3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

說到台菜餐廳,我想大家第一個想到應該是【欣葉台菜】,除了是當時第一間把台菜搬上宴席之外,也是老一輩的口袋名單,如今就算人少也有套餐喔! When we think about the Taiwanese cuisine, the first one pop up of most people mind will be (Shin Yeh) restaurant.Not only they are the first one bring home-style Taiwanese dishes in a high-end atmosphere also is the top choice for food lover.Now days, you can even dine along to enjoy your set menu. 最近常常有國外朋友問Sky, 台灣有推薦什麼美食呢!第一個想到的是夜市小吃, 再來就是台灣的特色台菜了, What do you do exactly when you visit Taiwan? I will say night market like Shilin Night Market , Raohe St. Night market and Liouhe tourist night market…etc.   What is the next after night market?  I will highly recommend  Shin Yeh restaurant.  It is decently price, the service is good, and the dishes is decent.  說到台菜餐廳,Sky第一個會想到就是【欣葉台菜餐廳】, 緣起於一九七七年,剛好是臺灣經濟起飛的年代, 欣葉創辦人李秀英女士在台北市雙城街的巷子裡, 創立了第一家台菜店,店內只有11張桌子。 早期台菜鮮少宴席菜餚,難登大雅之堂, 於是與廚師溝通改進,讓台菜成為喜慶筵席的主流, 這也是欣葉台菜蓬勃發展的時期。 Starting Up from 11 Tables In 1977, a businesswoman with a dream set up a small restaurant in a Taipei back alley. Madam Lee Xiu Ying began with only 11 tables, founding the company. She decided to begin with simple home-style Taiwanese dishes. In the early days of the company, this lack of high end banquet dishes proved to be a business challenge, but the initial focus on simplicity and dedication to tradition later proved to be the winning strategy. Madam Lee was hands-on in developing Taiwanese cooking into something that could be done in a restaurant setting. Next, she took a direct approach in building a clientele, leading the restaurant managers in actually visiting new guests at their places of work to express their sincerity. Over the next five years, this approach, along with the taste of the dishes, resulted in a substantial and loyal customer base. Shin Yeh’s reputation grew steadily due to word-of-mouth, and its customer base has been increasing ever since then. 【欣葉台菜餐廳】除了到處都找的到的便利性之外, 今天Sky用餐的新光三越信義新天地A9館, 燈光美氣氛佳,桌巾都是質感不錯的材質, Shin Yeh is a very popular traditional Taiwanese restaurant and this location happens to be the original.  It’s an upscale, sit down, white tablecloth and “thank you sir” type of joint.  When I say upscale, I don’t mean Michelin 3* star upscale but compared to other typical Asian restaurants in its class.  The staff speak English and have English menus.   欣葉台菜除了經典的桌菜之外, 還有推出個人套餐,從800.1200.1500.2000元四種, 很適合帶外國朋友來這體驗多種口味的台菜, 總體來說,台菜比較重視「鮮、香、清、淡」, Sky今天要品嘗的是1200元+10%的精緻個人套餐, 冷盤三拼(海蜇皮.一口九孔.