3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Original Publisher:jjwxc Completely Translated:No   Review The clever male lead and the clever female lead met in high school. Her father is a policeman and died in the process of saving the hostages. He thanked her father for saving himself, so he tried to take care of her. When he fell in love with her, he wanted to be her boyfriend. Their love is companionship. He is a wealthy child abandoned by his parents. He did not dare tell her that he loved her. He is afraid of losing her company. They became lovers, she often said is that his parents don’t want him, but she wants, she will always be with him.   Chinese description 人们都说,一中的宋衍,肃冷矜贵,不好接近。 曾经有暗恋他的女生,在放学后尾随跟去了他家。 结果被保安给撵了出来。 于是有人说,他铁石心肠,心狠手辣,连女孩子都欺负。 后来,某个雨夜,舞蹈教室内。 有路过的学生看到,校花坐在椅子上,往日白皙精致的膝盖骨摔破了一块皮。 宋衍轻言软语的哄着她,脸上带着心疼:“疼的话就哭出来,别忍着。” 林稚问宋衍,为什么要去当法医。 他说:“我不太喜欢和活人打交道。” “那我呢,也不喜欢吗?” “不一样。”他咬着她的耳垂,轻声说,“你是仙女。” 阴郁清冷×肤白貌美 Recommendations More Chinese Romance Web Novel 喜歡這篇文章嗎?快分享吧!

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