3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

1.新天鵝堡  新天鵝堡(Schloss Neuschwanstein) 建造於1869年至1886年建造於1869年至1886年,是巴伐利亞國王路德維希二世的行宮之一,只有14個房間完工,其他的房間在他逝世後便停下建築過程,而這座洋溢著浪漫氣氛的城堡,在城堡與大自然彷彿一體的錯覺下,讓新天鵝堡在四季都呈現出不同的風貌,但更驚人的是城堡內四處有天鵝的裝飾品,也讓人想到路德維希二世將華格納歌劇中的天鵝騎士當成是自己化身的狂想。Neuschwanstein CastleNeuschwanstein is known all over the world as a symbol of idealised romantic architecture and for the tragic story of its owner. After losing sovereignty in his own kingdom, Ludwig II withdrew into his own world of myths, legend and fairytales. 2.歐洲主題公園Europa-Park    德國最大的遊樂園之一,位於德國的魯斯特RustEuropa-ParkIf you haven’t already been to Europa-Park in Rust, then what are you waiting for! Located in south-west Germany between Freiburg and Offenburg, Europa-Park is the biggest theme park in the German-speaking countries and one of the few that is open in winter. 3.科隆大教堂【世界文化遺產】   哥德式風格的科隆大教堂從1248年開始興建,但直到1322年才開始使用主祭壇,接下來的教堂興建進度呈現走走停停,而到1560年後教堂已經完全停工,後來在1842年普魯士王國興起才又開始興建。 主祭壇的迴廊是科隆大教堂最古老的地方,總共有七個小聖堂,而在正門入口高處的巴伐利亞彩瓷,則是1842年由巴伐利亞國王捐贈。 來到科隆大教堂必去的景點之一就是十字架小聖堂、米蘭聖母像…。 UNESCO World Heritage Cologne Cathedral There have been churches on the site of Cologne Cathedral since the 4th century. However, it was not until 1248 that this city on the Rhine became home to one of the foremost cathedrals in the Christian world – a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. When it was completed in 1880, it was the tallest building in the world. 4.羅騰堡Old town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber 羅騰堡(Rothenburg ob der Tauber)位於巴伐利亞邦,是德國城市裡保存中世紀樣貌最完整的中世紀小鎮,小鎮上的房屋屋頂多是暗紅色,而德國旅遊路線「羅曼蒂克大道」和「古堡之路」也從此處穿行而過。註:1.距離符茲堡約1小時火車車程,中途須轉車一次。DB鐵德站名:羅騰堡 Rothenburg ob der Tauber Bahnhof2. 羅騰堡全名Rothenburg oberhalb der Tauber,德文意思是「上陶伯河的紅色城堡」。Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a small town with a big reputation. Nowhere else will you find such a wealth of original buildings dating from the Middle Ages. You can’t help but ask yourself whether time has stood still, as you amble past the beautiful old houses, secluded squares and tucked-away corners of the old quarter, where towers, taverns and town gates alternate with fountains, fortifications and former storehouses. 5.柏林圍牆The Berlin Wall (East Side Gallery, Berlin Wall Park, Berlin Wall Trail, Checkpoint Charlie Museum in Berlin) 柏林圍牆是德國分裂時期東西德的邊牆,建於1961年,全長155公尺,後來在1990年拆除了柏林圍牆,象徵了兩德統一的道路。From 1961 to 1989 the Berlin Wall divided the city in two. Most of this concrete structure has since been torn down, but fragments do remain a feature of the city. The Berlin Wall Trail, a route for walkers and cyclists split into 14 sections, follows the path of the former wall. Information panels installed at 30 points tell the story of the Berlin Wall. The colourful and recently restored East Side Gallery in Friedrichshain is a piece of the hinterland wall that in 1990 was painted by artists from 21 countries. On Bernauer Strasse, where there is a replica section of the Berlin Wall, you can also visit a memorial site, a documentation centre and the Chapel of Reconciliation. 