3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【小春樓】堅持採用黑豆蔭油和芝麻香油為滷味基底打響名氣,加上細心的手工製作,因此在圓環開業百年傳承三代,也是在地人忘不了的老滷味! (Xiaochunlou) use with black bean and sesame oil as the base started for their braised food coupled with careful hand-made.  This shop has open nearly century through the three generation.  It becomes  one of the unforgettable braised snacks for local residence. 說到台北圓環,輝煌的歷史要從日據時代開始說起, 而源於民國五年(西元1916年)的【小春樓】, 至今已傳承百年,說是一部活的美食歷史也不為過, When we talk about (Chien-Chen Circle) /Taipei ring, glorious history from the Japanese era to begin with,  since five years from the Republic of China ( AD 1916 ) the (Xiaochunlou), has been inheritance of one hundred years , just like a history of braised food gastronomy 當初福州過台灣落腳於台北圓環,開一間食堂叫『小春樓』, 專賣「包子、燒賣、滷味、排骨酥、魚翅」,生意興隆, 門庭若市,其中以「滷味」打響名氣。 第一代創始人–葉朝銓師傅,使用十多種香料獨門配方, 精心調配的百年滷汁,不管是豆類的香氣、肉類油脂, 都與滷汁完美結合,滋養出深邃香氣。 再加上獨門配方醬料,與堅持嚴選的新鮮食材相輔相成, 皆為懷舊的老滋味,樣樣都讓人允指回味、食指大動。 Master Ye Zhao Quan settled in Fuzhou to Taiwan Taipei Ring/( Chien-Chen Circle), open a restaurant (Xiaochunlou) sell “buns, dumplings, stewed port, deep fried ribs and shark’s fin”.  The business is overwhelming especially braised food. The first generation of the founder, Master Ye Zhao Quan.  He uses a dozen unique spices formula, to make a gorgeous braised sauce, the weather is beans or meat are combined with the perfect marinade. Combined with the unique receipt sauce and strict selection of fresh ingredients food.  All same rich and unique taste of the traditional  taste presented to attract customers around the world come back time by time by a century. 如今【小春樓滷味】依舊在台北圓環旁, 服務老客戶和更多的國際旅客, Today (Xiaochunlou) is still next to Taipei Ring/(Chien-Chen Circle) to service customers and international travelers. 而且提供更乾淨舒適的購買空間, (Xiaochunlou)  provides a clean, comfortable dining and shopping environment Sky在現場享用滷味的時候, 人潮也是一直來,其中不少香港客人, 後來才知道店家早被日本.香港媒體報導, 更代表國家參加2016東京世界觀光博覽會, When I(Sky) am enjoying my braised food, the crowds are keep coming, many of the customers are from Hong Kong.  The shop has been Japan and Hong Kong media before I got told by the shop staff while I am in the shop.  (Xiaochunlou)  are also represented the Taiwan in 2016 Tokyo World Tourism Fair. 店家採用冷藏的方式保存,取餐檯也是相當的乾淨, 以傳統滷味來看,這是高規格的水準, The way to keep the food fresh and clean is keeping them in the refrigerator all the time in the store.  The service bench is tidy and clean as well.  In compare of the traditional store,  (Xiaochunlou) is a high standard in hygiene. 更送檢驗,證明是全天然材料滷製, 不含防腐劑等化學成份,所以當天沒吃完一定要冰起來, Official test to prove all the natural ingredients. You have to keep the food  in the fridge if you cannot finish them at same day due to no artificial preservatives. 【小春樓】必吃的就是鴨舌,除了細心的把氣管把除之外, 滷汁更是把食材原味帶出來,而這滷汁的基底, 一定要黑豆蔭油和芝麻香油才能滷出老味道, 換了別間廠商就走味了! (Xiaochunlou)  one of must try  snacks Duck tongue ,  tips:  you have to remove the trachea careful before eat it.   