一口烏魚子捲) Appetizer Combination Plate Vinegar-marinated Poached Jellyfish Chilled Bady Abalone with Five Spice Sauce Mullet Roe and Turnip Roll 海蜇皮,清涼爽口的前菜, 口感Q彈脆口鹹度適中很開味, Vinegar-marinated Poached Jellyfish 一口九孔,台灣的九孔口感滑嫩味道清淡, 所以會淋上五味醬來提鮮, Chilled Bady Abalone with Five Spice Sauce 一口烏魚子捲,烏魚子是台菜的經典料理, 製作過程需先鹽漬後乾燥,風味上相當香濃, 入口緊實不鬆散,有點黏又不會太黏, 搭配蘿蔔片和蒜苗來提鮮和解膩, Mullet Roe and Turnip Roll 鹽酥藍斑魚片,炸是台菜裡常用的手法, Golden Fried Fillet of Codfish with Dip 油炸通常會比較油膩,因此採用藍斑魚片, 味道類似鱈魚但是比較清爽,加上高溫油炸, 有酥脆的麵衣卻不油膩, 豆油大蝦,炒也是台菜基本的手法, 重點在帶出醬的香氣, Fried King Prawn in Brown Sauce 這蝦子真的超肥美的,鮮甜的口感有著醬香, 刈菜(芥菜)干貝,台灣一般在冬天或過年期間吃長年菜, 搭配干貝高湯食用,口感較為滑順沒什麼苦味, Hearts of Mustard Greens Sauteed and Dressed with Conpoy 滷肉炒米粉, Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Soya-boiled Lean Pork 加入滷肉拌炒的米粉,滷汁香味十分迷人, 濕潤Q彈的米粉很開胃︿︿, The famous local snacks rice noodle plus braised pork source.  The delightful aroma of smelling and taste you will never forget. 松茸竹笙丸湯, Bamboo and pine Mushroom Consomme with Calamari Balls 裡面有松茸.竹笙.丸子和大量的薑, 入口有菌菇的鮮美之外,還有薑的微辣感, PS:如果搭配雞燉的話會更鮮美. The soup contain matsutake mushroom, bamboo fungus, calamari balsl and ginger. The soup let out a delightful aroma of spices.  It filled the room joined by other scents, like bamboo, mushroom, and other sorts of delicious things. PS;  It will be much delicious stew the chicken with soup. 季節水果, Fresh Seasonal Fruit 亮點是這顆還溫溫的花生麻糬, 軟Q綿密的口感真不賴, * Shinyeh Warm Peanut Mochi – It is delightfully chewy, mellow little pillows of rice-based dough filled with peanut mixtures.  It is perfect balance. 甜湯, Sweet Dessert Soup 天氣微涼,來碗溫熱的紅豆湯暖暖胃, 劃下一個完美的句點. Red bean soup is common Chinese dessert soup,  like most Chinese desserts, red bean soup is not overpoweringly sweet.  Rather, it has a subtle, pleasing sweetness that’s perfect for rounding off a big chinese meal.  總結:欣葉台菜的精緻度真的沒話說,帶朋友來吃真的超有面子,每一道菜都相當可口,當然價格也是相對的高,比較可惜的是沒吃到炒豬肝.菜補蛋.地瓜稀飯和三杯雞,這些也都是欣葉的招牌,如果人多可以再加點喔! Conclusion:  Overall, it’s a great stop for a family style meal to experience Taiwanese food outside of the night market.   It is decently price but I will still highly recommend  Shinyeh signature  dishes ( fried oysters pancake, port liver, pan-fried turnip cake, mullet rose fried rice, baby squid and pork belly buns etc.)  Shinyeh restaurant is clean, professional and moderately upscale.  Definitely recommended.    It is true Taiwanese cuisine. 欣葉台菜-信義新天地A9 地址:台北市松壽路9號8樓(新光三越信義新天地A9館8樓) 電話:02-8786-1234 傳真:02-8786-7077 營業時間: 11:00 – 22:00 11:30 – 14:30(中午供餐時間) 17:00 – 21:30(晚間供餐時間) 對應語言:日文,英文,台語,中文 信用卡:刷卡,銀聯卡,國民旅遊卡 Taiwanese Cuisine-Xinyi Place A9 Restaurant Address:8F, No. 9, Songshou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City (A9 of Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Xinyi Place Branch, 8F Telephone No.:02-8786-1234 Fax:02-8786-7077 Seating Capacity:300 Private Function Rooms:7 private rooms with seating capacity of 86 Wedding Banquet:seating capacity up to 40 tables Hours: 11:00 – 22:00  11:30 – 14:30 17:00 – 21:30 Languages:Japanese,English,Chinese,Taiwanese Credit Cards:Credit Cards,UnionPay Card,National Travel Card 相關連結 大安.信義.南港.文山區美食.食尚玩家推薦懶人包 ******* 採訪 ******* 你的支持是發文的動力,請不吝給我們的文章隨時按個讚並分享和留言給我們鼓勵!

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