He is really funny! You are so nice! 你人真好! You are super nice! He runs really fast. I'm very sorry. He works very hard. They leave so early every day. I really like it. I like it so much. I like it very much. I really think it's a good idea. I miss you so much! I really miss you. This necklace is for you. Wow! thank you! I like it so much. I really like it. this test is so hard. This test is too hard. too的概念 more than your think This bag is really expensive! This bag is too expensive. This hotel is really cheap.(覺得賺到) This hotel is too cheap.(懷疑品質) 4-12 表達不滿:你很機車欸! That's not nice. 你這樣講不好 That's mean. 你很機車 You're so mean. mean (adj.)機車、壞、苛薄、不善良 That's annoying. You're annoying. 你很煩耶 Hey! That's not nice. I don't want to talk to you. I don't wanna talk to you. Shut up! Get out! Go away! Get out! I don't wanna talk to you. You're too much! 你太過分 You're unbelievable. 你太過分了 That's it. 就是這樣了 Okay,That's it. That's enough. 夠了 Enough! 夠了 Okay,That's it. You're too much! 夠了,你太過分了 CH5 指定、問價格和數量、購物用語 5-2 表達認同:沒錯,真的! (Yeah), you're right! (Yeah), That's right! (Yeah), That's true! I think so, too. you're so right! I think we should get a cat. You're right. I think so, too. I know! Exactly! Korean food is so good! I know! He is so mean! 他真的很機車! Exactly! I agree. I agree with you. 表達部分認同的方式 You could be right. you're probably right. 5-3 一般動詞 have / has:我有一個夢 Do you have a pen? Yes, I do. (x) Yes, I have No, I don't. I have a dream. I have a secret. That old lady has eight cats. Do you have money? Yes, I have money. Can I have some water? Sure. No problem. I have breakfast every day. She has pizza for dinner every night. Let's have Mexican food tonight. Do you want to have dinner together? I have a meeting with my client tonight. Maybe next time! Have a nice day! Have a nice trip! Have fun! Have a good time! I gotta go. Bye! My sister finally has a boyfriend. I want to have a big birthday party. She has salad for dinner every day. She wants to lose weight. I have money and I have time. 我有錢也有閒 5-4 the 指定(1):就是這一件! I have a dog and a cat. The dog is noisy and the cat is fat. Really? I wanna see the fat cat. WOW! Your yard looks wonderful. The flowers are beautiful. Here, this rose is for you. Here. Can you open the door? Sure! This is the one! 就是這一件! She is the one! (她就是我心目中的唯一了) I want a fried chicken leg. 衛生紙 Kleenex ( 在美國另一種很口語化的講法, 因為 Kleenex 是一個美國很大的一個衛生紙品牌) I want a Kleenex. tissue paper Amanda is a fun person. Amanda is the fun person I talked about. This is the one I'm talking about. I have a question. What is the question? 你的問題是什麼? 5-5 the 指定(2):天空很藍,湖水很綠 the的讀音變化 the apple eyes hour That child is my child. The child is my child. Look at the sun. ​ moon. The sky is blue and the water is clear. 天空很藍,湖水很綠 play the piano ​ guitar play the drums 打鼓 play the violin go to the movies go to the doctor go to the bank go to the hospital I want to go to the movies. I need to go to the doctor. call the police/ cops join the army ask the teacher pay the bills listen to the radio wash/ do the dishes 不加the go to work go to bed go home go to school go to class go to church I like flowers I like cats I like music. I don't eat meat. 5-6 Which one:你要哪一個? Which dress? Which one? The flowery one or the black one? The flowery one That one. Mommy, I want that toy! Which one? The big one. Which shoes do you like? Which shoes do you want to buy? Which country do you want to go to, Japan or Italy? Which countries do you want to go to? Which girl do you like? That one. Oh, that's Catherine. Sorry dude, she's married. dude 老兄、兄弟 What color do you like? What do you want to do this weekend? I want to go to the movies. Which movie do you want to see? How about The Avengers? Which snack do you like, chips or ice cream? What is your favorite flavor? Chocolate, of course. 5-7 挑選衣服尺寸:我穿 S 號 What size do you wear? What brand What brand are you looking for? What size are you? What is your size? extra small(XS) small (S) medium (M) large (L) extra large (XL) double XL (XXL) I'm a medium. 我穿M號 I'm a size medium. I wear a medium. Can I try this on? What size do you wear? I'm a medium. This one looks nice! Do you want to try it on? Yes, please. I'm a six. Can I have this in a large? 我可以拿這件的L號嗎? Do you have this in a small? 這件上衣有沒有S號? Excuse me, do you have this sweater in an extra large? Sorry, we don't have this in an extra large. Can I have the next size up? 我可以拿大號一點的嗎? Can I have the next size down? 我可以拿小號一點的嗎? Do you have the next size up? Do you have the next size down? Can I have this skirt in a small? No problem. What do you think? I think it's too small. Can I have the next size up? 5-8 These / Those 用法:這條褲子好緊 Those are his shoes. These are my clothes. 複數的概念 pants Look at these pants! What do you think? I like these. I like those. Your sneakers are so cool. These sneakers are comfy. 這雙運動鞋很舒服 Those glasses are so in. 那副眼鏡很時尚耶! Those people are very rude. 