The marinade flavour ingredients have even brought out the food nature taste. In order to taste traditional flavour like this, (Xiaochunlou) need to use traditional black beans and sesame oil as their secret base. There is no anywhere else can have similar taste. 鴨舌Q彈和爽脆的口感,在咀嚼中品嘗到溫順的老滷汁, 還有那迷人的芝麻香氣, Duck tongue taste Q and crisp once you chewing gentle plus that charming aroma of sesame. 綑蹄,這也是店家的招牌伴手禮之一, Tie pig hoof is one of signature souvenir 這真的是用豬腳去做的喔! Wow, It is really a pig hoof. 不是市面上那種合成的火腿, 每一片都吃的到豬腳的鮮美和彈性, 也只有這老滷汁才能保留食材的原味, It is not like the synthesis ham in the market. Each piece of meat is delicious and elasticity. In order to keep a beautiful and nature taste is only use (Xiaochunlou) secret ingredients. 鴨掌,Sky第一次吃,軟Q的口感更勝雞腳! 【小春樓】的滷味只有一種原味,重口味的人, 可以請店家加醬汁或是辣椒,店家的辣椒也很好吃喔! Duck feet It is the first time for me(Sky).  The taste is soft and Q.  It is far better than chicken feet. (Xiaochunlou)’s  braised food only has one flavour.  For those who like the heavy taste, you are welcome to add the chili sauce.  You can ask for staff help for the chili.  (chili sauce taste yum) 毛豆的香氣也很讚,有一種要去買啤酒的衝動, The smelling of edamame is amazing.  I almost urge to get the beer after I had edamame. 鴨翅,店家的滷味也是少數一直吃都不會膩的, 會讓人吃完鴨舌吃鴨翅,看到什麼吃什麼, 一口接一口停不下來,因為不鹹不膩很順口, Duck Wing, is also one of the signature dish as well.  you will never have enough of it.  You will eat most of the braised food that you can see in the (Xiaochunlou)  like duck tongue or duck wing…etc because they taste so wonderful in perfect balance. 在展示櫃上的滷味有30~40種,想要一次吃透透很難, 其它的只能下次再來品嘗了, There are 30 to 40 types of braised food in a display cabinet.  You cannot have all of them  at once rest of them I will come back again. Sky也順便帶了一大盒回家給家人吃, Sky also order one container for my lovely family. 如果要送禮,店家也貼心地製作真空冷凍禮盒包裝, 像這一組是花開富貴888,裡面就有7種滷味, 有:鴨舌.鴨翅.火腿.鴨掌.鴨脆腸.毛豆.酸菜等, As a gift, (Xiaochunlou) also have gift pack.  Like this package only $888 (NT), include seven different braised food, (Duck tongue, Duck wing, ham, duck feet, crispy duck intestine, edamame and Sauerkraut etc) 將這七種擺起來真的是好豐盛, 不管是送禮.外出野餐或是當夜消都很方便, 當然店家還有638.1388.1488等選項, 都是不錯的伴手禮喔! 總結:想要了解台北圓環的老味道,那Sky推薦你這老滷味,只要曾經吃過的人都說就是這一味,絕對是台灣小吃的經典代表! It looks fabulous when you put seven kinds of braised food together. It is very convenient whether it is a gift, picnic or supper. The store also has $638, $1388 or $1488 options for the gift pack. They are all good souvenirs. Conclusion:  if you want to taste the Taipei ring(Chien-Chen Circle) traditional flavour.  Me (Sky), will recommend (Xiaochunlou) to you. It is definitely one of the classic representative of Taiwan snakes. 小春樓滷味xiao chun Lou 聯絡電話:02-2559-3648 聯絡地址:103 台北市大同區南京西路206號 網站:http://www.sclfood.com/ ******* 採訪 ******* 你的支持是我發文的動力,請幫文章隨手按個讚,有分享和留言會更開心喔! 

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