3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【英語筆記】日常用語:(打招呼)、回應他人問候、再見、回答、謝謝、不客氣、對不起、請問、請再說一次     您好 (打招呼) Hello Hi,John.Nice to see you. Good morning Good afternoon Good evening How do you do ? (初次見面) How are you? How’s it going? ■How are things (going)?最近如何 ■How are you doing?最近如何 ■How are you felling today?你今天感覺如何 ■How have you been?最近如何? What’s about yourself? What’s up? Good to see you again. 回應他人問候 I haven’t seen you for years.多年沒見面了 I am doing well 我很好 It couldn’t be better Not so good 不怎麼好 Not bad. 不錯 I am glad to meet you. Nice to meet you 再見 Good-bye Bye So long.再會 See you later ■I am sorry but I have to go now. ■I have a train to catch.我要趕火車 ■I must go home now. I have a lot to do tonight.我現在必須回家了,今晚要忙的事很多。 ■Can I see you again ■I’ll have to say goodbye now. Good night 再見,晚安 ■Have a nice day Have a good flight Take care (of yourself)保重 See you next time See you tomorrow. ■Enjoy your day. See you around 再見 ■We should have a coffee together ■Let’s get together for lunch tomorrow. 回答 Yes/yean 是的 I see/I think so 我明白 No, thank you That’s ok Sure Really? Of course Maybe Ok I don’t think so ■I’m doing well. 我很好 謝謝 ■That’s so nice of you ■That’s very sweet of you.你真貼心 Thank you very much Thanks for your time ■Thanks for everything.謝謝你做的一切 Thanks for coming Thanks a lot Thanks Thanks for your help Thanks a million萬分感謝 Thanks .I owe you one.謝謝,我欠你一個人情 ■I can never thank you enough.感激不盡 ■Your’re very kind你真好 ■It’s very nice of you to say so. ■Your understanding is appreciated.感謝你的諒解 ■I am grateful to you for your help.感謝你的幫忙 [ˋgretfəl] 不客氣 You’re welcome Well,don’t worry about it. Not at all No problem My pleasure What are friends for? Don’t mention it. It’s nothing 對不起 (I’m) Sorry I’m sorry about that. I apologize Please forgive me 請問 Excuse me Would you tell me…? May I ask… Sorry to bother [ˋbɑðɚ] you, but… ■Excuse me , do you have a minute? 請再說一次 Pardon? Excuse me? Again? Could you say that again? Say that again,please Could you please repeat that? I’m sorry .I didn’t catch that. What did you say? Do you mind saying that again? ■I didn’t follow you.Could you say that again? ■Sorry ,I missed that .Could you say that again.please?        

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