那些人真的很沒禮貌 These pants are so tight. Can I have these jeans in a medium? These dresses are too expensive. Do you have these shoes in a 26? Are these my shoes? Are these sweatpants comfy? These are not my tennis shoes. stinky臭 These socks are stinky. Are these your socks? Those aren't my socks. 5-9 數字:100-9999 101 one hundred and one 5-10 How much 問價格:這個多少錢? How much is it? 這件多少錢? How much is this? How much are these? 這雙多少錢? How much is that? How much are those? How much is this top? 這件上衣多少錢? How much is this one? How much are these shoes? How much are those Bluetooth earbuds? 那副藍芽耳機多少錢? How much is the newest iPhone? 最新的iPhone多少錢? it's 190 dollars This one 190 dollars they're 580 dollars. 這些(這雙/副)580元 These (ones) are 580 dollar These (ones) are 580 dollars Excuse me, how much are these? They're eight hundred and ninety-nine. How much is the ticket? 36 bucks. ( 這邊的 bucks 其實就跟 dollars 一樣) Here, 40 bucks. Here you are. Here you go. Here's your change. It's 3. It's 3 dollars. It's 3 bucks. United States dollar It's three US dollars. It's 300 Taiwanese dollars. 認識美金 99 cents 99分 one cent/penny 1分 5 cent/nickel 5分 dime 10分 10 cents quarter 25分 25 cents It's nineteen ninety-nine. 這個19.99元 Wow, it's only 19 dollars and 99 cents. 強調 They are 66.75 dollars. 5-11 優惠的說法:好划算喔! That's too expensive! Is it on sale? Do you have a discount on this? 這個有折扣嗎? Do you have a discount on this bracelet? bracelet 手鍊 Is that your best price? 這是最低的價錢了嗎? Wow! This bracelet is pretty! How much is it? Oh. It's 22.75. Do you have a discount on this? 各種優惠的說法 sale big sale final sale Christmas sale clearance 清倉大拍賣 clear (V.)清除 clearance sale code 代碼 promo code 優惠代碼 20% off 20 percent off 打八折 25% off 60% off up to 20% off 25% off everything 60% off your purchase 整單打四折 buy one get one free 買一送一 buy three get an extra 40% off 買三件打六折 This is 5% off. 這個打九五折 Do you have a discount on this? All the bracelets are 15% off. All items are on sale! We are having a sale today! SOGO is having a big sale today. They're so cheap! That's so cheap! That's a good deal! 好划算喔! deal (N.)買賣、交易 That's a great deal! That's a good bargain! Look! This bracelet is only 20 dollars! Wow! That's a good bargain! 5-12 請對方稍等:等等喔! Wait. Wait a second. Wait a minute. Wait a moment. moment (N.)片刻、瞬間 Come on! Hurry up! Okay!Okay! Wait a minute! Wait, what did you say? Can you say that again? Just a second. Just a minute. Just a moment. Hello, is anybody home? Just a minute. Okay. In a second. Are you ready? Let's go! In a second. Hold on. Hold on a second. It's 28.75 in total. Hold on a second. I need to find my wallet. 增加禮貌、正式程度的說法 Please wait. Please hold. Wait a moment, please. Just a minute, please. Sorrt. Just a minute. Excuse me, wait a moment. Can you wait a moment? Could you hold on a minute? Sorry, I need to take this call. Can you wait a moment? Are you ready to order now? Not yet. Just a moment, please. 5-13 道歉 / 沒關係的說法:歹勢! Excuse me Excuse me. I want a salad, please. Can I have a salad, please? Sorry I'm very sorry Sorry about that. I'm sorry about that. Excuse me. 不好意思,借過一下 (撞到別人) Ah, sorry about that. Sorry, but I really need to take the day off. (踩到別人) I'm so sorry about that. It's my mistake. It's on me. 我請你 It's my fault It's all my fault. I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. My bad. Sorry, My bad. 拍謝啦! It's OK. That's OK. It's all right. That's all right. Sorry, I'm late. That's all right. Have a seat. 回應道歉的說法 No worries. 沒關係啦 You're fine. Never mind. (不耐煩的用法 小心用) Never mind. Forget it. 算了算了 CH6 表達能力、邀約、現在進行式 6-2 動詞現在進行式:我們正在吃大餐 What are you doing? Not much. Just hanging out. What are you doing right now? I'm reading a book. You? They are fighting right now. Listen, someone is singing. Thomas is writing a love letter. I think she's lying. 我覺得她在說謊 Hey, we're having some really good food here. Do you want to join? I'm not sure. I'm still working. What are you doing? We're late. Hurry up! Just a second. I'm putting on my shoes. 6-3 詢問意願和邀約:要不要一起吃晚餐? Let's go shopping! Do you wanna come with? Yeah, sure. Why not? Let's have dinner together! How about +N/Ving How about Japan? How about going to Japan? 動名詞 How about having dinner together? Do you want to have dinner together Do you want to have dinner with me? Do you want to come with us? Would you like to have dinner with me? Would you like to have dinner together? Would you like to go for a walk? Would you like to grab something to eat? Would you like to grab a drink sometime? Would you like to talk about it? 要不要聊聊呢? Would you like to order now? Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat? Would you like tea or coffee? Would you like something to eat? Would you like something to drink? 6-4 答應邀約:好啊!加一! Do you want to come with us? Yeah, sure. Why not? 答應邀約 Yeah! Oaky. Sure. Of Course Why not? Do you want to share a salad? Yeah, of course. 答應邀約 Good idea. Great idea. Sounds good. That sounds good. Sounds good to me. It's cold outside. Do you want some hot chocolate? Um, sounds good to me. 答應邀約 I'm up for it. I'm down (for it). 比較俚語 年輕人用 I'm in. 加一 We're going to McDonald's. Who else wants to come? I'm in. 