3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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喝咖啡的同時,想過台灣咖啡是什麼滋味嗎? 日據時代以後,台灣開始大量種植咖啡 如今滿街咖啡館的同時 台北大稻埕旗艦店「森高砂咖啡館 san coffee」 更是你不能錯過了解在地台灣精品咖啡的好所在 Special origin in Taiwan, you should know!     Thanks to my fans, who recommend me her favoriate cafe in Taipei, San Coffee! It locates Dadaocheng, an area in the Datong District, part of the Old Taipei. I arrange a special visit from Neihu to Dadaocheng for San Coffee. It took me around 30 min by scooter, sort far for me, especially in summer, damn hot in Taiwan you know. 會曉得「森高砂咖啡館 san coffee」 完全要感謝老蝦粉絲團上熱心格友推薦 就差喫飯食堂還沒去踩點! 在出發森高砂之前,先上網做了一點點功課 呼應最近正在讀書:精品咖啡學 台灣精品咖啡崛起,真該好好走一趟研究一下 San Coffee is a place for special origin coffee in Taiwan. We may know most of coffee we had were from oversea. Have you ever thought we Taiwan have our own coffee? Real made in Taiwan. If you don’t know, you should be better visiting here lol. 森高砂咖啡在大稻埕這兒開幕也幾個月過去 是由一群熱愛咖啡、熱愛台灣的年輕人所組成 森高砂的名字是有學問的 森表森林、咖啡種植的所在 高砂是日據時代日本人對台灣的稱呼 台灣開始被種植大量咖啡是從日據時代開始 難怪,之前去花蓮舞鶴村也聽說咖啡是特產 如今全台數十個鄉鎮皆種植咖啡,而咖啡農多為原住民 至於精品咖啡?則是千禧年後開始活躍的名詞 也是第三波咖啡運動 開始講究咖啡原產地、以中淺培方式帶出味譜 產地資訊一切透明、注重環保 以追求極致的咖啡風味 因此如果你也沈醉於第三波精品咖啡運動 那的確,台北的森高砂咖啡是你不可錯過的選擇之一 [菜單] Special origin, they serve milk if you’d love latte, you could DIY for it. They also serve milk, chocolate milk for people who couldn’t drink coffee. Also quiche, pound cake, ice cream on their own. The most important is most of main ingredients were made in Taiwan!!! What a surprise.  各式咖啡單品,冷熱飲皆有 價位130-400元不等 朋友不喝咖啡?沒關係,鮮乳、熱可可、台灣茶都是選擇 當然少不了搭配咖啡與茶的輕食 磅蛋糕、鹹派、冰淇淋,正港的Made in Taiwan 第一次來,建議請店員介紹一輪 服務人員很nice的先詢問口味喜好 不論是酸甜苦澀,服務人員會依據口味做推薦 哪一隻豆,農戶與味譜都一覽無遺 喜歡拿鐵的朋友,鮮奶另外附上 ps. 鮮奶應該是職人呦 [玉井芒果乾磅蛋糕 NT140] The mango pound cake is a little bit dryer for me. I think the cake was in the oven too longer. However the sweet and chewy flavour were still good. I have to say that I won’t know there were dried mango inside if you didn’t tell me lol. Sorry about that.  看到玉井芒果乾就不囉唆下單了 芒果乾搭配法國發酵奶油 看到磅蛋糕就讓我想起波波諾諾 也是一間用心經營台灣在地食材的蛋糕店 當然味蕾也就不由自主地將兩者作連結比較 雖然一味的比較實在對誰都沒好處XD… 對磅蛋糕的期待:香濃、扎實、濕潤 芒果的香味似乎被奶油給蓋過 不過,就甜度來說對我剛好 尤其是搭配中秋特選配方豆,絕妙 另有一點就是磅蛋糕太乾,與人員反映了 可能是烤太乾了些,所以手起刀落之時也就崩塌了XD 立刻想換湯匙吃這樣… [中秋特選豆] Blend coffee by San Coffee, four kind of beans in Taiwan. Compare with the one who got 90 points from Coffee Interview, I love this one more lol. Especially with cake, all flavour came together so well. 森高砂咖啡結合四種不同的豆子配方 國姓鄉、關山鎮、三地門、梅山鄉 從甘甜到狂野、蔗糖與微醺 那味譜的厚度,溫醇不刺激 更不會單調走板 Another special in San Coffee is you’d get one shot of ice one even you order hot coffee. They’d like to make you have two different flavour in one coffee. Quite professional. 來森高砂咖啡可說處處驚奇 點熱咖啡,上桌兩種:冰熱一次滿足 試管冰鎮過的冰咖啡,店員悉心解釋 並且請你先喝冰鎮款,再細細品味熱咖啡 如果不說,會真的以為我在喝酒XD… 這冰塊的角度實在俐落,覺得舒心 暑氣全消 [南投縣九分二山水洗 NT220] 九分二山這隻來自南投國姓鄉 在2013年底咖啡米其林Coffee Review榮獲90分高分 而且這是森高砂咖啡第一次的契作豆 依照Coffee Review網站的形容:「Sweet and gently spicy. Brown sugar, roasted walnut, tangerine-like fruit, spearmint, a hint of flowers in aroma and cup. Soft, rounded acidity. Lightly plush mouthfeel. Sweet, clean, simple finish.」 看到90分就立刻想試試! 九分二山水洗的檸檬與乾果香明顯 一入口的果酸讓你印象深刻 入喉後的回甘,在吃過蛋糕後更加明顯 喜歡果酸味譜振幅多一些的朋友,推薦 In general, you could learn and even taste more about Taiwan coffee. All staff are really professional, they’d love to share anything they know about the history of coffee in Taiwan. Even recommend you what kind of bean you should give it try. Truly thoughtful. Therefore I highly recommend if you are in coffee, no matter you are Taiwanese of foreigner, come to give it a shot lol. 整體來說,在森高砂咖啡工作的人員笑容洋溢 專業俐落的手法,有問必答 許多客人感覺也是咖啡人 氣氛營造相當成功 環境自然舒適不為過 洗手間也很乾淨寬敞,咖啡渣做天然芳香劑 [老蝦懶人心得] 預算:低消一杯飲料 環境:輕鬆不限時、了解台灣咖啡 菜色:咖啡咖啡咖啡 再訪:100% 適合:追求好咖啡、圖一塊淨土、愛台灣 — 森高砂咖啡館 san coffee 02-2555-8680 12:00-22:00 credit card available/one drink for min order 台北市大同區延平北路二段1號 2016-08

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