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【生存技能】 Skills 【摘錄原文精華】   Think back to the last time you had that “what the…?” moment when you were listening to someone explain concepts that were highly technical, detailed, or nuanced. You most likely experienced confusion, stupidity, or even anger. We have all been there. Conveying complex information in a clear, concise manner is a huge challenge for communicators of all stripes -- scientists, technologists, business professionals, etc.   要讓複雜的資訊可以清楚且淺顯易懂,首先你/妳必須處理一些妨礙傳遞訊息的壞習慣:   一、一個人懂得太多,會陷入「知識魔咒」,即專業人士經常會認定這些是一般人都應該懂的常識,而使用行業術語說明事情,沒有具備該行業背景的普羅大眾聽起來就像火星文,有聽沒有懂。再來,專業人士會以平時易於接收資訊的方式來傳達訊息,使得一般人難以理解。如此,白白流失了溝通、交流的機會。   二、一個人了解得不夠深入、透徹,無法清楚、明白地表達意思。   三、一個人所說的內容與聽者無關,所以,聽者往往會聽不進去。   以聽者為出發點來設想他/她們的需求和問題,訴說一個「好故事」,打動他/她們、影響他/她們。 原文來源:Hit the Mark: Make Complex Ideas Understandable 圖片來源:from Pixabay

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