客氣有禮答應邀約 I'd love to. ( I would love to do that.) Would you like to grab a drink sometime? Yeah, I'd love to. Would you like to join our team? That sounds great! I'd love to! Can you help me? would you like to help me? Can you do me a favor? Sure. I'd love to. Of course! I'd love to. 6-5 所有格(2):湯瑪士的機車壞了 Your money is my money. That is Emily's dog. Jam's house is very big It's Daddy's turn. 該爸爸囉! It's you turn. 輪到你了 It's my turn. That is my friend's dog. Mary's boyfriend's ex is my colleague. ​ (N.)前任 This is Tess's husband. This is Chris's wife. Thomas's scooter is broken. Elvis's songs are catchy. 貓王的歌很琅琅上口 My parents’yard is very beautiful. The girls’ names are Amy and Ali. The ladies' room is downstairs. The fitness trainers’ arms are ripped. 這群健身教練的手臂很健壯 Men's clothes are upstairs. Elsa and Anna's castle is big. Amy's and Ali's boyfriends are both engineers. John's and Mary's parents are from America. 6-6 can / can't 表達會不會:你會騎機車嗎? He can see the ocean from his hotel room. You can wear my jacket. It's too late. I can take you home. I can dance. I can do a handstand. 我會倒立 She can play the piano. I can't dance. I can't do a handstand. That's too expensive! I can't afford it. You can do it. You can't do it. Excuse me. Do you speak English? * Can you speak English? Do you eat spicy food?(平常吃不吃、喜不喜歡) *Can you eat spicy food today?(如今天腸胃不好問) No, I don't eat spicy food. No, I don't like spicy things. 6-7 Be / Do / Don't 命令句:跟我來! 祈使句肯定句 Do Run! Go home! Do your homework! 祈使句肯定句 Be Be a man! 像一個男人 Be happy! Be quiet. Be careful. 對狗狗下命令 Sit. Play dead. 裝死 請求 Please open the door. Wait for me, please. 給指示 Go straight. 直直走 Have a seat! please. 給祝福 Bye. Have a nice day! Have fun! Enjoy your trip! Follow me! Leave me alone! Be nice! 乖一點 祈使句否定句 Do not run! Don't go! 祈使句否定句 Don't be Don't be sad! Don't be a chicken! 別像膽小鬼 給安慰、叮嚀 Don't cry Don't be lazy. 不要懶散 給指示;命令 Don't run! Don't feed the animals. How should I know? Don't ask me. 6-8 表達程度(2):他其實人滿好的 滿、挺 Asians are quite petite. 亞洲人都挺嬌小的 Yeah. She's pretty cute and kind. 她滿可愛也滿善良的 The new colleague is quite smart and easygoing. 新同事滿聰明,也好相處 He's actually quite nice. 他其實人滿好的 滿、有點 He's sort of funny. It's kind of fun I'm kind of mean to my boyfriend. 我對我男朋友滿壞的 These jeans are kind of tight. 這條牛仔褲有點緊ㄟ Are you tired? Yeah, kind of. Yeah, sort of. 有一點點、些微 He's a little annoying. a little bit I'm a little sick. I think I'll pass. 我有點不舒服,我就不去了 Thanks for asking. 謝謝你問我喔 Are you thirsty? 你渴了嗎? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, very funny. Well, he's kind of nice… 太過 This coffee is way too sweet. That's way too expensive. I can't afford it. This coffee is a little too sweet It's a little too crowded here. Let's leave! 這裡有點太擠了,我們離開吧 Oh my gosh! That's WAY too early! 6-9 表達頻率(1):我常來這裡呀! How often do you wash your hair? I wash my hair every day. every morning every afternoon every evening every night every day every week every month every season every year every other day 每兩天 every other week 每兩週 every other month 每兩月 He posts new videos every other week. How often do you change jobs? I change jobs almost every six months. How often do you get a foot massage? every other day like every other day. 就大概每兩天 eat junk food Do you eat junk food often? Yes, I do. I eat junk food often. Yeah, very often. No, I don't. I eat it once in a while. 我偶爾才吃一次 Nope, not very often. Do you travel a lot? Do you shop here a lot? Yeah, I come here almost every day. Does she cry often? Yeah, like A LOT! CH7 表達方位、詢問地點、交通方式 7-2 疑問詞 Where:你在哪裡? 疑問詞放句首 Where+be動詞句型 Where are you? I am here. Where’s your brother? Where is it? Where is the remote control? Where’s the tourist center? 練習 Where is the supermarket ? The supermarket is right there. Where are my glasses? Your glasses are over there. Where are you from? I am from Taiwan. Where + do / does 句型 Where do you live? Where does he live? Where do you exercise? I exercise in the park. Where is the park? Right there! Where do you want to go? I want to go to Madrid. Where is that? It’s in Spain. 練習 Where do you sit? I sit in the front row. Where do you come from? I come from Taiwan. Where + 現在進行式句型 Where are you going? Where is he going? 練習 Where are you staying? I’m staying at the Madrid hotel. Where are you going? I’m going to the museum. Where + can 句型 Where can I buy an EasyCard(悠遊卡) ? 練習 Where can I watch free movies? Excuse me, where can I find the train station? Where are you going so late at night? Where do you work? Where is your new office? Where do I get my free gifts? free gifts 免費贈品 free samples 免費試用品 7-3 介系詞 in + 地點:我弟弟常在游泳池裡尿尿 Where are you? I’m in the box! The cat is in the box. What are you doing in the room? I’m reading comics in my room. What’s in your bag? Ryan is working in his office. Let’s have a picnic in the park. I live in Da’an District. Da’an District is in Taipei. Taiwan is in Asia. I’m traveling in Europe. Don’t put your finger in my soup! That couple is walking in the rain. I can’t see in the dark. Bangkok is in Thailand. Mom is cooking in the kitchen. My brother pees in the swimming pool often. 