6. 海德堡Heidelberg Castle/Heidelberg old quarter 在鄭華娟撰寫「海德堡之吻」後,海德堡幾乎成了台灣遊客必去的地方,因為鄭華娟筆下的學生王子與女孩間的浪漫巧克力實在是太吸引人,後來學生之吻巧克力也成為最熱門的伴手禮。海德堡景點:海德堡城堡:德國最著名的城堡廢墟,建於1240年後,後來在1537年和1764的雷擊裡被摧毀了部分建築。One of Europe’s most famous landmarks, the romantic ruins of Heidelberg Castle have been attracting visitors since the 19th century.7.布勃登堡門Brandenburg Gate  布蘭登堡門Brandenburger Tor門頂上的勝利女神駕著四馬兩輪車面向柏林城內的雕像高約五米,它象徵的是得勝歸來,直到1806年拿破崙以征服者的身份將勝利女神雕像作為戰利品運回了巴黎,說起來拿破崙出名的除了是戰神外,另一個就是會帶走打敗仗國家的藝術作品,不過後來在拿破崙退位之後,法國也陸續歸還了這些來自他國的藝術品,這座勝利女神雕像就在1814年回歸柏林。布蘭登堡門的正中間通道較寬,是為了讓王室成員通行設計的,而它原本也會在1860年代,受到柏林開始拆除城牆的行動而消失,後來因為布蘭登堡門有著重要的歷史意義,才得以留存,目前是柏林唯一存在的城門。 No other monument in Berlin is as famous around the world as Brandenburg Gate, built between 1789 and 1791 to plans by C. G. Langhans on Pariser Platz in the heart of the city. After the Berlin Wall was built in 1961, Brandenburg Gate became impassable for 28 years. As a signature attraction and symbol of German reunification, it now represents the past and present of the German capital in exemplary fashion. The gate is supported by six Doric columns, forming five passageways with pedestrian-only access. The famous quadriga depicting the goddess of victory, Victoria, riding a four-horse chariot was added in 1794. 8. 萊茵河中上游河谷地 【世界文化遺產】  萊茵河(德語:Rhein)發源地在瑞士阿爾卑斯山,流經列支敦斯登、奧地利、德國和法國,最後在荷蘭入海,同時它也是歐洲最長的河流之一。萊茵河中上游河谷地(Rhine Gorge)指的是從賓根(Bingen)到科布倫茲(Kolbenz)間約65公里的萊茵河谷地,它主要以小鎮、城堡、葡萄園等聞名,也對許多作家、藝術家、音樂家產生具大的影響,因此在2002年被聯合國教科文組織以自然景觀和人文藝術相互影響歷史列入世界文化遺產名單內。Loreley rock in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley (UNESCO World Heritage)Celebrated in song and shrouded in legend – the Loreley rock is a 194-metre-high slate cliff towering above the narrowest point of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen. 9.博登湖與賴謝瑙島修道院【世界文化遺產】  賴謝瑙島位在巴登-符騰堡州溫特湖(Untersee)中的小島,以島上四座修建於9-11世紀的九到十一世紀的羅馬式教堂聞名。註:聖瑪麗與馬庫斯教堂、聖彼得教堂、聖保羅教堂和聖喬治教堂(有德國最古老的壁畫)Lake Constance with Mainau Island, Monastic Island of Reichenau (UNESCO World Heritage), Lindau, prehistoric pile dwellings, Meersburg Castle The Lake Constance region, where Germany borders Austria and Switzerland, is a holiday paradise set around one of Europe’s largest lakes. The most popular excursion is to the Flower Island of Mainau, famous for its magnificent park and gardens surrounding the baroque family residence of Count Bernadotte. Discover an oasis of natural beauty, harmony and relaxation. 10. 慕尼黑啤酒節 慕尼黑啤酒節(另稱十月節,德語是Oktoberfest),每年約在九月底到十月初會在德國慕尼黑舉行,活動時間約兩週,是慕尼黑最盛大的活動,它起源於1810年,為慶祝路德維希王子婚結所舉行,不過現在已成了一年一度的盛大活動。