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【改變中的生活型態】 Life 【摘錄原文精華】   With any technology, there are certain inflection points when it goes from being something perpetually in the near future to being a part of everyday life. For years, drones have been hovering on the cusp—used by militaries and relatively small numbers of hobbyists but not part of the larger culture. The U.S. military ushered in the drone age in 2001, when it began using the unmanned, remotely piloted technology to target al-Qaeda leaders in the wilds of Afghanistan. Drones have since become a key part of the military’s arsenal, and their use in conflict zones around the world has expanded under both the Obama and Trump Administrations. Civilian uses, however, have long been more promise than reality.   任何一個科技在不久的將來成為人們日常生活中的一部分,會在某個時間點上出現轉折變化。多年以來,無人駕駛飛機已經處於起步萌芽的階段,最初被使用於軍事用途及專屬於相對少數的業餘愛好者的娛樂消遣,尚未被多數人所接受、使用。   然而,這種現象逐漸改觀了。在美國,知曉科技的農民使用無人機監控與噴灑農作物;研究人員用來探測環境汙染;好萊塢電影製片廠用來拍攝豐富繽紛、緊張刺激、張力十足的賣座電影鏡頭;無人機甚至還被用來拯救生命。   公司行號開始將無人機運用在商業用途。亞馬遜公司用來傳遞包裹;臉書公司用來發送網路連結到全世界的天涯海角;殼牌石油公司用來使海上鑽井平台網絡的運轉更加順暢。   所有無人機的進展增加了發展可能性及令人擔憂的事情。正如所有事物一樣,都存在一體兩面,如何運用工具皆在使用者的起心動念之間。 原文來源:Drones Are Here to Stay. Get Used to It 圖片來源:

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