7-4 介系詞 on + 地點:貓咪在鋼琴上睡覺 Where’s the cat? She’s on the piano. She sleeping on the piano. Don’t step in the dog poo on the floor! We live on the 99th floor. I’m walking on the Brooklyn Bridge. Mirror, mirror on the wall, Who’s the fairest of them all? on a plane on a train I’m on the bus right now. Can I call you later? I’m on a plane to Japan. 7-5 介系詞 at + 地點:在火車站等我喔! Let’s meet at the MRT station. Turn right at the traffic light. The delivery person is waiting at the door. Open the door. We’re having a party at Thomas’s place. Wait for me at the train station! They meet up at Starbucks every week. 比較 at / in Let’s meet at the airport. The coffee shop is in the airport. He’s at the office. He’s in his office. at 的習慣用法 at a party at work at school at the doctor’s 在看病 I’m at work. Don’t call me. I’m at the party at Amanda’s place. Do you wanna come? Sure, I’d love to! 練習 I think somebody is at the door. There’s a 7-11 at the end of the road. I see Lisa at the gym very often. My dog is on my lap. 7-6 There + beV:這附近有很多不錯的餐廳! Look! There is a UFO in the sky. There are cockroaches in your kitchen. Be careful 、Watch out Watch out !.There’s some water on the ground. There’s a mosquito in the room. (mosquito 蚊子) There are six people in my family. There are so many funny parts in this movie. There are seven days in a week. There’s an apple on the table. There’s something on your face. There is lots of money in my pocket. There + beV疑問句和回答 Is there a mosquito in the room? Yes, there is. No, there is not. Are there cockroaches in your kitchen? Are there nice restaurants around here? Of course! There are some nice Japanese and Korean restaurants around here. No, there aren’t. Are there many people in line? Yeah, like a hundred people. 練習 There aren’t many people in this restaurant. There is a big park around here. 7-7 疑問詞 How:這吃起來怎麼樣? How's life? How's your food? How's your new job? It's awesome. My boss is really nice. How are your parents? They're pretty good. Thank you. How + do /does 句型 How does it smell? How do you get to work? How do you like your new job? I think it's great. I love it. How does it taste? It tastes so bad. How do you like it? How do we get there? We can go by taxi. We can go by train. How + can 句型 How can I get to the train station? How can I help you? How + would you like 句型 How would you like your hair (cut)? How would you like to pay? How would you like your steak? How would you like your coffee? How + 現在進行式 句型 How is it going? How are you doing? How is everyone doing?(還合大家的口味嗎?) How is everything? 練習 What are you doing here? I’m reading. How do I look? You look great. Where are you going? How’s your new boyfriend? How can I get to the bank? Just follow this road. 7-8 How far 表達距離:開車過去要多久? How far is it to the airport? How far is it to the station? How far is it? It’s far. It’s really far. it’s pretty far. It’s quite far. It’s not very far. It’s not that far. It’s close. It’s really close. It’s pretty close. It’s quite close. It’s not close. It’s not very close. it’s not that close. It’s a 10-minute walk. It’s a 2-hour drive. It’s a 2-hour train ride. 練習 Excuse me, how far is it to the airport? It’s pretty far. It’s a 2-hour drive. Where’s Gate 5? Just go down this way. How far is it? Not far. It’s a 5-minute walk. How long does it take to get there? How long does it take? It takes 10 minutes. It takes around 1 hour. it takes about an hour. It takes one hour to fly there. It takes 10 minutes by bus. It takes 10 minutes by scooter. How long does it take to get to your school? It takes about 10 minutes by bike. It’s actually quite close. How long does it take to get to your office? It takes around 40 minutes by bus. It’s a 40-minute bus ride. Excuse me, is there a Carrefour around here? Yeah, there’s one. How long does it take to drive there? About 5 minutes. How far away are we? Not far. We’re almost there. We’re about 10 minutes away. Pretty far We’re still pretty far away. We’re about 40 minutes away. My feet are tired. How far away are we? We’re almost there. About 5 minutes away! I can’t walk anymore! Come on! It’s not that far. 7-9 問路、指路:直直走就好 Where is the train station? Where can I find the train station? How do I get to the airport? How can I get to the airport? Excuse me, how do I get to Times Square? I’m looking for Central Park. Which way is it? Excuse me, I’m looking for Chinatown. Which way is it? 指路 Go straight Just follow this road. Just go down this street. Keep going this way. Keep going until you see the bank. Turn right. Take a right. Make a right Make a right at the light. Turn left. Take a left. Make a left. Make a left at the corner. It’s there on the right. It’s there on Main Street. Excuse me, how can I get to the Empire State Building? Just keep going this way, it’s there on the left. Just follow the road. It’s there on the left. next to 在旁邊 across from 在對面 between 在中間 Where’s the 7-11? It is next to the café. Where’s the bookstore? It is across from the park. Where is the cat? It is between the fruit stand and the fish stand.