3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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好同事相聚選在朋友推薦的「兄弟飯店 蘭花廳」 交通地點方便,台北捷運南京復興站 兄弟飯店以老牌菜、親切服務聞名 果然阿姨拼命替大家添地瓜稀飯 應該是同桌的同事們太帥了 (爆笑) Mouth-watering Taiwanese cuisine in Brother Hotel Orchid Room!   There are a lot of places for Taiwanese cuisine in Taipei. Celebrated our friends came back Taiwan for vacation, we dinned in Brother Hotel Orchid Room for traditional Taiwanese cuisine. You know that, he always has burger, steak, American style food. Let’s have some Taiwanese feeling. 好同事兼朋友遠從美國返台度假 緊急查找身邊老饕是否有推薦的台味 最後投票,由地點取勝的 「兄弟飯店 蘭花廳」 平日晚上沒預約或許不打緊 How to get here. Take MRT Wenhu Line or Songshan-Xindian Line and alight at Nanjing Fuxing Station. Just right behind you. Well, the hardest pari was coming, what we should order? Pan-fried, stir-fried, steamed, deep-fried, braised and broiled? Oh, let staff recommend if you have no idea lol. 入座後點餐才煩惱 主打台菜海鮮的蘭花廳 不論是開胃菜、海鮮、雞牛豬、豆腐、湯品、甜點等 單盤價位落在200-500之間 適合三人以上前來享用 讓返台朋友扛下點菜的任務 老蝦我負責吃跟哈拉 菜單上除了中文以外,尚有英文與日文 十足老牌餐廳,服務人員很親切 黃色系一路到底 大夥們最近大魚大肉慣了 心血來潮,清粥配小菜 猶豫不決的,請服務人員推薦人氣菜就是 [地瓜稀飯 congee with sweet potato] For some elders, they always have congee with sweet potato for breakfast. However, my foodie friend told me that the classical way to have Taiwanese cuisine is congee, haha. I believe this congee would make Taiwanese remind their childhood memories. :p Our common memory for breakfast! 出來混,幾乎都吃白米飯 看到地瓜稀飯覺得懷念 地瓜滋味甜、量多,不夠可繼續添 這天老蝦沒碰到帳單… 確定總金額不到NT1800/四人 [蔭豉蚵仔] Stir-fried oyster with fermented bean. Salty, super appetizing. Fresh oyster, very sweet. 這道豆豉蚵仔相當火紅 滿滿的蔥段與甜鹹適中的蚵仔 配上清爽帶點甘甜的稀飯恰恰好 堪稱湯匙沒停過的一盤蚵仔 [小魚莧菜] Boiled amaranth with fish, not as greasy as we had in night market or some stir-fires shop. 兄弟蘭花廳的台菜普遍不油膩 從炒青菜就可略知一二 莧菜份量同樣足夠 菜梗切得稍微短了點,配稀飯恰好 [煎里肌肉] Pan-fried loin. Oh damn good. Nicely tender, also juicy. I am dying to know the recipe! Why Brother Hotel’s chefs could make loin so tender and soft. Why!!!! 阿姨推薦,真的沒話說 不要看他菜單上照片普普 端上桌還挺誘人 里肌肉可以處理得這麼嫩也很棒 簡單抓過粉,乾煎的調味我很喜歡 同樣鹹香中有肉的甘甜 不說我真猜不到他是里肌! 猜測這道菜頗受小朋友好評 [芹菜魷魚] Celery and dried squid. One of my favoriate home cooking. It would be better with more spicy. 芹菜貌似主角,魷魚稍微單薄了點 但是魷魚腳很好吃 搭上蒜香,我喜歡 如果可以再辣一點,會更下飯 [高麗魚條] Fish fingers, I guess. Not that good. The coating was too thick that I could not feel the fish! Sadness. 本日唯一地雷,旁邊的醃白蘿蔔很好吃! 魚條粉太厚,有點像是以前游泳池旁會賣的熱狗串 差別在,這麵糊串熱狗還比較好吃 配上魚,感覺就像是單吃麵粉配沾醬了 沾醬應該帶點番茄醬!? 總之對我來說有點像是食不知味的卜肉魚條版 一群壯漢晚餐這樣來著,我知道你不相信 所以阿姨推薦我們加點個水果 [飯後水果 加點] Water melon, pineapple, guava, all of them were sweet, pretty good. 水果人人愛,照顧大家的皮膚 西瓜、芭樂、鳳梨三樣都算甜 芭樂不會難以下嚥,西瓜很好吃 頗為Happy的一頓清粥小菜 (誤 [綠豆湯] Mung bean soup, always for dessert. I always cooked mung bean soup at home, tried to release summer heat! 習慣自己煮綠豆湯以後,糖就少放許多了 自然也就覺得兄弟飯店的綠豆湯偏甜 (盯著瓦斯爐上另一鍋剛煮好的紅豆薏仁) — In general, kind and gentle staff, I love these cuisine without greasy style as what I had in other restaurant. Recommend people who would love to try a well-known, old style Taiwanese cuisine restaurant. : D 結帳金額NT1800有找,阿姨們真的親切 最有趣的是阿姨巡邏時 一看到我們有人碗空了,立刻手刀添稀飯 很像在家吃飯那樣的自在 — 兄弟大飯店2-3F 11:00-15:00 17:00-22:30 (02)2712-3456 轉接 台北市南京東路三段255號 2016-07

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