A beer festival for the world: OktoberfestMunich is Germany’s beer capital – and the Oktoberfest is a byword for beer all over the world. When the first Oktoberfest was held back in 1810 to celebrate a royal wedding, nobody could have dreamt it would go on to become such a famous event. Since that time, the world’s biggest beer festival has been held every year in September/October on the Theresienwiese grounds, bringing smiles to people’s faces in classic Bavarian style with oompah bands, beer fresh from the barrel and plenty of good cheer. Anyone interested in the history of the festival can find out more on a guided tour of the famous Wies’n site, available since 1995 in several languages. 11.羅曼蒂克之路Romantic Road 羅曼蒂克之路指的是德國南部從符茲堡到富森的旅遊路線,全長約350公里,這條路線很特別的是,除了可以搭火車到達外,就是還有屬於羅曼蒂克之路的巴士行駛。註:羅曼蒂克之路城鎮Romantic Road Towns:符茲堡Würzburg、Tauberbischofsheim、Lauda、Bad Mergentheim、Creglingen、羅騰堡Rothenburg ob der Tauber、Dinkelsbühl、Nördlingen、Harburg、Donauwörth、奧格斯堡Augsburg、Landsberg、Schongau、Pfaffenwinkel、Schwangau、富森Füssen 【相關資訊連結】 德國羅曼蒂克大道介紹Romantic Road 羅曼蒂克大道公車Romantic Road Coach:路線及時刻表… The Romantic Road whisks you away on a journey of approximately 400 km from Würzburg to Füssen in the Allgäu . Anyone visiting this route is greatly rewarded with treasures such as magnificent stately homes, palaces of courtly splendour and romantic medieval timber-framed houses following in swift succession. This route also lives up to its name when travelled by bicycle or on foot. 12.黑森林保護區黑森林(德語:Schwarzwald)大部分被松樹和杉木覆蓋,同時也是德國最大的森林山脈,此處最出名的是布穀鳥鐘(Titisee) 、黑森林蛋糕等等。Nature reserves in the Black Forest Use it or lose it’ is the motto of the Black Forest’s nature parks. With a total area of 7,450km², they are the two largest nature reserves in Germany, and there are so many different ways to discover the scenery and landscape. 13. 楚格峰山楚格峰山(德語:Zugspitze)屬於阿爾卑斯山脈,也是德國最高峰,它位在德國巴伐利亞邦,近奧地利邊境。Mount Zugspitze The Zugspitze is one of the most famous mountain peaks in the Alps. Measuring 2,962m, it is not only Germany’s highest mountain, but also one of the most popular destinations for visitors from all over the world. 14.柏林博物館島【世界文化遺產】 柏林的博物館島共有五座博物館,分別是柏林舊博物館、柏林新博物館、帕加馬博物館、舊國家畫廊和博德博物館,主要展出考古出土文物和十九世紀的藝術品。Berlin Museum Island (UNESCO World Heritage) A UNESCO World Heritage site in the heart of the city, Berlin’s Museum Island is a hugely popular attraction both with locals and international tourists. One of the world’s most important museum complexes, it is home to priceless cultural treasures. Collections at the Museum of the Ancient World, New Museum, Old National Gallery, Bode Museum and Pergamon Museum take visitors on a fascinating journey through art and culture from the cradle of civilisation in Mesopotamia through Egypt, Classical Greece and Rome, Byzantium, the Islamic World and the Middle Ages right up to the modern age and 19th century Romanticism. 15. 