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 聖城風雲 Camelot 首播十大驚奇 以下文章 非站長翻譯(沒那麼多美國時間...) 中英文 均為轉貼網路文章!     亞瑟王的傳說總會帶給人們無限的遐想和創作空間 儘管亞瑟王是否確有其人 至今專家們的意見嚴重分歧 但是這並不妨礙大家為其披上神秘的魔法外衣 Starz電視台再一次將這段美麗傳說搬上了電視螢幕 而這部名為聖城風雲Camelot的古裝片同時也讓我們驚訝萬分       1.相當純潔 儘管Eva Green袒胸露奶長達八分鐘之久 但是與同門師兄斯巴達克斯Spartacus令人血脈噴張的暴力與香豔比起來 簡直是小巫見大巫 而且星期五的晚上閣下也不用為了看電視而編造例如肚子痛或者喝的爛醉如泥等種種藉口當宅男了——看聖城風雲可不會被人罵得狗血淋頭 如果閣下還希望多看一些“更黃更暴力”的東西的話 該劇死人與香豔豔的雙峰同樣也是不會少的     2.亞瑟太嫩需要成長 本劇的亞瑟還是個乳臭未乾的毛頭小子 整天想著睡他哥哥的女人 而且比起拯救英格蘭 他對夜晚伴眠的對象更感興趣     3.摩根在修道院裡一呆就是15年 我們都以為Maria Von Trapp難對付! 摩根比任何人都世故 雖然她是個惡魔 但是她提倡男女平等值得嘉獎 當她蔑視依格蓮那句“沒有王后敢質疑她的國王”的言論的時候 我們更是對她肅然起敬 這15年來 她住的是哪座修道院啊?     4.梅林完全是個禿驢 好吧!梅林還是有頭毛髮只是比較短而已 該劇顛覆了梅林在我們心中的傳統形象 但是他那把魔法師標配的鬍鬚還是保留了下來     5.梅林給大家灌了什麼迷魂湯? 即便你相信有魔法存在 但是梅林怎麼證明尤瑟假扮成別人搞大了依格蓮的肚子? 為什麼在梅林一再讓依格蓮失望之時 後者依舊請求他施展魔法救人呢? 亞瑟為什麼希望長相奇特的梅林守在他的床邊 還要向他吼他夢中情人的名字呢?梅林到底有多神?     6.應該給亞瑟請個保姆 雖說不該抓著梅林不放 但他不是答應照顧亞瑟的嗎? 不管是亞瑟爬上瀑布還是來到河邊 總有人握著劍沖出來要置他於死地 可是 每次出現狀況 梅林都沒有趕來保護他的國王 沒有保鏢、沒有監護人、還沒有皇室大床 梅林啊 除了能說幾句謎語以外 你還能幹什麼?     7.故事發生在80年代……不是20世紀80年代 而是12世紀80年代 說到這些個謎語 我們並不希望劇中人一到危急時刻就引經據典鼓舞士氣 例如在梅林鼓勵亞瑟拔劍的時候,說:“別依賴我,要自力更生……”     8.亞瑟好女色 還有好口才 儘管亞瑟年輕 沒經驗 但是他有一副好口才 或許正是因為這個原因 才有一群人跟隨著他 “我是亞瑟·潘達剛,我很榮幸成為你們的國王” 毫無疑問 要不是因為時間問題 後面一定會來一句:“我會證明給你們看的”     9.比伯“拐走”了圭妮維爾 有個叫萊昂特斯的帥哥騎士已經和圭妮維爾訂婚了 你聽說過嗎?反正我們不知道!     10.赫克特將與你繼續艱苦卓絕 在向斯巴達克斯致敬的段落裡 赫克特被一根長木刺中 但是他沒有倒下 而是將木刺越插越深 穿過自己的身體 最終刺中了背後的羅德王   以下是網路上的評論原文 (非本站評論 !)   1. It's rather tame. Oh, Eva Green's breasts pop up eight minutes in, but Starz's other semi-historical series Spartacus has desensitized us to graphic violence and sexuality. Still, we don't need stomach-churning action nor feel like drawing the blinds closed every Friday night just to watch television — so it's not necessarily a critique. And if the extreme is what you want, fear not: Plenty of people do die and many more bosoms are bared.     2. Young Arthur just wants to get some. This paragon of what's right begins his journey as a randy dude who sleeps with his brother's girl and is more interested in scoring than saving England. Boys!   3. Morgan spent 15 years in a nunnery. And we thought Maria Von Trapp was rebellious! Morgan definitely seems more worldly than everyone else in the series and even though she's evil, she has a streak of healthy feminism too. When she scorns Igraine for confessing, "No queen questions her king," we're on Morgan's side. What kind of cloister was she living in anyway?   4. Merlin's gone bald -- everywhere. Okay, not everywhere. And we do give the show credit for completely destroying all of our preconceived notions about how Merlin looks. But chrome dome or not, we at least figured there would be a sorcerer's beard or some kind of magical goatee.   VIDEO: Sneak peek at Camelot's two-hour season premiere   5. What potion has Merlin been slipping everyone? Even if you believe in magic, what's his proof that Uther actually masqueraded as the other dude to impregnate Igraine? Why does Igraine continue to ask Merlin to perform life-saving miracles when he keeps letting her down? And why does Arthur let creepy Merlin just hover by his bed and yell at him about women in his dreams? How magical is Merlin, really?   6. Someone should call child services on Merlin. Not to keep harping on Merlin, but didn't he promise to watch over Arthur? Time and time again, Arthur puts himself in harms way, whether it's climbing up a waterfall or wandering off to the beach where any passing person with a sword (or angry chick who doesn't like being stared at) can hurt him. In each case, Merlin does nothing to safeguard his Once and Future King. No bodyguard, no spotter, no royal taste tester. What good are you, Merlin, except to spout cryptic nonsense?   7. It's just so '80s... 1980s not 1180s. Speaking of cryptic nonsense, we really didn't expect Camelot to resort to the protagonist who, in a time of crisis, remembers someone else's words and then speaks them aloud to emerge victorious. We're talking about the "Stop pulling at me and start pushing yourself" situation with Merlin that led to the successful extraction of the sword.   8. Arthur likes girls and gives good speech! That Arthur, despite his youth and inexperience, is pretty good with the speechifying. Perhaps this is part of why people follow him. "I am Arthur Pendragon and I am proud to be your king." No doubt the "And I approve this message" part got cut for time constraints.   9. Bieber gets Guinevere. Some knight with good hair named Leontes is already betrothed to Guinevere. Did you know that? We didn't! Girl gets around!   10. Hector's painful walk will stick with you. In a Spartacus-worthy moment, Hector gets impaled by a long staff and then walks forward, pushing the stick deeper and deeper through his bowels and out the other side of him, just so he can stab King Lot in the back. Ouch.   How did you like the premiere? Were you surprised by this interpretation of the legend?    

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