3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

曾經夢想著,帶著我心愛的筆電,就這樣一個人旅行去, 這個夢想,大概已是很多年前,以為不可能會成真的事。    卻在這幾天,滿足了我多年的心願, 此刻的心情,很滿足,很感動,有種想哭泣的衝動。 本文下方有英文版 You can read in English version at the bottom of this acticle. 人生,能夠有多少回,能讓你完成一件又一件的夢想? 在我做辦公室工作時,未曾想過,我也可以把工作當作是生活的一部份, 帶著工作,在國外奔波,看著窗外美景,敲敲打打著文字, 也能在疲憊與壓力下,卻又能悠遊自在的完成工作。 我很感謝身邊所有幫助過我的朋友、貴人, 雖然我是一個對自己很嚴厲的人,做什麼事都要做很盡善盡美, 為人也有那麼一絲不苟言笑。 但,謝謝幫我的所有人,可以接受這樣的我, 讓我在努力了好久好久以後,還能有這樣的回饋, 好幸福。真的! 這次,來日本大阪,其實我的心情一直都沒準備好, 整個人處在慌神的狀態,這不太像是我。 一向很能安排行程的我,卻在飯店的床上,躺著了就想賴著不走, 坐在桌前,一工作起來,就又是瘋狂的工作狂。 重點是現在訂房網真的也進步神速,一家比一家還多圖, Expedia上的大阪麗思卡爾頓飯店圖又多又大,也符合實際入住的狀況, 其實現在訂房網真的蠻多, 所以我通常會挑選有圖多及評價多的訂房網, 其中大阪Ritz在Expedia的評價高達4.6, 超高評價就是會讓人有超想入住的衝動阿。 也不知是不是最近日本太夯還怎麼的, Expedia最近也很狂推日本飯店, 剛好符合我想去日本的行程。 這次旅行和工作同時進行, 最大的不同是…. 我不再因為行程沒有安排妥當而擔憂, 反正就隨心而欲吧,心能夠告訴你,你想做什麼。 這次很開心可以住在大阪麗思卡爾頓飯店, 五星級飯店不是第一次住,卻頭一次擁有備受尊重的感受, 大阪RITZ的服務人員,親切感十足。 而我住在CLUB FLOOR,這是所謂飯店中的飯店, 整個飯店約有37層樓, 第33-35層就是所謂的CLUB FLOOR:俱樂部樓層。 這裡最特別的是34樓有一間CLUE LOUNGE, 一天可供應5日免費輕食, 不管何時肚子餓了,想喝杯飲料, 都可以去坐坐,看看梅田市區景色, 餐點雖是輕食,卻也能讓你簡單就吃飽, 服務人員也會隨時看顧你和你的心情, 這就是獨特的飯店中的飯店, 讓人備受呵護的飯店,可說是五星級的頂級享受。 我所住的房間是35樓的邊間,這裡的邊間擁有兩片大片的透明窗戶, 往外看去,梅田空中展望台就在眼前,JR大阪站也在隔壁。 問我這樣的景色如何,我只能說,這根本就是我的調, 會讓你有一種待在飯店就不想出門的舒適感,真的很棒! 之後,會介紹相關的住宿經驗及其他部份, 來到大阪的第三天,每天都很充實,不管是心或是身體, 感謝我能擁有這一切的好運。 一個人旅行,真的很棒! ===English Version=== I was dreamed of traveling alone with my beloved laptop someday.I’ve thinkg for this dream many years ago, I don’t think that would happen oneday. At this moment, I am so delight that my dream is come true. I don’t know how to describe my feelings right now. Comfortable? Satisfied? Maybe I wanna cry because all the feelings are so touching me. How do you think if your dream will come true oneday? We I was worked in the office, I thought I would just followed this way and wouldn’t change. For now, the work is the part of my life.I am typing my article, listening music, and sometimes see the city view through the window. Even I got much stress and so tried for work, I think that’s fine for just let it be the part of it and enjoy. I am not a easy going person actually. So everyone might not easy to get alone with me at the beginning. But many people or friends, co-worker gave me great help to make me feel warm and insist the target I do. Thanks for all of you to help me. Really. And thanks you guys could accept me as a hard person to get alone with. Even I know I am so hard to make everything’s right and prefect, you guys also give me more chance to experience. My heart didn’t prepare well for this trip. It’s not like me as I am a very organize person. Should plan everything well before trip (including my heart.) However, so enjoy to lay on my bed, or just busy typing in the room are all fine. I didn’t worrie the things I can not settle down. Just follow the heart and let my mind to tell what to do. This is first time I came to RITA CARLTON OSAKA. I met some people who are so warm and nice to me when I stayed here. My room is in the CLUB FLOOR which they called hotel’s hotel. There are only 3 floors in this hotel. People stay here like the small home, You can enjoy the quiet and not many people here. They have 5 complimentary light meals to serve in the Club lounge on 34 floor. In case you need a nice place to stay, to drink, to have some light meals, they could give you the service at 34 floor with on other charge. Back to my room, I lives in 35 floor and it has great umeda city view through the window. The room is big with king size bed. The light is great too if the weather is good. Umeda sky builing is so close to Ritz Carlton. I can see it clearly here. If you ask me how do I feel, I would say, this is best time I have and enjoy of it when I work or just lazy in the room. Maybe you can turn on the music, it will feels more relex and wants to stay the room like home. JR Osaka station is not far from here. The walk distance is about 10 mins. Shopping center, Grand Front Osaka, LOFT builing are all near here. I will write more articles to introude this hotel later. I can’t wait to let everyone to know how I love this hotel. See I am still in the hotel and the time is 10:33 am here, now you know why I can write this acticle so sensibility…. I will be back soon.. 如果你覺得小若的文章不錯,請幫忙在文章上方按【讚】,同時也歡迎加入 【傾聽自己的旅行】,可以隨時收到小若部落格上的更新文章或相關資訊喔!!

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