3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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這次大家期待的寶可夢活動 就是新年年尾活動與聖誕節活動 官方原文 Trainers, As the year draws to a close, we want to give you a great way to celebrate the end of the year with Pokémon GO. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll have even more reason to explore the world with your friends and family while you enjoy our year-end event. Don’t miss out on an increased chance to hatch a Togepi (and other Pokémon)! Starting the morning of December 25, 2016, and through the afternoon of January 3, 2017 (PST), PokéStops will award one single-use Incubator each day after your first Photo Disc spin. As you visit PokéStops during this time period, there will be a greater chance of finding Eggs that hatch Togepi, Pichu, and several other recently found Pokémon, originally discovered in the Johto region. Special Pikachu wearing festive hats will also be staying around a bit longer! You are more likely to find these limited-edition Pikachu during the time period of this celebration. In addition, from the afternoon of December 30, 2016, through the afternoon of January 8, 2017 (PST), the first partner Pokémon and their Evolutions, originally discovered in the Kanto region, are more likely to be encountered. This means a greater chance to catch Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur, as well as Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard, plus Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise! As a way to increase your chance to encounter one of these Pokémon, Lure Modules will also last for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes. Get up and go! —The Pokémon GO team 翻譯: 各為訓練家們,到了今年的尾聲 我們想跟你們一起用最棒的活動慶祝年尾 接下來的兩週中,有更多的誘因去和親朋好友一起探索這個寶可夢世界 現在有更高機率孵到波克比(還有其他二代寶寶) 從太平洋時區2016/12/25早上~2017/1/3 你每天的PokeStop第一轉將會獎勵只能使用一次 的孵蛋器 當你在活動期間拿的蛋將會高機率孵出 例如:波克比、皮丘還有其他更多在成 都地區發現的寶可夢(金銀版) 耶誕帽皮神特別版也會延長出現時間! 你們在活動期間也會更容易發現這些限定版的皮卡丘 從太平洋時區2016/12/30下午到2017/1/8 關都地區御三家與進化型也會大量噴發 你們就會有更多機會抓到 妙蛙種子、妙蛙草、妙蛙花 小火龍、火恐龍、噴火龍 傑尼龜、卡咪龜、水箭龜 為了幫助大家抓這些寶可夢 灑花模組也會延長到60分鐘! 出發吧! ~精靈寶可夢Go團隊敬上~ 簡單說: 2016/12/25~1/3(PST) – 每天第一次轉道具會給一個只能用一次的孵蛋器(清蛋更棒) – 比較容易孵出第二世代怪(寶寶們?新的二代神奇寶貝?) – 聖誕帽皮卡丘更常出現(時間拉長?次數增加?) 2016/12/30~1/8(PST) – 初代御三家跟進化型更容易出現(狂噴發) – 灑花時間拉長變60分鐘(超讚) PS:PST (太平洋標準時間) 是 UTC – 8 跟台灣的時差是16小時 Posted in 寶可夢Pokemon GO最新資訊

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