柏林國會大廈柏林國會大廈全名為「帝國國會大廈大會場」(德語:Plenarbereich Reichstagsgebäude),是位在德國首都柏林的一座建築物,現在它是扮演的角色是德國聯邦議會。 The Reichstag The route along Wilhelmstrasse right through the old and new government quarter and embassy district heads towards Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag. The ministerial buildings and the Federal Chancellery, in particular, reflect the successful synthesis of the old with the new through prestigious yet modest elegance. From here, your gaze is immediately drawn to the Reichstag, one of the most famous sights in Berlin. Its glass dome by leading British architect Norman Foster has become a hugely popular attraction for visitors from far and wide. 16.班堡舊城區【世界文化遺產】  自西元十世紀開始,班堡就和斯拉夫民族有著極深的關係,在十二世紀時,它的建築風格影響了德國北部和匈牙利,十八世紀晚期更是成為南德啟蒙運動的根據地,也吸引了哲學家黑爾(Hegel)居住在本地,此外班格的煙熏啤酒也是德國出名的啤酒之一。Old Town of BambergA centre of imperial and episcopal power for almost a thousand years, and often referred to as the Rome of Franconia, Bamberg stands on seven hills surrounded by beautiful countryside. Dominated by its imperial cathedral, the town is a unique and superbly maintained masterpiece of urban design, uniting medieval and baroque architecture. 17. 鷹巢、鹽礦與貝希特斯加登國家公園鷹巢(Kehlsteinhaus)位於南德巴伐利亞邦貝希特斯加登附近的阿爾卑斯山脈,原本是作為希特勒五十歲生日賀禮的別墅,希特萊約來過鷹巢十次左右,主要是將這裡用作招待重要客人之用。貝希特斯加登國家公園 National Park of Berchtesgaden-來到貝希特斯加登,就可以考慮到臨近的「藍紹、國王湖」走走,搭RVO巴士就可以抵達。★想要知道更多交通資訊,可以參考下列介紹 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆藍紹、魔法森林交通✚RVO巴士時刻表 Eagles´s Nest, Salt Mine & National Park of Berchtesgaden Berchtesgaden National Park is one of the oldest nature reserves in the Alps. Located in southern Bavaria, this is a particularly beautiful part of the Berchtesgaden Alps, with majestic mountains, fantastic walking trails, scenic lakes and dense forests. 18.德勒斯登的聖母教堂 Church of Our Lady in Dresden 德勒斯登的聖母教堂是一座路德會教堂,原本在第二次世界大戰期間就遭到轟炸摧毀,後來花了近13年重建。Dresden’s restored Church of Our Lady represents the pinnacle of Protestant ecclesiastic architecture and is a prime example of the European baroque style. For over 250 years, this masterpiece created by the city’s master carpenter and architect George Bähr has reflected the prosperity and faith of Dresden’s citizens. Built between 1726 and 1743, the badly damaged church became a war memorial after 1945 and is now a symbol of reconciliation. Its re-consecration was broadcast live to the world in 2005 and a series of prestigious concerts, church services and free sightseeing visits are currently giving visitors the chance to marvel at its glory. 19.呂德斯海姆的葡萄園、斑鳩小巷呂德斯海姆(Rüdesheim)是萊茵河畔著名葡萄酒城鎮,來到此地可以先從斑鳩小巷開始逛,接著可以考慮坐纜車或是散步前往上坡的葡萄園。Drosselgasse, Niederwald Monument, Cable car and the vineyards in Rüdesheim Idyllic Rüdesheim am Rhein is the gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage Upper Middle Rhine Valley. Wine-growing has a long tradition in Rüdesheim and has established the town’s reputation as a producer of acclaimed riesling and pinot noir wines. A stroll through the vineyards to the Germania monument or to Ehrenfels castle ruins offers fantastic views of the Rhine Valley. 