3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Original Publisher:jjwxc Completely Translated:No   Review One day, they found that their souls exchanged their bodies. They are attending different high school schools. She is a smart girl with a poor family. He is a handsome boy with a rich family. She replaced him as a good student and helped his friends to learn. He replaced her to beat the girls who wanted to bully. They find each other’s life is the dream life they want. They changed the life of each other, and when their souls returned to their bodies, they had a new life. He became a smart boy who studied hard. She became a smart girl with many friends.   Chinese description: 三好少女在贵族私立上学,为了奖学金,品学兼优,年年拿三好 校霸在某中学上学,吊车尾,门门不及格 三好少女内敛冷淡,与贵族私立格格不入 校霸喝酒泡吧,飚车打架,呼朋唤友 三好少女身轻体软,跑步最多十分钟 校霸凶悍健壮,一拳下去,打碎十块砖头 被校园暴力的三好少女与愤世嫉俗的校霸富二代,一不小心,灵魂互换 他们意识到,对方似乎很轻易就能把生活,过成自己梦想中的样子。 被女孩们堵在卫生间施展校园暴力的女体校霸:“…………”【转身壁咚】 被吊车尾朋友们叫住打牌的男体三好少女:“……”【我来给大家补习吧】 Recommendations More Chinese Romance Web Novel 喜歡這篇文章嗎?快分享吧!

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