(stand 攤子) Excuse me, I’m looking for the movie theater. Which way is it? Go straight and turn right at the corner. It’s there next to the Costco. 確認方向 So, I ... So, I go straight and make a right. Is that right? CH8 感官、問數量、現在進行式否定 / 疑問句 8-2 表達五感體驗:彷彿置身天堂啊! It looks good! This place looks pretty fancy. You look good. It looks good on you. It smells good! The steak smells delicious. It tastes great! Tastes great! The fries taste too salty. I can taste black pepper. This cake is tasty. What do you think? This cake tastes good. I think it tastes too sweet. It sounds good. It sounds great. It feels good! Feels good! It feels so soft! What? Again? I feel so bad for him. It smells like It tastes like It sounds like It feels like That cat looks like a tiger! Your office is comfy. It feels like home. He doesn’t look like a nice guy. I’m not sure. It looks like beef, but it tastes like chicken. She sounds like a nice girl. That doesn’t sound like a good idea. Oh my God! It feels like heaven. It feels like heaven. 8-3 表達好吃 / 難吃:吃起來酸酸甜甜 How is it? How is the food? How do you like it? What do you think? What do you think about it? What do you think about this apple pie? What does it taste like? Delicious! I love it! I like it so much! Its very tasty! It smells fantastic! Pretty good. Its good. Not bad. I think it’s all right. It’s just okay. I think it’s delicious! How does it taste? So good! It tastes like heaven! It’s not that good. 不太好吃 It doesn’t taste very good. It’s terrible! Ew! It tastes so bad! It tastes like nothing. I can’t eat it. I do t like it at all. What do you think about the bread? It tastes like nothing. I don’t like it at all. Really? Let me try it. It tastes salty. sour 酸酸的 sweet 甜甜的 bitter 苦苦的 spicy 辣辣的 It’s so dry. It’s burnt! 燒焦了 undercooked 沒熟的 overcooked 太熟的 Do you like Thai food? I kind of like it. It tastes sweet and sour. What do you think about your steak? The meat is really tender, so tender. Really? I think it’s undercooked. 8-4 數量詞:我可以喝 10 罐台啤 I have some apples. I have some money. There are lots of flowers. There is lots of grass. There is lots of food in the fridge. (refrigerator 冰箱) There are so many people in line. There aren’t many people in the gym. There are so many lessons in the on line course. There is too much hate in the world. I don’t have much money. There’s so much traffic on the road! a cup of tea a cup of coffee a glass of water a glass of orange juice a bottle of wine a can of beer a piece of cake a loaf of bread a slice of toast a pinch of salt a spoon of sugar a scoop of ice cream a box of chocolate a bowl of rice 一碗飯 a pair of pants a pair of shorts a pair of gloves a pair of glasses I can drink ten cans of beer. I’d like a bottle of red wine. That’s a piece of cake! 這個簡單啦! Piece of cake! 8-5 How many / much 詢問數量:請問幾位? How many do you have? How many people? How many people do you have? How many bags do you have? How many directors do you know? I know lots of directors. I know a lot. I know some. How many tickets? Four, please. Four. Thank you. How many + beV句型 How many people are there? How many people are there in line? How many people are there in your class? Hello, how many are in your party? We have four. How much+ do / does句型 How much? How much do you need? How much butter do you need? Okay, let’s start our meeting! By the way, how much time do we have? We have an hour. How much coffee does she drink in the morning? She drinks two cups of coffee. How much+ beV句型 How much are these cherries?250 dollars for two bags. Then I want two bags. 8-6 餐廳用語 (1):我們可以點餐了 Four people. 婉拒 Do you want to start with an appetizer?(appetizer 開胃菜) No, we’re good. Thanks. 點餐 Excuse me. I’d like to order now. I’m ready to order now. We’re ready to order now. Are you ready to order? Yes, we’d like to order now. I'd like... I want the salmon.(salmon 鮭魚) Can I have... I’ll have a Big Mac. I will ... I’m gonna get... That’s all. That’s it. That’s it, thanks. Anything else? And an iced milk tea. That’s all. Thank you. Okay, I’ll be right back with your order. How’s everything? How’s everyone doing? Oh, it’s good. Thanks. Would you like anything else? No, I’m fine. Thank you. No, I’m good. 結帳 Excuse me. Can I have the check? Could I get the bill? Check, please. 8-7 現在進行式疑問:你有在聽我說話嗎? I’m still working… Are you listening to me? Yes, I am. Yes, I am. I’m listening to you. Is he eating my snacks? Are you seeing Tom? 你在跟Tom交往嗎? What are you talking about? We’re just talking about you! What is he working on? He is working on his final report. Where is Ryan sitting? He‘s sitting in the front row. Where’s Emma having dinner right now? She’s eating at McDonald’s. Is that Tim? Is he waving at us? I’m not sure. Let’s wave back. 8-8 現在進行式否定:我沒有交往對象 I’m not working. The dog isn’t barking. They’re not waiting in line. I’m not sitting in your seat. Emma isn’t wearing a skirt. She’s wearing jeans. It’s not raining outside. Do you want to go for a walk? No, I’m still studying. Can we go later? Is he your boyfriend? No, I’m not seeing him. I’m not seeing anyone. You’re unbelievable. Give it back to me. I’m not listening to you. Come on! It’ll be fun! No way! I’m not going. 