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本旅遊產品由新新旅遊提供。中國駐新加坡旅遊辦事處官方微信平台僅協助新加坡本土旅行社進行赴華遊推廣,不對旅遊產品的服務條款負責。若您對本旅遊產品感興趣,請通過以下方式咨詢: 新新旅行社 NEW SHAN TRAVEL 電話:+65 6481 1181 郵箱:[email protected] 總部地址: 20 Maxwell Road,#01-02 Maxwell House 分店地址: 810 Geylang Road,#01-09 City Plaze 官方網站:www.newshan.com 9天7晚晉善晉美山西遊 山西大同雲岡石窟/聖境五台山/平遙古城遊 (純玩團,無購物) 9D7N PERFECT SHANXI TOUR Shanxi Datong Yungang Grottoes/ Mt Wutai/ Pingyao Ancient Town (No Shopping) 行程特色: Highlights 大同 雲岡石窟、九龍壁、懸空寺 Datong YunGang Grottoes Nine Dragon Wall HangingTemple 五台山 顯通寺、塔院寺、菩薩頂、萬佛閣 Mt. Wutai Xiantong Temple Great White Pagoda Pusa Ding Wuye Temple 太原 醋文化園、王家大院、煤炭博物館 Taiyuan Vinegar Cultural Park Wang Family compound Coal Museum 平遙古城 日升昌票號、明清一條街、明清古縣衙、古城牆 Pingyao Ancient Town Ri Sheng Chang Exchange Ming Qing Street Ancient County Government Ancient City Wall 住宿: Accommodation 大同:天貴國際酒店5*或同級X2晚 五台山:花卉山莊4*或同級X1晚 太原:和頤酒店4*或同級X1晚 平遙:平遙會館仿古客棧4*或同級x2晚 特別升等一晚5*國際連鎖富力鉑爾曼大酒店 Datong: Tiangui International or similar class X 2N Mt Wutai: Globe Flower Hotel or similar class X 1N Taiyuan: Heyi Hotel or similar class X 1N Pingyao: Pingyao Hotel or similar class x 2N Special upgrade to international 5* Pullman Hotel x 1 N 膳食: Meal Inclusion 7早餐、6午餐、7晚餐 Breakfast x 7 / Lunch x 6/ Dinner x 7 註明: Remarks *景點如有先後次序調整,以中國當地旅行社確認為準 *酒店參考以當地星級標準 *特別安排平遙剪紙DIY *贈送:山西大紅棗(1包),平遙剪紙,礦泉水(每天) *必須參加自費:晉祠/杏花村酒廠/晉商鄉音秀=人民幣500/人 *Sequences of itinerary subject to changes without prior notice *Hotel star rating based on local standard *Special inclusion :Pingyao paper cutting- DIY *Compulsory optional tour : Jinci Temple / Xinhuancun Liquor factory / Jinshang folk song & dance RMB500 / pax 1 新加坡—北京 DAY1 Singapore — Beijing MOB 2 北京—大同 (約4小時) 早抵北京國際機場,接機後乘車赴大同,大同是山西省北部重要城市,是一座具有2400年的歷史古城,也是中國的歷史文化名城之一。這里自古人文薈萃、物產豐富、分布著眾多的人文景觀,享有「錦繡太原城」之美譽。 DAY2Beijing – Datong Arrive into Beijing, meet your guide and proceed to Datong City. Located in the northern part of Shanxi province, Datong is a city with 2,400 years of history and is one of China’s historical and cultural cities. 晚餐 D 3 大同-雲岡石窟-九龍壁-華嚴寺-大同 早餐後之後遊覽世界文化遺產、著名的【雲岡石窟】(含來回電瓶車),是中國「石窟三聖」之一,與敦煌莫高窟、洛陽龍門石窟齊名,始建於1500年前,共有石雕造像51,000餘尊,有極高的藝術價值,在世界文明寶庫中占有重要地位,被譽為「東方石窟藝術寶庫」。 DAY3Datong – YunGang Grottoes – Nine Dragon Wall – Huayan Monastery – Datong After breakfast, visit YunGang Grottoes a UNESCO world heritage site. With Buddhist statues carved out of the surrounding rock, it houses more than 51,000 statues in over 200 caves. 接著參觀中國龍壁中最早,最高大,最壯觀、最富有藝術魅力的龍壁之王【九龍壁】。續往兼具皇室宗廟性質,地位顯赫的【華嚴寺】參觀。此寺幾經戰亂,屢遭破壞,雖多次重修,但依然千瘡百孔。 Next, head back into Datong city to admire the Nine Dragon Wall. A type of screen wall, it depicts carvings of nine different dragons. This wall was built for a prince who wanted to be the emperor of China. Thereafter, make your way to Huayan Monastery. The temple contains a large amount of Buddhist sculptures and scriptures. 早餐、午餐、晚餐B/L/D 4 大同—渾源(約1小時)—懸空寺—應縣木塔—五台山(約3小時) 早餐後,前往遊覽舉世聞名的【懸空寺】—登臨費RMB100,為北嶽恒山十八景之首,創建於一千多年前,依山而建,鬼斧神工騰空欲飛,被譽為「天下巨觀」。 DAY4Datong – Hunyuan – Hanging Monastery – Yinxian Wooden Pagoda – Mt Wutai Today, visit the famous Hanging Monastery. The monastery was built more than 1,400 years ago and is famous for its location and architecture. Built into the cliff face, this monastery is also the only one to encompass 3 major religions; Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. 