3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Yes, it was a really rock week to me. I’m missing Guns and Roses(GNR) so much. I still remember those GNR memories when I was so young. 對我來說,本周真是個搖滾星期。 我非常想念槍與玫瑰合唱團, 我仍記得我年輕時,他們帶給我的那些記憶。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmiP7mmmJ7Q The time passed super fast to realize that we are old, and same as Axl Rose NOW. Can’t image that he became a fat and looks like an old uncle guy….. 想起這些突然發現時間真是飛逝,飛逝到我都變老了,更不用說是主唱Axl Rose. I can’t even remember how’s Axl looks like when his young. There’s not easy to watch the MV at my young age. Youtube made me recognize how pretty he looked when young. 老實說我已經有點不記得以前Axl的樣子, 在我們那個年代MV不容易看到, 還好有Youtube幫我找到他以前俊美的面容。 The BEST classic songs of GNR to me, still “November Rain”. 在我心中,GNR最經典的歌,仍是November Rain, I didn’t catch their news after years, Just knew they’ve released new album at end of 2008. 過去這些年來,我並沒有留意他們的消息, 直至最近,才發現他們在08年底發行了一張新專輯。 I am NOT really like heavy rock, but I do like the soft rock songs which rockers sing. 我其實並不真的喜歡重搖滾樂,但我喜歡搖滾歌手唱軟式的搖滾情歌, The new album called Chinese Democracy. Many ppl said that this a so different album to GNR. Even they don’t think it shld be belong to GNR. 這張新的專輯叫:民主大中國 許多人說,這張專輯與GNR早期的作品如此迴異, 甚至,他們覺得這根本已經不是GNR了,  It really doesn’t matter. Good music always need support by people no matter how the way they play. There is always a place I put “November Rain” in my best memories with GNR. 但那又如何呢? 好的音樂,總是會有人們欣賞,不管它的曲風如何改變, 況且,我心中總是留著屬於GNR唱November Rain的位置,  And now, I truly recommend this song, called Street of Dream. I do like Axl voice so much in this song. Hope you guys like it so if you are the fans of GNR or not. 我真心的推給各位這首很棒的音樂Street of Dream.  我很喜歡Axl在這首歌的表現, 不管你們是否是GNR的樂迷,都希望你們也會喜歡這首歌。 Street Of Dreams(夢想街道) 歌詞 All the love in the world couldn’t save you 即便再多的愛也無法挽回 All the innocence inside 你如此天真的心 You know I tried so hard to make you 你知道我曾多麽努力想將你 I wanna make you change your mind 想將你的心意改變 And it hurts too much to see you 看你這樣我傷心難受 And how you left yourself behind 無法忍受你迷失自我 You know I wouldn’t want to be you 你知道我不想要變成這樣的你 Now there’s a hell I can’t describe 這已難以用言語形容的糟糕 So now I wander through my days 如今我日復一日的茫然找尋 Trying to find my ways 試圖用盡方法 To the feelings that I felt 找回心中曾有的感動 I saved for you and no one else 感受只為你保留的心跳 And though as long as this road seems 雖然這條路似乎如此漫長 I know its called the Street of Dreams 我知道這就是所謂夢想街道 But that’s not stardust on my feet 只是未有魔力伴隨我的步履 It leaves a taste that’s bittersweet 只殘留甜苦交錯的滋味 That’s called the blues 這就叫藍調 I don’t know just what I should do 我不知道應該怎麽做 Everywhere I go I see you 我總離不開逃離你的身影 You know it’s what you planned, this much is true 這都是你的盤算 事實亦是如此 What I thought was beautiful, 曾經我以爲的美麗 don’t live inside of you anymore 那早已不是你 I don’t know just what I should do 我感到無能為力 Everywhere I go I see you 始終都無法逃離你視線 Though it’s what you planned, this much is true 這都是你的盤算 事實亦是如此 What I thought was beautiful, 曾經我以爲的美麗 don’t live inside of you anymore 那早已不是你 What this means to me 這對我的意義 is more than I know you believe 遠比你願相信來的多 What I thought of you now 如今我已看清你 Has cost more than it should for me 我耗費了太多精力 What I thought was true before 曾經以爲的美麗 Were lies I couldn’t see 都是謊言 What I thought was beautiful 曾經以爲的美麗 is only memories 不過是回憶罷了 → 延伸閱讀: 槍與玫瑰經典作品Estranged,愛不寂寞的療癒時光 【2015西洋音樂好好聽】推薦旋律好聽的10首西洋歌曲 【西洋歌曲推薦】Mike Posner推4首新單曲:他最愛Be as you are! 2016精選10首夏天必聽西洋輕電音x浩室樂曲,就是要你輕盈一夏! 【2016 Eurovision Song Contest】聆聽10首不同歐洲歌手音樂玩歐洲 2016水逆回顧懷舊金曲!必聽1980~90年代的經典十首好歌推薦 【街頭頑童。NKOTB】那些年陪伴我音樂好時光的「男孩偶像團體始祖」

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