8-9 have to V.:我一定要停紅燈嗎? You have to make money. Hey guys, I need to go. That fast? Come on, stay! Sorry! I can’t! I really have to go! Can you come to the birthday party? Sorry, I can’t. I have to work late today. I have to have breakfast everyday. 否定句 I have to go. =>I do not have to go. Can you stay with me? Of course I can stay. I don’t have to go. 疑問句 Do I have to work late? Do I have to stop at the red light? Of course. Duh! 廢話 練習 The fridge is empty! We have to get some food! Mom has to get some food! Do you have to go? Yes! I have to catch my train. Do you think Ryan will come? No. He has to study for the test. CH9 表達天氣、表達頻率、更多介系詞 9-2 描述天氣 (1):又熱又悶,真煩! How’s the weather today? What’s the weather like outside? What’s it like out there? 好天氣 Great. The weather is great today. it is very nice today. The weather is beautiful today. It is fantastic today. It is warm today. It is cool today. It is comfortable today. It’s nice and warm today. It’s nice and cool today. It’s a beautiful day! It’s a warm day! 壞天氣 The weather is so bad today. The weather is terrible today. It is awful today. It is nasty today. The weather is nasty today. It’s quite chilly today. It’s freezing today. It’s quite humid today. It’s scorching today. The weather isn’t very good today. It doesn’t look very nice outside. 練習 What’s the weather like today? It’s hot and humid. Aww… That’s annoying. Wow, the weather is beautiful, right? Wow, the weather is fantastic. Yeah, it’s comfortable. Yeah! It’s so nice and comfortable! Right! It’s so nice and comfortable! It’s nice and cool today. The light breeze feels so good. 夏 It’s so hot and humid today. The sun is so bright. (bright 晴朗的) There isn’t a cloud in the sky. 秋 It’s a bit chilly. The sky is clear and the air is crisp.(crisp 清新的) 冬 It’s freezing out there. I really hate the winter chill. (chill 寒氣) 9-3 表達頻率 (2):我週末都在家追美劇 頻率副詞 100% always ​ usually ​ often ​ sometimes 50% ​ rarely 10~15% 0% never She always gets up at 5:30. I never drive to work. I rarely wear skirts. I don’t usually wear skirts. It usually rains in the spring. How do you get to work? I always get to work by MRT. What do you like to do? I like to sing. I always sing in the shower. Do you like to work out? (健身) No, I rarely work out. I don’t usually work out. 問句 What do you usually eat in the morning? What does she usually eat in the morning? What does she usually do in the evening? She usually goes to the gym (in the evening). What do you usually do on the weekend? I usually binge-watch American TV shows at home. ( binge-watch 追劇) Does she usually eat breakfast at home? 練習 Do you usually eat dinner at home? Do you often eat dinner at home? Not really. We sometimes go out for dinner. Do you usually have typhoons in the summer? Yes! We have typhoons every summer. Do you usually eat breakfast at home? Yes, I always eat breakfast at home. Do you like to exercise? Yes, I love it. I like to exercise, but I don’t usually do it now. because I don’t have time for it. What do you usually do after work? I always go home and take care of my kids. I rarely go to the movies with friends. How do you get to work? I usually get to work by MRT. 9-4 描述天氣 (2):春天暖和怡人,但很常下雨 詢問天氣 How’s the weather today? What’s the weather like out there? How’s the weather in Taiwan? What’s the weather like over there? 季節 season spring summer fall / autumn winter 練習 How’s the weather in Bangkok in the summer ? It’s always scorching. 描述天氣 It’s sunny. sunny cloudy windy breezy rainy wet foggy snowy It’s nice and warm in the spring. but it’s very rainy Do you like winter? I don’t like it at all. It’s usually cold and wet in the winter. What’s the weather like over there? It’s cloudy and a bit chilly here. How’s the weather in Taiwan in the summer? It rains a lot. Summer is the typhoon season. 各種下雨 It’s drizzling. 毛毛雨 drizzle => drizzling 下雨 rain => raining 傾盆大雨 pour => pouring 練習 It’s raining heavily. It’s raining really hard. It’s raining like crazy. It’s raining. Can we go by taxi? Come on! It’s only drizzling! 9-5 介系詞 with:我身上沒帶錢 I live with my parents. I want to stay with you. He is playing with his friends in the park. I want to go to the bathroom. Can you go with me? You're such a baby. Bring an umbrella. It's raining outside. Bring an umbrella with you. I have one with me. You can't get on the plane with a pocket knife. Oh really? I can't? Can I borrow some money? Sorry, I don't have money with me. Ryan is a young man with a charming smile. Emma is a beautiful girl with long hair. I'd like a room with an ocean view. Which one is Vicky? She's the tall girl with red hair. Do you want to have dinner together? No, I have to eat with my parents tonight. 