遊畢,前往外觀世界三大奇塔之一的【應縣木塔】—外觀。也是中國現存最高最古的一座木構塔式建築。參觀結束後,前往五台山。 After which, visit Yingxian wooden pagoda, the tallest and oldest existing wooden pagoda in China. Wrap up your day as you make your way to Mount Wutai where you will check into your overnight accommodation. 註:若遇建築修繕維護等不可抗力之因素,團體將以五台山南禪寺代替,不便之處請見諒 早餐、午餐、晚餐B/L/D 5 五台山風景區—太原(約3.5小時) 早餐後,開始遊覽四大佛教名山之一的【五台山風景區】。參觀歷史最久的著名青廟領袖廟【顯通寺】,隨即參觀五台山標誌大白塔所在地【塔院寺】,接下來參觀五台山五大禪處之一的黃廟領袖寺【菩薩頂】,其建築之華麗位居各寺廟之冠,108級台階是善男信女集體進行三步一拜之禮的地方。 DAY5Mt Wutai – Taiyuan Start your day with a visit to Mt. Wutai. Its home to more than 50 sacred monasteries and is a listed UNESCO world heritage site. Visit the likes of various monasteries such as Xiantong Temple, Great White Pagoda Temple, Pusa Dingand Wuye Temple. 最後拜訪最靈驗、香火最旺的【萬佛閣】,為各位客人祈福。過後回返太原,夜遊【柳巷商圈】,這里是太原歷史最悠久,最繁華熱鬧的商業街,作為太原市傳統的商業中心,柳巷保持著不可替代的地位。 Then, drive towards the city of Taiyuan, have a night tour of Liu shopping district, which is the oldest commercial street in Taiyuan. 早餐、午餐、晚餐 B/L/D 6 太原—山西省博物館—中國煤炭博物館—平遙古城(約1.5小時) 早餐後,前往【山西省博物館】。這里是山西省最大的文物收藏,保護,研究和展示中心。接著前往【中國煤炭博物館】。這里建造的地下模擬礦井,生動逼真的展示了煤炭從發現到被采掘的全部過程。 DAY6Taiyuan – Shanxi Provincial Museum – Coal Museum– Pingyao Ancient Town(Est 1.5hrs) After breakfast, head to Shanxi Provincial Museum. It holds Shanxi’s largest collection of cultural relics. The museum also doubles as a protected, research and exhibition center. Proceed on to the Coal Museum, here one may experience the procedures of coal mining. 接著前往世界文化遺產【平遙古城】,這是中國現存的四座完好古城之一,已有2,700多年的歷史。這座古城的城牆,街道,民居,店鋪,廟宇等建築,仍然基本完好。原來的建築風格與風貌特色大體未動。 Proceed to Pingyao Ancient Townwhere you will spend the night. 貼心提醒:因古城區內遊覽車無法進入,礙於城區內皆無提供行李員與運送行李服務,大型行李將鎖置於遊覽車內,為此,建議您可於入城前一晚先整理出可隨身攜帶的小行李(袋)以便於入住城區內時方便使用。 早餐、午餐、晚餐B/L/D 7 平遙古城—古城牆—日升昌—剪紙DIY—平遙 今天乘坐電瓶車遊覽【平遙古城】,這里集古街巷、古寺廟、古店鋪、古民宅渾然於一體,而組成了一個建築宏偉、完整的古文物群。是明清兩代的晉商重要發源地之一,古城內店鋪林立,雄偉壯觀。 DAY7Pingyao – Ancient City Wall-Ri Sheng Chang – Pingyao Start your morning by exploring Pingyao Ancient Town. This ancient town, dates back some 2,700 years and which is renowned for its well-preserved city walls. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town still inhabited by some 50,000 residents. 您將參觀中國近代銀行的搖籃【日升昌票號】,逛遊【明清一條街】,此外還將參觀保存完整的【明清古縣衙】,之後登上【古城牆】,將古城風光盡收眼底。續程赴太原。 Also take the chance to visit Ri Sheng Chang Exchange Shop, Ming Qing Street, Ming Qing Ancient Government Officeand the Ancient City Wall. 早餐、午餐、晚餐 B/L/D 8 平遙–王家大院(約1.5小時)–東湖醋文化園–太原 早餐後,前往華夏民宅第一居【王家大院】。這是一座傳承五千年漢文明的藝術典範,是由靜升王氏家族經明清兩朝,歷300餘年修建而成,總面積達25千平方米。並贏得了一個流傳很廣的口碑「王家歸來不看院」。 DAY8Pingyao – Wang Family Compound(Est 1.5hrs) – Vinegar Cultural Park – Taiyuan Begin your day with a visit to the Wang Family Compound. Built in the 1600s, the buildings of the compound all adopt a Qing Dynasty style. 接著續往遊覽【醋文化園】,山西醋名揚天下,在此您可以了解著名的山西陳醋釀制程序和山西醋文化,進一步加深對山西的認識。 Next, proceed to the Vinegar Cultural Park. The Shanxi Aged Vinegar is very famous in China. Take some time here to learn the history, culture and procedures of making vinegar. 早餐、午餐、晚餐B/L/D 9 太原—北京 —新加坡 清晨,告別山西,乘高鐵赴北京(約3小時),搭航班飛返溫馨的家園-新加坡。 DAY9Taiyuan – Beijing–Singapore After breakfast, depart for Beijing via a High-speed train for your flight back to Singapore. 早餐 B

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