20.國王湖和紅蔥頭教堂國王湖(德語:Königssee)位在南德與奧地利交界處的小鎮貝希特斯加登(Berchtesgaden),它以清澈的湖水成為許多人心目中的旅遊勝地,至於巴洛克風格的聖巴爾多祿茂教堂(St. Bartholomä,俗稱為紅蔥頭教堂)也是國王湖遊船時必去的景點。★想要知道更多交通資訊,可以參考下列連結介紹 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆薩爾斯堡到國王湖交通✚國王湖遊船時刻表、票價 Lake Königssee & St. Bartholomew´s Church It is no exaggeration to describe the Berchtesgadener Land region as a mecca for health-conscious holidaymakers. The region comprising the five communities of 參考資料和圖片來源: 聯合國教科文組織 (英文) 德國旅遊勝地 【相關資訊連結】 德國羅曼蒂克之路介紹Romantic Road 羅曼蒂克之路公車Romantic Road Coach:路線及時刻表… ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆藍紹、魔法森林交通✚RVO巴士時刻表 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆薩爾斯堡到國王湖交通✚國王湖遊船時刻表、票價 【其他】 【旅行,世界遺產】歐洲—德國世界遺產(Germany World Heritage) Part 1 【旅行,世界遺產】歐洲—德國世界遺產(Germany World Heritage) Part 2 【旅行,世界遺產】歐洲—德國世界遺產(Germany World Heritage) Part 3 【德國遊記篇】 【德國】歐洲自助第五天:柏林遊記 【德國】歐洲自助第六天:德國柏林(Berlin) 【德國】歐洲自助第七天:符茲堡(Würzburg) 【德國】歐洲自助第八天:德國–紐倫堡(Nürnberg)+慕尼黑(München) 【德國】歐洲自助第九天:德國慕尼黑(München) 【奧地利+德國】歐洲自助第十一天:奧地利薩爾斯堡(Salzburg)+德國慕尼黑(München) 【德國】遇上DB德鐵罷工經驗分享 【德國】慕尼黑售票機介紹 【德國】DB售票機:買柏林一日券教學 【德國】DB德鐵火車站寄物櫃介紹 【德國】柏林中央車站中式/日式料理餐廳:Asiagourmet 【德國】符茲堡(Würzburg)車站介紹 【德國】符茲堡(Würzburg)平價美食:中式炒麵 德國超市必買—亂逛亂買戰利品 德國DM必買 【德國】柏林中央車站 MEININGER 飯店 (MEININGER Hotel Berlin Central Station) 【德國】慕尼黑雷根特飯店 (Regent Hotel):近慕尼黑中央車站 【德國】符茲堡–皇后飯店(Würzburg,Hotel Regina):近符茲堡中央車站 【德國票券、交通篇】 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國–柏林泰戈爾機場巴士:票券、票價、路線… ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國–柏林交通票券 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國巴伐利亞邦旅行社-Sightseeing ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆薩爾斯堡到國王湖交通✚國王湖遊船時刻表、票價 20150503更新║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國慕尼黑、維也納薩爾斯堡RVO巴士—時刻表查詢(RVO BUS timetable) ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國火車票:巴伐利亞邦票✚線上訂邦票 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國–德鐵(DB)火車票篇:提早買票—特價票✚靈活運用—stopovers (最多可停留兩站) ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國慕尼黑(電車、巴士…)交通官網—查詢票價&時刻表 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆德國巴伐利亞邦14天票14-days-ticket Bavaria 【其他】 ║省錢遊歐洲║◆機票篇:台灣飛歐洲–直飛或轉機 【旅遊,現金回饋】Topcashback:訂房、購物皆有現金回饋 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆新手篇:歐洲自助規劃【第一次歐洲自助】 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆17天歐洲自助旅遊申根國家保險比較表 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆入境免簽證申根國家–旅行證明文件 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆歐洲漫遊上網方案、歐洲上網sim卡 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆歐洲插頭篇–適用法國、德國、捷克、奧地利 ║輕鬆遊歐洲║◆金融卡/信用卡海外掛失電話 ║省錢遊歐洲║歐洲青年卡European Youth card 

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