3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Type University  Romance School Life   He is a campus prince and gaming expert. She is a smart and beautiful girl .   This is a sweet campus love story. Two people met each other in online games and did not know each other’s identity in the real world. The male and female protagonists are the same college students, and the two are in different grades.   She was abandoned in the game, the actor appeared, and she was surprised to marry him. Because she was a game, she promised his proposal. This made the story of the two people come from the game to reality. In their college campus life, two people became a couple, happy to spend a sweet love period.   中文描述 如果你“惨”遭抛弃后,忽然有个很强很拽很不可一世的男人向你求婚,你怎么反应? 贝微微同学的反应是:“大神……你被盗号了么= =” 这个世界也太不真实了吧! 前脚“前夫”才“移情别恋”娶了第一美女,后脚就有第一高手来求婚?还说要给一个更盛大的婚礼? 名校计算机系的系花贝微微一边囧着,一边……飞快地嫁了。 如果一个被无数人仰望的传奇人物、名校*牛人,第一次见面就反问你,“我们什么时候不是那种关系了”,你会怎么反应? 那人出身世家,运动全能,外表风雅,气质清华,举止从容,本质……土匪……还傲慢得要死要活…… 这这这样的男人……忽然送上门…… 贝微微抵抗无力,只能被他拖着拽着往前走了…… 喜歡這篇文章嗎?快分享吧!

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