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刪除FB假帳號、無互動的好友、批次刪除朋友、Facebook Friend Remover PRO – 如果想要打掃一下FB好友名單,最好的方式就是使用工具去看 在GOOGLE的商店工具中,就有一個方便的小工具Facebook Friend Remover PRO 需要使用的是Google Chrome瀏覽器(電腦版本)去安裝工具 先安裝新增擴充功能 安裝完成後,右上角會出現小藍色的人~點下去就執行了 越上面的名單表示跟妳互動最高,越下方就是越少,也就是0互動的好友 用滑鼠選擇完畢後,就可以進行批次刪除,很方便(remove friends) 確認刪除嗎?(remove friends) 刪除成功畫面 再去找看看就知道變成非好友的名單 方便的小工具Facebook Friend Remover PRO 在 Facebook 上查找和刪除不活躍的朋友。朋友卸妝 PRO 允許你刪除幾個 FB 的朋友或與一次。 – DELETE ALL FRIENDS AT ONCE IN FACEBOOK – FRIEND REMOVER PRO 2017 – Friend Remover PRO App helps you find & delete inactive friends quick & easily on Facebook. Friend Remover PRO is the only app of its kind that can remove several FB friends or unfriend all in one click. ★ Main features + Get control of who’s on your friendlist. Fast & speedy. Show all of your friends in descending order. + Click on [Friend Remover PRO] toolbar button to open friends list window & start loading all of your friends. It may take a while if you have too many friends. + Your best friends appear on top. The inactive friends who you never talk to appear at the bottom. + The app [Friend Remover PRO] allows you to filter FB friends by name or profile picture, so you can remove those you don’t know or you don’t want to keep. ★ Notes + Restart your browser after installation, or else it might not work! + If the app [Friend Remover PRO] disappears, please go to chrome://extensions to re-enable it. + Some of your FB friends may set their privacy setting as “PRIVATE”, thus [Friend Remover PRO] can’t load their info and you may find missing friends in the list. ★ About the Author Developed by FbLeadApp.com Team. We developed browser addons, plugins and extensions that helps individuals, business solve their problems in Facebook more effectively. If you have technical issues, please send a request to our support team at support@fbleadapp.com. ★ The Chrome extension is in no way associated with Facebook and its partners. Posted in 3C資訊

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