9-6 What kind 哪一種:你想要哪種派對風格? What kind of job do you want? What kind of animals do you like? What kind of books do you like? I like fiction.(fiction 小說) What kind of food do you like? I like Mexican food a lot. I want to buy a car. What kind of car do you want? What kind of party theme do you want? I want a cute theme. What party theme do you want? Hello Kitty theme. 比較What kind 、Which Which theme do you want, Hello Kitty or Brown? What animals do you like? I like all of them. What kind of animals do you like? I like sea animals! Then which one do you like, dolphins or whales? I like dolphins! 練習 I like to listen to music. What kind of music do you listen to? I like hip-hop and rock. What about you? Hip-hop or rock, which one do you like? I like rock a little more. I’m a rock music fan. 9-7 怕的各種說法:我怕胖! 懼怕 I am scared. I am afraid. I am scared of spiders. I am scared of ghosts. They are afraid of zombies. They are afraid of dogs. I am scared of heights. We are afraid of earthquakes. I am scared of death. They are afraid of the dark. Hey look! There’s a cockroach in our kitchen! I’m really scared of cockroaches. I’m so scared of cockroaches. She isn’t scared of snakes. 問句 Are you scared of heights? 無法忍受的"怕" I don’t like cold weather. 我怕冷 I can’t stand cold weather. I don’t like hot weather. I can’t stand hot weather. My mom doesn’t like noisy places. 沒有這習慣的"怕" I don’t eat spicy food. I don’t eat spicy stuff. Do you want to have Thai food? No, I don’t eat spicy food. 不想這件事發生的"怕" I don’t want to gain weight. I don’t want to get fat. 吃到飽 all-you-can-eat We want to go to an all-you-can-eat hot pot restaurant. Do you want to come? No. I don’t want to gain weight! My sister doesn’t want to get acne. 反諷的"怕" I’m so scared. 練習 I don’t want to tan.(tan V. 曬成棕褐色) I don’t want to get dark. I don’t want to grow old. I’m scared of my girlfriend. I can’t stand my mom. I can’t stand my mom nagging at me. (nagging at something 對...嘮叨) 9-8 表達位置的介系詞 (1):他的雙手環繞著我 The cat is on top of the book on the piano. The cat is above the piano. The painting is above the piano. The cat is under the piano. There is a clock above you. There is a fly on your head. There is a fly on top of your head. You can stand under my umbrella. Come and sit beside me. Come and sit next to me. Come and sit by me. Come and sit with me. Belle is hiding under the blanket. She is far away from her home. Her home is near the park. 問句 Does she live near here? Does she live close to here? I miss you. You’re so far away from me. Listen, babe. I’m only ten minutes away. He puts his arms around me. It’s cold! Here, wrap the scarf around you.(把圍巾圍上) 練習 The house is far away from the mountains. The trees are beside the river. The bird is on the house. We are reading under the trees. We are close to the river. 9-9 請客的說法:今天這餐我請 1. Let me buy you brunch sometime. Let me buy you a coffee sometime. Let your boyfriend buy you dinner sometime I want to buy you dinner sometime. I’d like to buy you dinner sometime. Thank you so much! Let me buy you and your family lunch tomorrow. You’re too kind. 2. Let me treat you.(treat V.請;款待) Let me treat you to a nice dinner. I’d like to treat you to dinner sometime. No, that’s okay. 3. (It’s) my treat. It’s on me. Dinner is on me. 晚餐我請 Lunch is on me. The movie is on me. 電影我請 Dinner? It’s on me. Of course! How much is it? It’s okay. Dinner’s on me. Let’s go and have coffee. Good idea! No, wait. I don’t have enough money with me. Don’t worry. The coffee’s on me. 4.店家請客 It’s on the house. The drinks are on the house! 5.結帳時 Let me get this. Let me get this one. I got this one. Let me pay. Let me pay for dinner. Let me get this one. No! Come on. Let me get it. No, you can get the next one. 6.分開付 Let’s split the check / bill. Let’s split it. Okay, how much is it? Let’s split the bill. 練習 I don’t have my wallet with me. It’s okay. It’s on me this time. Let me pay for it this time. All right. Then let me treat you next time. Let me buy you dinner next time. CH10 詢問和表達時間、星期、月份 10-2 急 / 不急的說法:慢慢來沒關係 緊急 It's urgent. This project is urgent. It's an urgent project. It's an urgent matter. Sorry, we're closed. But it's urgent! Could you help me, please? P L E A S E !!! 人的急 I'm in a hurry. I'm in a rush. [Someone is in a hurry to do something.] I'm in a hurry to get to a meeting. Do I have to do the dishes now? I'm in a hurry to go to work. Do it NOW! I have to go. I really need to go. I got to go. Hurry! Hurry up! Please hurry! Excuse me, sir. Can you hurry up and finish your food? We have to go. Hurry up! The plane is taking off. 尿急 隱晦說法 I really need to go. Can you hurry up? I really needa use the bathroom! *I really need to pee.(用在熟的人) Uh… okay, just a moment or just a second. 否定說法 I'm not in a hurry. I'm not in a rush. I'm in no hurry. I'm in no rush. There's no hurry. There's no rush. No hurry. No rush. Take your time. 