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以下繁體中文更新⭕⭕ Pokémon GO更新! Android(0.73.1 )/iOS(1.43.1) ●0.73.1 APK download :請點我(補上) ●寶可夢手環已測試可以轉道館補給! ●頭目戰BUG最後一球已確認修復! 親愛的訓練家們: 請注意,Pokémon GO已更新, 目前最新版本為Android:0.73.1 /iOS:1.43.1。 ●更新後, 訓練家將可使用Pokémon GO Plus從道館獲得道具。 此外,若是首次拜訪的道館, 訓練家也可透過Pokémon GO Plus取得道館徽章。 ●可在使用團體戰入場券參加團體戰前, 確認目前參加該團體戰的人數。 ●修正無法以最後一顆紀念球捕捉到頭目寶可夢的錯誤。 ●在先前的版本中, 當訓練家在使用幸運蛋的狀態下在團體戰中獲勝, 系統無法正常顯示訓練家獲得的XP加倍。 最新版本已修正此錯誤。 ●修正其他錯誤。 —Pokémon GO 開發團隊敬上   原版英文更新 Trainers, Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.73.1 for Android and 1.43.1 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team. ●Added the ability for Trainers to spin the Photo Disc at a Gym using the Pokémon GO Plus accessory. ●Added the ability to view the number of Trainers entered, and preparing, for a Raid Battle before using a Raid Pass. ●Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality by allowing Trainers to search through their Pokémon’s moves using the @ character. ●Resolved a bug which caused the Raid Boss to always break free from the last Premier Ball. ●Resolved a bug that prevented Trainers from seeing they’d received double XP from Raid Battles when using a Lucky Egg. ●Various bug fixes. —The Pokémon GO team Posted in 寶可夢Pokemon GO最新資訊

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