慢慢來 練習 Are you in a hurry? No, we're not in a hurry. Take your time. Can you make 100 copies for me? Okay. Is it urgent? No, there's no rush. You can do it tomorrow. Excuse me, I'm in a hurry. I have to go and tell my girlfriend I love her. Are you in a hurry to get to work? No, I'm not in a hurry. Take your time. 10-3 someone / something / somewhere:我在等人 Someone is arguing outside.(V. argue 爭論、爭吵) There's someone arguing outside. I am seeing someone. 我現在有交往對象 Someone is at the door. Can you get it? Oaky. Hey Bill! What are you doing here? Hello Jessie, how are you? I'm waiting for someone. You? Just say something. Say something. Ouch! What's wrong? There is something in my eye. something is in my eye. Would you like something to drink? Do you drink coffee? Oh, yes! Coffee is great. I think it's somewhere in that room. Where are you going? Just... somewhere, I don't know. I want to stay somewhere in Ximending. Can you recommend a hotel? Uh... Actually, I'm from Hualien. Where are my glasses? I think they're somewhere in your room. I have to tell you something. What is it? I'm pregnant. 我懷孕了 I think there's something in the closet. Stop! You're scaring me 10-4 What time 問幾點:媽,晚上幾點吃飯? What time is it? It's two o'clock. What month is it? What year is it? It's nine o'clock in the morning. It's nine a.m. It's seven forty a.m. It's two thirty in the afternoon. It's two thirty p.m. What time is it over there? It's five in the morning! Why are you calling? What time is the meeting? The meeting is at 4:15. at five a.m. at five o'clock in the morning at five at two thirty p.m. at two thirty in the afternoon What time is dinner? What time are we meeting up for dinner? Mom, what time is dinner? It's at seven. Don't be late. See you then! Love ya, bye! What time does the meeting start? The meeting starts at 4:15. What time does the department store open? It opens at eleven in the morning. What time does Taipei MRT close? It closes at twelve o'clock. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at five thirty. 練習 I have a meeting at nine o'clock in the morning. I always go to bed at around 11 p.m. I always go to bed at around 11 at night. What time do you need to leave? I have to leave at nine. But it's nine ten now! What? Oh no! 10-5 介系詞 in + 時間:Catherine 的生日在十月 It usually rains in the afternoon here. Flowers start to grow in the spring. 月份 April Fool's Day is in April. It can be very cold in the winter in Taiwan. What do you want to do in the evening? 10-6 疑問詞 When:什麼時候截止? When is Catherine's birthday? When is your birthday? When is the tennis match? (N. match 比賽、競賽) When is the deadline? expiration date 保存期限 EXP. Date When does the movie end? When does the new iPhone come out? When does the concert begin? It begins at eight o'clock sharp. (Adv. sharp 準時地;正好) When do you usually get off work? I usually get off work pretty late. 練習 When does your class start? When is the football game? When do you need to go? When do you want to get married? 10-7 介系詞 on + 時間:我星期五晚上喜歡宅在家 You will have the day off on your birthday. When are you due? 你預產期是什麼時候? I'm due on July 28th. 星期說法 When is our flight? It's on Tuesday afternoon. on Thursday night Do you have plans tonight? No. Come on! It's Friday night! I like to stay at home on Friday night! What do you usually do on Sundays? I always go to church on Sunday morning. What day is today? It's Thursday. Huh? It's not Friday? What day is tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. Hooray! Happy Saturday! 10-8 take 搭配用法:我們休息十分鐘 Here, take this. It's raining. You need to take an umbrella. Take your lunch to school! Can you take my bag for a second? Thank you! Ryan wants to take Emma to a fancy restaurant on Valentine's Day. Can you take me home? Do you take credit cards here? take the job It takes ten minutes to get to my office. It only takes 3 minutes to cook an egg. Can we take a taxi? take a train take a bus take a plane take the subway take the MRT I need to take a nap. 我需要小睡一下 take a break 小憩一下 take a rest 休息 take a walk take a test take a shower Let's take ten. 好!我們休息十分鐘 I usually take a walk after a meal. Take this medicine four times a day. 10-9 到 / 沒到的說法:我再十分鐘就到! I'm here. I'm here! I'm right next to the 7-11. Can you see me? No, I can't see you. 到了 Here we are! We are here! This is it! This is the place. Where are we going? Can I peek?(V. peek 偷看、偷瞄) Here we are! This is it! Open your eyes. 詢問到了沒? Are you here yet? Are you there yet? Are we there yet? Not yet. I'm not there yet. Almost there. We're almost there. Hey! Are you there yet? Not yet, but I'm almost there! Oops, we're both late. 詢問對方還要多久才到? How far away are you? *How much time do you need (to get here)? I'll be there in 10 (minutes). in three hours in one week in five days I'm (only) 10 minutes away. Give me another 10 minutes. Give me 10 more minutes. Sorry, I need another 10 minutes. How far away are you? I'll be there in 10 minutes. Okay. No rush. Take your time. Ryan, everybody is waiting. How much time do you need to get here? Sorry, the traffic is really bad. I need another 5 minutes. There's so much traffic on the road.

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